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It’s not fair!” Damien sulks, crossing his arms and pouting his lips as you drop your backpack onto the floor and relax on the leather couch. His parents asked if you could babysit him for the day while they are away and his sister is out on a date; and with nothing better to do, you reluctantly agreed for the fifth time. Thankfully Damien is quite well behaved and polite to you but he occasionally voices his jealousy of his sister since his parents clearly prioritizes her more. Always living under his sister Stacy’s shadow, her good grades and attractive body draw in admiration from other parents and popularity in college while his achievements are often neglected. “They always leave me behind…” Damien sobs as you sit awkwardly besides him wondering what you can do to improve his mood.

Glancing around the room, you notice an odd object partly covered by Stacy’s clothes at the corner of the room. Picking it up, your suspicions are confirmed as a strangely shrunken monkey paw rests on your palm with one of its fingers curled up. “Where did she find this scam?” you chuckle, handing it to Damien as he looks at it with disgust. Explaining the supposedly magical powers of the monkey paw to him, you notice his eyes widening in awe as he takes in every word you tell him. “Make a wish if you want!” you say jokingly but he takes you seriously as he clutches it in both hands and closes his eyes.

I wish… I can be better than my sister in everything” Damien whispers as the lights in the house flickers and a gust of cold wind blasts through the house. Your jaw drops in shock as you watch a finger slowly curl from the acceptance of his wish. “It’s real!” he gasps in surprise with a wide smile but it’s short-lived as he crumples to the ground and screams in agony. Confused and panicking, you consider calling the ambulance for help as his body convulses and his eyes roll back; but you hesitate out of curiosity as sounds of bone snapping and reforming fill the room. “W-what’s happening?!” Damien pants, feeling his limbs growing longer out of his twelve-year-old body.

You gasp in surprise as he stands up besides you, now much taller than before but still an inch shorter than you; his long legs and arms disproportionate to his body but it’s quickly rectified as his ribs and spine crack simultaneously. “Are you okay?!” you splutter but Damien groans in response as his back becomes curvier and his chest becomes bigger to support a larger diaphragm. Waves of vertigo hits him as he struggles to adapt to his new height and almost stumbles into you from his new center of balance.

Contrary to your concerns, Damien grins happily at his larger twenty-four-year-old body granted by the monkey’s paw. “I’m so much older now!” he giggles, picking up his phone to take a selfie of himself only for his nails to clack against the glass screen. Confused, he looks at his larger hand to see long glossy nails extending out of his slender fingers just like his sister’s. “W-what? Girly… hands?” he gasps, feeling the changes flow up his arms as muscle no longer grow on his biceps, leaving it thin and fragile. Without warning, his shoulders collapses and crunches inwards into round and narrow shoulders with a pair of sharp collarbones pushing higher.

It’s the paw! You wished… just to be better than your sister” you reply in realization as you remember the monkey paw’s wish twisting capabilities. The changes continue to flow through Damien’s body as his thighs quickly expand with fat until his inner-thighs rub against each other and press against his adolescent balls. You see him clutching his pillowy thighs in horror as his dainty fingers sink into the soft flesh and feel them jiggle against each other. “There’s only one way to be clearly better than Stacy…” you mutter curiously as Damien winces from his calves cramping and becoming slimmer while his feet expands to better support his larger body with glossy pedicured nails.

I just wanted to be as popular and smart as he--- arrrghhhh…” Damien squeals in pain as his pelvis suddenly cracks apart and expands to child-bearing proportions. Tearing through his childish clothes, you can’t help but stare at his wide hips still filling with fat at the sides and allowing his thick thighs more space below. “Oh no… I don’t feel so good--- oooahhh” he groans, clutching his ass in shock as an immense pressure builds inside. Rolls of fat flood into his ass cheeks, causing them to swell larger and protrude outwards while his skin stretches to contain it all. Twisting around, Damien gasps in surprise to see a round bubble butt jiggling around that’ll make his sister jealous. Without warning, he retches and gasps for air as his stomach suddenly contracts, almost sending his lunch back out. Hearing it gurgle loudly, he looks down to see his belly flattening and becoming toned while his waist rapidly pulls in to form an hour-glass figure all girls envy.

