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Isn’t there something better to do here?” Simon grumbles, as he walks past a girl dressed in a maid costume beckoning him into their café; originally excited to experience every aspect of the new city, the enthusiasm died down the longer he spent there. His tour of the city was mainly guided by his friend Tony who has been living in Tokyo for a few months as an exchange student with a new girlfriend he met recently. “You haven’t yet shown me best side of town” Simon grins and winks at his friend who scoffs at his inappropriate comment. Spending the past two weeks with Simon has been draining for Tony as he constantly deals with his offensive behavior and lack of interest in the Japanese culture.

Hey… tone it down” Tony murmurs but Simon laughs in response, looking around to see a Love Hotel nearby with flashing neon lights. Curious about the infamous hotel rooms, Simon drags his reluctant friend to the entrance before entering their details into a tablet and receiving a set of keycards within minutes. “We’re not supposed to be here” Tony hisses embarrassingly, but Simon ignores him and hurries into their allocated room to see a neatly decorated interior with specific amenities.

Holy shit… I can fuck all the chicks in here!” Simon chuckles excitedly, planning the night in his head as his friend sighs with disapproval. Adored by college girls from his attractive body and charisma, Simon had little difficulty spending steamy hot nights with them every so often back at home. Scrolling through his phone to look for nearby clubs to mingle with the local girls and bring back into the Love Hotel, he feels a boner rise in his pants as he imagines a petite Asian girl submissively bouncing on his dick. “Japanese girls are so easy to get… behind their cute smiles, they’re all horny little nymphomaniac bitches” Simon continues with a snicker, remembering all the videos of them getting ploughed from behind.

Hearing the derogatory comment from his friend, Tony’s face flares with anger and he glares at Simon. “They’re not all like that… you need to respect the culture more” Tony snaps back, thinking of his lovable and smart girlfriend spending time with him at cafés and shops. Secretly learning witchcraft in his spare time as an apprentice, his eyes glow yellow as he mumbles a few incantations under his breath. “Since you want to fuck one so much… you can just be one” Tony snarls pointing his finger at Simon and feeling an arc of energy shoot out; too angry and flustered by his friend’s behavior, he misses a few vital words in his spell and feels his entire body heat up too. “Oh shit…” he splutters in realization but it’s too late.

What the fuck was that?!” Simon stammers in confusion, hearing his voice crack multiple times and rise into a sultry feminine tone with a developing Japanese accent. Covering his mouth in surprise, he feels his lips plump up into bee-stung cock sleeves coated in pink lipstick while his tongue involuntarily rolls out and starts to salivate uncontrollably. “Wha… happening?!” He screams, almost biting on his tongue as it continues to grow longer, unaware of his neck already slimmer without his Adams apple. Simon’s manly chiseled face contorts and spasms as his jaw softens and cheekbones pop higher to make his face rounder and more feminine. Touching his face and feeling the smoothness, he lets out a girly yelp as his nose rapidly shrinks into a cute button nose and his eyebrows thin. “What did you do to me?!” Simon whimpers, scratching his itching scalp and feeling his hair cascading down to his lower back, becoming wavy and silky smooth with a mixture of blonde and black colors. Grabbing his hair in horror, his vision blurs momentarily as his eyes widen with a foxy seductive slant while his irises darken to match his new Japanese heritage.

S-shut up… I need to focus…” Tony stammers, clutching his head as he struggles to remember the spell to reverse what he did. Memories of secret witchcraft classes slowly morph into private love-making sessions with college boys. Glancing at Simon, his jaw drops in shock to see a slutty Japanese girl’s face staring back in confusion. “The spell… nurrghh… brings out our inner desires…” Tony grunts, hearing his spine crack multiple times as it becomes shorter and curvier, forcing him to push out his chest and ass. Realizing that his friend probably wanted to fuck a Japanese nympho with a face like that, he begins to panic as he remembers his own preferences. “Oh no… I don’t want to be---” his cries are cut off as his broad shoulders snap closer together with a bone splintering sound, leaving them round and dainty with a visible high collarbone. Breathing rapidly, he feels winded as his diaphragm shrinks within his contracting ribs, making his body smaller in comparison to his friend.

