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That’s it?!” Mike sighs to his new friend George as they read through a short list of tasks assigned by their strict manager. The monotonous and braindead job at a prestigious company was an insult to Mike’s restless and ambitious career plan; fresh from college, he planned on climbing the corporate ladder like a rocket, proving his skills left and right. Starting as an intern with George, the two were given simple tasks requiring little skill and consequently barely any praise and acknowledgement from higher ups. Desperately trying to stand out from the crowd, Mike’s constant requests for more complicated and exciting tasks were shut down by his manager prioritizing them to more experienced staff, making Mike look arrogant and selfish. On the other hand, George was quite content with the simple tasks, happy to keep low as a new employee but found himself paired with Mike and his brash behavior attracting judgmental looks from other staff.

The clack of keyboards and humming of printers from other employees hard at work only annoyed Mike further as George shrugs his shoulders and begins work on the tasks, keen on finishing on time. “Even the receptionist has a better pay and more things to do” Mike grunts as he turns on his computer to help George with the work. Scanning through his emails, Mike’s eyes widen in shock to see an email sent directly from the CEO; clicking it open, his excitement quickly diminishes after realizing that it was addressed to his secretary, Serena. “If only that position is available…” Mike mutters to himself as he tries to forward the email to Serena, but her email address doesn’t pop up in the database.

Urgh… whatever…” Mike grunts, feeling a trickle of sweat run down his forehead despite the chilly breeze from the air conditioners running on full blast. Switching back to his tasks, Mike tries to concentrate but his mind always wanders off and ends up thinking about the CEO and his meetings. Unbuckling the top button on his shirt, he shakes the thoughts away and tries to resume his work, feeling an odd numbing sensation on his chest.

Within a few minutes, Mike lets out a quiet whimper, “Owww… what the…” looking down to see nipples protruding from his thin white shirt. In his confusion, he pinches his hard nipples with darkening and widening areolas, sending him into a world of bliss. “Mmmphhh… w-what’s going on…” he moans, taking a closer look at his chest to see budding A-cup breasts protruding out against his shirt.

Hm? What’s wrong?” George asks, turning away from his computer to face Mike after hearing the small commotion. Quickly swiveling his back to George in embarrassment, Mike incoherently mutters a response as he tries to hide his swelling breasts under his shirt. Stifling a moan, Mike feels his broad shoulders crunch inwards into round feminine shoulders with a high and pronounced collarbone. “Are you alright?” George asks again, becoming more concerned as he notices Mike’s body shivering uncontrollably. Grabbing Mike’s shoulder, George spins him around in his office chair, seeing Mike’s eyes widen in shock as he lets out a shriek.

N-no… don’t look” Mike stutters, trying to hide his growing breasts as George’s jaw drops open in disbelief. Too shocked for words, George dumbly watches Mike nurse his swollen nipples and B-cup tits as he struggles for breath. “Heeellllpp me--- aaahhnnnn… mmpphhh” Mike moans as his hips suddenly cracks and explodes outwards into child-bearing proportions with fat pushing it further out. The stitching on his black trousers threatens to rip apart as Mike sways his wide hips in shock.

How are you changing?!” George gasps in confusion, seeing Mike stand up with his spine popping wildly, making him curvier and slightly taller. Preoccupied with all the foreign sensations forming throughout his body, Mike only manages a whimper before feeling his breasts swelling out into round C-cup tits. Blushing red in embarrassment from all the stimulation on his breasts, Mike looks down to see a rock-hard bulge pressing against his already tight pants. “Holy shit…” George mutters in surprise as he notices Mike’s short black hair already flowing down to his shoulders, turning slightly browner.

I… I don’t know why…” Mike cries, hearing his stomach gurgle and shudder as his belly fat quickly diminishes, leaving his core flat and athletically toned. Noticing his apparent hourglass figure with bouncing C-cup tits, Mike becomes shy from George’s gaze ogling his feminine curves. “Stop looking… we need to fix this!” Mike grumbles on the verge of tears as he tries to cover his exposed nipples only to feel his hands uncontrollably spasm and flinch. Looking down in horror, he watches his hands shrink while his fingers slim into dainty digits with long glossy nails barely able to hide his wide areolas. Unable to push George’s lustful stare away, Mike finds his arms completely weak and fragile as his wrists and biceps shrink into feminine limbs.