Better than my sister… d-does that mean--- mmpphhh” Damien shudders as if the paw heard his question. His nipples quickly perk up and harden from the faintest cold breeze while his areolas darken and double in size and sensitivity. His chest starts to pulsate and heat up from all the fat starting to accumulate underneath his nipples, causing them to push outwards into budding A-cups. “Boobs?! They’re… gonna be bigger…” Damien whimpers in realization as he pokes his tender chest and shiver from the new sensations. Starting to hyperventilate, he cups his breasts in his hands only to feel them expand with fat and press against his palms as they swell into firm C-cups like his sister. The soft and milky flesh starts to spill from his fingers as his tits balloon into D-cups hanging heavily on his chest like melons. Tracing his massive breasts in his hands, he shudders as he brushes against his round under-boobs and slips a finger into his deep cleavage.

Holy shit… they’re bigger than your sister’s…” you mutter, ogling his heaving tits as he tries to hide them from you but his curvy spine forces him to thrust them out proudly. Hopeless and afraid, Damien starts to cry and wipe his tears away only to open his eyes much wider than before with a hooded and doe-like complexion. Rubbing his eyes, you notice them becoming slanted while his irises turn dark brown into a typical Asian appearance. “Oh god… your face!” you splutter in shock as he clutches his face in fear, unaware of his eyes already altered by the monkey paw. Damien squeals in surprise after feeling his cheekbones pop higher and jaw soften in his hand, reforming his face into a more rounded and feminine complexion.

H-help me! M-my head hurts!” Damien groans, clutching his head in pain as his blond hair lengthens and rushes past his fingers to his lower back. His mind becomes hazy and his eyes glaze momentarily as his hair turns jet-black and silky smooth. New memories swirl in his head and slowly corrupts all his innocent childhood recollections, filling them with years of academic studies, parties with friends. “Ahnn... it’s… taking over…” Damien whimpers, unable to remember all the games he played with friends that are now replaced by studying in the library and award ceremonies. You stare at him in surprise as his face ages a few years, looking more Japanese and sexier by the second.

Mmmph… n-no…” he groans, finally snapping out of his daze as he looks at you with his wide almond eyes; years of new memories invades his mind it rapidly develops into an intelligent and social twenty-four-year old. College education flows through his memories as he remembers getting perfect scores in exams and becoming well-liked by both teachers and students. “N-no… I’m not that… old…” Damien splutters in denial but his body proves him wrong as his adolescent voice cracks deeper into a sultry and feminine tone with a faint Japanese accent that’ll turn on any boy in class. Covering his mouth in shock, his lips plump up into pillowy kissable lips curled into a pout while his neck slims and becomes graceful. Following the changes, his nose crunches down into a cute button nose while make-up covers his maturing face.

You look… so different” you say as Damien looks at himself from a mirror to see a busty Japanese girl the same age as his sister but with a better body. The spike in his intelligence makes him giggle in a cute feminine voice as he realises that he is smarter than Stacy in classes and slightly older than her. The lack of resistance to his new body concerns you as you wonder how much of Damien is left in the Asian girl and how you’ll explain all this to his parents. “D-Damien… you alright?” you ask as he looks at you with a coy smile, satisfied with the changes to outshine his sister and receive all the praise from his parents and others.

Damien?” he replies, fluttering his long eyelashes in thought, “Hannah is better for my new body” she giggles, enjoying her heavy breasts and maturing thoughts. A shiver runs down her spine as her skin becomes smoother and more sensitive before adopting a creamy yellow-ish hue reflective of her new heritage. Your jaw drops open in surprise as Hannah’s cheeks blush red with arousal and her breath quickens. “Huh… why… am I so horny…” she gasps, wrapping her fingers around her stiff pubescent dick and pumping it lightly.

Your wish… also includes being better than her… sexually…” you mutter in realization as her eyes widen in fear in denial. Her crotch burning with heat and mind swirling with lustful thoughts at her age, the urge to relieve herself becomes overwhelming. She whimpers as she tries to fight off all the dirty thoughts but her eyes drift to the bulge in your crotch wondering how it’ll feel inside her. An idea pops in your mind as you quickly hand her the monkey paw, “Wish to be back to normal!” you stammer as Hannah suppresses a moan and eyes roll back from all the memories of her getting fucked raw in empty lecture halls.