I… I’m not gay… but your dick…” Simon splutters in denial, unable to tear his eyes off Tony’s crotch as he continues to drool, “looks so… yummy” he mutters in embarrassment and blushing bright red. Unable to fight off the urges, he finds himself inching closer to his friend and starting to stroke Tony’s crotch, feeling the outline of his bulge. Too winded to push Simon away, Tony only manages a groan as his belt becomes unbuckled and his dick shoots out into freedom. “No… no… I don’t want to do this…” Simon whimpers, trying to resist the sexual thoughts and burning arousal but his throat feels dry, “m-maybe a little taste…” he says, succumbing to the drastic swing in sexual orientation.

Y-you like that don’t you…” Simon coos shamefully with a thicker Japanese accent as he wraps his hands around his friend’s dick, but the desire to quench his thirst overwhelms the awkwardness. Leaning a few inches above Tony’s dick, he drools onto it and lubricates it as his hand starts to pump faster. To his horror, Simon finds himself smiling hungrily as his friend grunts softly and his cock throbs in his hand. His grip suddenly softens as he looks down to see his hand much smaller than before as long glossy fingernails extend from his slender fingers. “It feels so much bigger” he giggles uncontrollably, feeling the changes flow up his arm as his wrists and gym-trained biceps shrink into fragile feminine limbs. Pre-cum starts to seep from Tony’s dick and coat Simon’s dainty hands, but he no longer feels disgusted as he strokes it faster.

F-fuuuck… I’m about to---” Tony grunts and arches his back as Simon immediately opens his pillowy lips and wraps his tongue around Tony’s dick. Hungrily slurping and tasting pre-cum on his long tongue, Simon bobs his head rhythmically in hopes of receiving his salty and creamy reward. Without warning, a warm gush of cum sprays into his mouth and splatters to the back of his throat without making him gag. “It… It’s not stopping!” Tony pants in a panic but Simon savors his friend’s male essence before swallowing it and feeling it slide into his stomach. As if on cue, his belly gurgles loudly in protest before flattening into a toned athletic core with his waist sucking in to create an hour-glass figure.

Oh god…” Tony whimpers feeling his balls becoming numb as it completely empties all its contents into Simon’s mouth. Shuddering softly, his balls retract into his crotch before spreading apart and reforming into fertile ovaries pumping estrogen throughout his body. “No… stop…” Tony groans, trying to push his friend away but Simon’s tongue continues to lap up cum from his shrinking dick until it fully inverts into his crotch, leaving a tight pink slit in its place. A little confused but still burning with lust and hunger, Simon extends his long tongue into Tony’s newly formed vagina, spreading his moist lips apart and pushing deeper inside. “Ooh… mmnnhh…” Tony moans, instinctively spreading his legs apart and curling his toes as the tip of his dick reforms into a trembling clitoris stimulated by his friend’s tongue. Juices spray onto Simon’s doll-like face as vaginal muscles clench onto his tongue, but Tony snaps out of his orgasmic daze and finally manages to push his friend away.

That… good!” Simon giggles in broken English as Japanese vocabulary fills his head and he struggles to form a coherent sentence. Wiping the cum and juices off his lips, he yelps in surprise as his shoulders crunch smaller and his spine shrinks and curves to match Tony’s height. The changes flow down his body and he shivers as his long blonde hair tickles his already hardening nipples. Looking down, he watches with morbid fascination as his nipples perk up and his areolas darken and double in size. “Mmhmmm… おっぱい [boobs…]” Simon slurs in a trance as his tender and sensitive chest feels strangely familiar. He starts to hyperventilate as his skin starts to stretch as fat builds up underneath his nipples, pushing them further away in budding A-cups. Cupping his hands around his inflating breasts, he gasps in surprise as it quickly spills out of his hands into modest firm C-cups. A frown forms on his petite face as the pleasurable sensation of his tits expanding becomes overshadowed with a sense of confusion and disorientation. “B-boobies? I… I… American man?” he mutters in bewilderment, clutching onto the last remaining memory of his past life.