Oh wow…” George gasps in surprise, seeing Mike’s face contort and shift as his facial bones and muscles reconfigure. Reacting to George’s stare, Mike blushes even redder as his hair continues to cascade down to his lower back, turning dark brown and silky smooth to the touch. Trying to hide his face, Mike’s nose quickly shrinks into a cute button nose while his jaw softens and his cheekbones rise to form a rounder face. “You look kind of… hot… and older” George mutters as layers of make-up form on Mike’s face, covering his developing wrinkles and preserving his youth despite aging into his late twenties.

W-what?! I look hot?!” Mike splutters in shock as he tucks stands of his long hair behind his petite ear before looking at his reflection on his phone. “What the fuck?!” he squeals, seeing his eyes twitch and widen into an almond complexion with long eyelashes and a slight Asian slant; blinking a few more times, Mike notices his irises darken with maturity and lust, making him look away in horror. “I… look like a Japanese chick” Mike gasps, feeling his lips plump up into soft pillows coated in pink lipstick as his pearly white teeth sparkle under the light.

Hearing slight tearing sounds, Mike looks down to see his thighs bulging against his trousers with the material threating to rip apart. “N-nooo…” Mike wails as the fibers finally give in to the fat bubbling under his thighs until patches of his soft skin peeks through the gaps. Still adapting to his new height, Mike stumbles forward and feels his thick thighs jiggle with fat as more of his trousers disintegrate around his thighs and legs. “Get me something to cover mys--- mmmphhhh… ooohhh” Mike moans as his juicy and sensitive inner thighs rub against each other, sandwiching his constricted balls in between. Unbeknownst to him, his calves quickly slim into toned muscles while his feet crunches a few sizes smaller. Long pedicured nails protrude from his petite toes to match his fingernails as a pair of leggings creep up his legs.

M-Mike? Your ass…” George stutters, pointing at Mike’s lower body as his flesh continues to shift to suit his new identity. Grabbing his ass in confusion, Mike lets out a whimper as it pulsates under his palms, quickly stretching his trousers to its breaking point. Hearing the fabric tear around his hips and ass, Mike sighs in defeat as fat continues to pour into his ass, swelling it out into a round bubble butt. “Shit… you look thick as fuck…” George mutters lustfully, watching Mike’s ass cheeks balloon further out until his underwear slips uncomfortably into his deep ass crack and parts of it can be seen through the gaping holes.

S-stop it! I… I’m a guy” Mike groans, feeling his hair tighten into a bun as it lightens into a brown color. With his hips and ass bulging out like fuck handles and his waist sucked into an athletic core, Mike can’t help but feel slightly turned on by his own feminine body. Barely able to move in his ripped trousers, Mike lets out a sigh of relief as the fabric slowly rolls up into a black miniskirt, exposing his thighs and finally allowing his rock-hard cock to flop out and press against the looser material.

Well… you definitely don’t sound like one…” George snickers, hearing Mike’s voice crack as his neck smoothens and his voice rise into a mature and seductive tone with a slight Japanese accent. Covering his mouth in horror, Mike tries to revert to his own voice but cute feminine coughs exit his plump lips. Simultaneously, a shiver runs down Mike’s spine as patches of smooth and yellow-ish oriental skin form around his body until fully covered; making him flinch from his now sensitive and unblemished skin. “The fuck dude… are you getting horny from me?” George laughs, seeing a dark stain on Mike’s skirt spread larger from pre-cum dribbling out.

W-what? N-no… I don’t know why I’m so hor--- ahhnnnnn… mmmpphhh…” Mike suddenly moans as his dick finally gives in and unloads round after round of cum onto the office carpet. Cupping his balls, Mike tries to stop the flow but his body continues to uncontrollably expel all the remaining cum in his body until his balls shrivel up empty. “I… don’t want… mmmphh… ooohhh…” Mike groans with his eyes rolling back in ecstasy as his shrunken balls slurp into his crotch before reforming into fertile ovaries pumping estrogen throughout his body. Watching the bulge slowly disappear from his skirt, Mike fruitlessly grasps at his inverting dick until the flesh burrows deep into his body, making him shudder. “It’s… gone…” Mike gasps, patting his flat crotch as a pair of pink pussy lips spreads open under his fingers. Curious and in shock, Mike slips a finger into his developing vagina, feeling the tip of his cock shifting into a tingling clitoris while the shaft of his cock widens and moisten with vaginal muscles. “Oohh… it’s… so… sensitive…” Mike moans with his jaw agape, pushing his manicured finger further in until streams of juices start to flow down his thighs and mix with the cum on the floor.