I… I wish for a friend… not a babysitter” Hannah slurs, enjoying her new adulthood no longer restrained by her parents and a babysitter like you. Without warning, cum sprays from her small dick and dribbles down her thick thighs as her body expels the last remaining male essence within her. Cupping her balls in her palms, she shudders as she pushes them into her crotch and feels them unravel into fertile ovaries pumping estrogen throughout her body. “Ahhnn… oh yes… keep going…” she pants, rubbing her shrinking cock until translucent fluids drip out and mixes with the puddle of cum on the ground. With a wet slurp, her dick inverts into her crotch, leaving a tight puffy slit in its place with juices dripping out. Hesitating for a second, Hannah looks at her pussy in confusion, “W-where’s my dick…” she mutters, feeling an emptiness in her crotch but a smile forms on her face as she stares at your bulge. Before you can respond, she tackles you to the ground and tears your pants off to free your throbbing cock as she grabs your shaft and guides it to her moist pussy.

Wait… stop! Your wish… what did yo--- aahhhnnnn…” you squeal as she straddles you and pushes down on your dick, impaling herself onto you as her thick ass cheeks jiggle against your skin. Overwhelmed with pleasure, your body becomes too weak to resist her rhythmic bounces on your cock, feeling your foreskin peel back as her tight vaginal walls grip your shaft and deepen. “Hannah… stop… I can’t hold it in--- ooaaahhh…” you moan loudly, arching your back sharply and hearing it crack while your toes curl in ecstasy. Cum explodes uncontrollably out from your dick and into her pussy, filling it to the brim within seconds as your balls completely empty themselves. Your body spasms as Hannah slides off you with cum still dripping out of her overfilling pussy to reveal a vagina of your own. “Wha… what did you wish for?!” you gasp, feeling your stomach churn as your pussy deepens with a tingling clitoris and your belly flattens.

A friend for tonight’s party!” Hannah replies happily, tossing the monkey paw away since all of its fingers are used. Your already curvy spine becomes shorter, dropping your height to match Hannah as your hips flare outwards into perfect fuck handles and naturally sway side to side. The changes flowing through your body seems a lot more instantaneous than hers as you look down to see your thighs already twice as thick and spreading your leaking warm juices between them. Your limbs quickly follow suit as your hands shrink into small palms with slender fingers while your feet crunches down a few sizes to match your new physique. “Pete from my class wants to meet you, Aiko” Hannah giggles as you find yourself blushing from the thought of another man spending the night with you.

No… this isn’t me…” you splutter, trying to block the new thoughts away but your body betrays you as your pussy moistens and butterflies flutter in your heart. Completing your lower body, your ass rapidly swells larger into a heavy peach ass rivalling Hannah’s as you remember getting them spread apart and penetrated down the middle. “Oohh… no…” you groan, noticing your nipples already becoming puffier and darker. Memories of boys ogling your breasts since high school makes you smile as you secretly wish for them to be bigger. As if on cue, your nipples perk up and start to push away from your chest as fat accumulate underneath. “Mmph… ahhnn…” you coo softly, cupping your breasts and feeling them balloon into round D-cups with a deep cleavage in between.

I… I’m not Aiko… am I?” you mutter uncertainly, hearing your voice cracking higher into a cute feminine tone dripping with lust and a thicker Japanese accent than Hannah. Trying to catch your breath, you feel your breasts heave up and down as you look up at her timidly. Your vision of her blurs monetarily as your eyes reshapes into an almond complexion with a distinctive slant and your irises turn dark brown. “The party?” you ask stupidly as Hannah sighs with annoyance; you’ve always been dumber than her and relied on her notes to get through college, but boys just love inviting you to their parties with her. Scratching your head in confusion, your hair rapidly cascades down to your lower back, turning light brow and silky smooth while your face slowly contorts into a more Asian and feminine appearance. “I hope there’s food!” you giggle sillily, licking your plump cock sucking lips, wondering how many serves of hot cum you’ll have tonight.

Get dressed girl! We we’re leaving soon!” Hannah grins, tossing you her spare dress as she gets changed too. Deciding not to wear any panties and bra for the night, you shiver from the satin fabric rubbing across your skin as it becomes hairless and smooth with a similar oriental hue like Hannah’s. Showing off your cleavage and toned belly, you smile with satisfaction as you wait for your friend to step out of her room and drive to the nearest bar.


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