Yes! Yes! Remember… you…” Tony shouts back frantically in broken English too as he fumbles with the words in his mouth as they feel increasingly foreign. Crawling to his friend with juices dripping down his thighs, he shudders as his pelvis loudly pop outwards into child-bearing proportions, forcing his hips to seductively sway side to side. “Ahhnn… focus… me…” Tony grunts at his friend, but Simon’s eyes are already glazing and his hands inching closer to his pussy. Wanting to snap Simon out of his daze, Tony continues to wiggle closer but moans loudly as an immense pressure builds in his ass. Thrusting his ass into the air to relieve the strain, he hears his skin stretching as fat floods inside and causes them to swell into a soft peach ass. “Mmhm… focus… focus…” Tony repeats to himself, but Simon approaches him with a sheepish smile; “N-no! 止まれ [Stop!]” Tony splutters, but it’s too late.

恥ずかしがらないでo [Don’t be shy] … we… girls!” Simon giggles in fluent Japanese, pressing his round C-cups onto Tony’s chest and breaking his concentration. Despite Tony’s futile resistance, he whimpers as his nipples harden against Simon’s, but his areolas spread wider and become pinker. His cry for help becomes silenced as Tony kisses him and pushes his long tongue deep inside until he gags. Wanting to fight off Simon’s invasive behavior, Tony finds himself reciprocating the passionate kiss and intertwining their tongues together until his tongue is just as long as Simons. “あなたはいつもこれを愛していました, 咲良 [You always loved this, Sakura]” Simon grins, pulling away with strings of saliva still bridging their lips.

S-Sakura… I… not…” Tony splutters, trying to remember his name, only to recall the Japanese name given by his parents. Shaking the thoughts out of his head, he struggles to retain his old memories as Simon continues to rub his breasts onto his chest. “Niko… s-stop…” Tony whimpers, covering his mouth in shock after realizing that he no longer remembers his friend’s name; but the girl grinding against him smiles at her name. Before he can recollect his thoughts, his chest pulsates wildly as fat rolls in and pushes them into B-cups. Losing hope, he gives up on his friend to prioritize himself as Niko’s breasts balloon into E-cups jiggling in all directions. “Ahnn… oh no…” he groans, realizing the spell’s effect on his fetish; as if on cue, he starts to hyperventilate as large amounts of mammary tissue forces his tits to expand past E-cups and sag like two full water-droplets. His worst fears are confirmed as they continue to swell out of his hand into heavy H-cups with milk sloshing around inside. “Mmmph… 助けて [Help me]” Tony cries, stumbling forward from the weight as he struggles to adapt to his new center of balance, but Niko stares at his massive breasts with jealousy. His tits feel so heavy and soft in his hand as droplets of milk seep from his puffy nipples.

Without warning Niko starts to spasm on the ground as the spell reaches other bones in her body, causing them to crack and pop loudly. “それは痛い [It hurts!]” she squeals as he hips explode outwards into perfect fuck handles as wide as Tony’s and her ass starts to inflate too. Struggling to get used to his new voluptuous body, Tony watches on helplessly as his leaking H-cup breasts heave up and down with every strained breath. Niko starts to play with her newly formed bubble butt, spreading them apart and remembering all the times she was pounded from behind and drooling from the thought.

With her upper body complete, the curse flows downwards, causing Niko’s thighs to plump up with fat to fill her wide hips. Extremely horny and sweating profusely, she starts to dry hump the pillows, feeling her numb and erect boner press against the soft material as the rest of her cum soaks into it. Arching her back and straddling the pillow, she pushes hard against it, feeling her dick soften and eventually invert into her body. “Ahhnn… yes… fuck me…” she squeals as the sensation of her dick partially inside her reminds her of the day she lost her virginity. Niko’s eyes roll back in ecstasy as her shaft opens up within her to create a tight vagina while the tip of her cock reforms into her clitoris. Panting for breath, she rubs her fingers along her slit, feeling the pink lips moisten from the slightest touch. “今夜は外人 [Foreigners tonight?]” she giggles, feeling her slender legs growing longer and her feet crunching smaller with matching painted nails; American tourists love stroking her legs before tearing her clothes off.

Wha… no… I… sucky cock” Tony blurts out, covering his mouth in horror after hearing his voice crack higher into a cute and feminine tone with a thickening Japanese accent identical to his girlfriend’s. His lips rapidly fill up into cock sleeves to hold in all the saliva seeping from his long tongue while his neck slims to better suit his dainty shoulders. “I… no… be her…” he whimpers realizing that his secret desire to fuck a sluttier and bustier version of his girlfriend is becoming true. His pleas are ignored as his face quickly reshapes into a rounder and feminine doll-like appearance. His nose crunches smaller while his hair rapidly cascades down to his shoulders, becoming silky jet-black and tying itself into a pigtail with a cute fringe. “Me… no 咲良 [Sakura]” he cries as his eyes widen into an almond complexion with distinct slanted sides while his irises darken to match his girlfriend’s. Patting his feminine face, he shudders from the thought of having a sexier version of his girlfriend’s appearance as it slowly warps to reflect the same Japanese heritage.

Losing grip of his past memories, Tony’s eyes roll back as more foreign memories flood into his petite head to take its place. His girlfriend’s conservative and cute personality fills his mind, but the magic corrupts it into a more slutty and lustful replacement. “Mmmhm… want cock…” he mutters absentmindedly as his girlfriend’s high achieving and lavish memories twist into a life of sex in bathroom stalls and dates with boys. The thought of foreigners fucking him raw excites him as his hands instinctively fingers his pussy until juices mixed with his last remaining memories splatter onto the floor. “Ahnn… so horny…” Sakura coos, recovering from her orgasm as she looks at Niko to see her already fingering herself.

Sakura’s newfound desire for cocks filling every hole of hers makes her stomach gurgle in hunger as it gurgles loudly. Clutching it in surprise, she jerks forward as it quickly protrudes outwards, becoming heavier by the second. “Mmmph… 私の赤ちゃん [my baby]” she moans, patting her still inflating belly as it finally expands into a nine-month-old stomach with her heavy milky breasts resting on top. Unsure of who the father may be, or if there’s a newborn inside at all, maternal instincts still rush through Sakura’s head as she feels heavily pregnant. “ほとんどの時間 [almost time!]” Sakura exclaims, looking at the clock as she hastily grabs the first items she sees lying on the Love Hotel bed. She shudders as she slides her panties up her legs, feeling her legs crunch smaller while her thighs quickly fill with fat, causing her pillowy inner-thighs to rub against each other. Following suit, Niko tries to put her panties on, noticing a visible camel toe from her puffy pussy lips but she ignores it as a warm sensation flows through her body, causing all her bodily hair to vaporize and leaving her skin smooth with a tanned yellow-ish oriental hue; the same happens to Sakura but her skin becomes creamy white and unblemished.

Without warning, loud knocking echoes from the door and the two Japanese girls look at each other in confusion. Hesitantly opening the door, their hearts flutter and pussy moisten as they make eye contact with two American men dressed in foreign clothing. “Holy shit… they’re actually here” one of them chuckles as the two girls drag them into the room, unable to understand a word they are talking about. Glancing at Niko’s skimpy dress, one of the men grabs her and guides her to one end of the room while the other easily overpowers Sakura and ogles her massive breasts bursting through her shirt.

Mmmph… guurrkk…” Niko mumbles and gags as she tears off the man’s pants before wrapping her lips around his dick. Her plump lip already starting to swell as she eagerly pumps her head against the man’s shaft in hopes of tasting the salty prize. She moans loudly as he gropes her breasts, squeezing and playing with her cleavage until they start to ache, but she experienced worse with her slim and fragile body. Her sweet saliva lubricates the man’s cock as it rams against the back of her throat and she hopes that it’ll happen again tonight with another man.

Simultaneously, Sakura’s stomach gurgles as she chokes on the other man’s cock, tasting pre-cum on her long tongue and wrapping it tighter around his shaft. Her eyes roll back and a smile form on her face as he blows his load into her mouth, causing her belly to expand further as it absorbs the nutrients. “Hah… more…” she giggles with cum dripping down her lips as she straddles him and lets her lactating breasts splatter milk all over him. Salivating and hungry for more, she grabs his dick and guides it to her wet pussy, hoping to bear his children. She has better priorities than finding a way to reverse the changes, not like she realizes at all.


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