N-no… I need to stop… this isn’t my body…” Mike repeats to himself, pulling his finger out of his twitching pussy with strings of juices attached as his knees buckle from the pleasure. Spurred on by his new pussy and major hormonal change, tears start to form under Mike’s eyes as he feels his tits pulsate once more. “Please… no…” he whimpers, cupping his ballooning tits until his shirt tears apart, allowing his milky DD-cup tits to surge outwards. Groping his soft and round under boobs, Mike feels the weight of his tits as his dark and puffy nipples press against his tattered shirt while a deep cleavage jiggles under his chin. “I… I look like a slut…” Mike cries as his massive tits sway left and right while juices continue to flow from his aching pussy.

Yeah… you definitely do” George says in agreement, noticing Mike’s ripped shirt reforming into a knitted sweater with his DD-cup tits clearly protruding from it. Blushing red, Mike finds himself smiling at George’s comment until he had to bite his tongue to break the thought.

N-no I don’t…” Mike snaps back as his mind begins to fog with new memories and swirling personalities.

Are you alright, Mike?” George asks, seeing tears flow from Mike’s face as he clutches his head in agony. Buzzing from all the foreign sensations in his body, Mike doesn’t hear George’s question until the third time it’s repeated.

Huh… who?” Mike asks between deep breaths, struggling to remember his name as ‘Mike’ seems oddly unfamiliar. Racking his brain, Mike tries to recall his name from all the emails on his computer; clicking onto the first email, Mike’s eyes widen to see an email addressed to ‘Serena’ from the CEO. “Am… I… Serena?” Mike mutters to himself, as the name naturally flows off his tongue.

What?! You’re Mike… the other intern” George splutters in confusion, seeing the turmoil in Mike’s eyes as he struggles to remember his name. “Look at all the other emai---” George continues, but his jaw drops in shock to see all the other emails addressed to Serena.

Intern? I’m… uh…” Mike stutters, trying to remember his job at the company, but the thought of the CEO constantly pops up in his mind. “覚えていない {I don’t remember…}” Mike mutters to himself in Japanese, remembering his habit of speaking Japanese when stressed. Unable to control his racing thoughts, Mike’s English vocabulary slowly deteriorates as Japanese becomes more prevalent in his life. Leaving Japan for work has always been his dream in addition to finding a partner and settling down.

Did you just speak Japanese to me?!” George gasps, seeing Mike’s cheeks blush with embarrassment.

S-sorry… I’ve been doing that since I was a child…” Mike replies effortlessly as memories of his friends and family slowly warp into an Asian family in Japan. Studying hard at Tokyo university, Mike managed to find a role as a secretary for the CEO of a prestigious international company. Wait… he never studied at Tokyo university…

Breaking through his daze, Mike’s body shudders as his mind threatens to break into two, “George… helpppppp… these aren’t my memories…” Mike groans, feeling increasingly horny as his heavy tits jiggle on his chest. Unconsciously twirling his long hair between his slender fingers, memories of having his tits groped and pussy filled by businessmen for the secretary position fills his malleable mind. Hammered with years of pleasure within a few seconds, drool start to seep from Mike’s open mouth as he desperately tries to hold onto his past life. “It… just… feels so good” Mike moans, squeezing his left breast and feeling his pussy moisten as Serena’s memories bleed into his mind.

You’re Mike, an intern. A guy” George repeats frantically as Mike looks at him blankly. After a few seconds, Mike blinks a few times and a smile form on his doll-like face before giving George a hug.

Whoever Mike is… I’m sure he’ll be a great addition to the company” Serena chuckles, feeling her soft tits press against George’s chest as he gasps in shock. “Where was I?... oh yes… If you finish early… we can have some fun” Serena giggles, raising her skirt to reveal her black laced panties already moist from her juices. As the company’s secretary and unofficial cum dumpster, Serena always boosted productivity with her curvy body; and the new intern seems to be falling behind schedule.

Y-you’re Mik---” George stutters but pauses as Serena gives him a sultry wink before letting him sink his hands into her breasts for a split second.

I’m Serena… the secretary… duh…” Serena cuts in with a laugh before grabbing her laptop and notes. Checking her phone, Serena smiles to see a meeting occurring in a few minutes with the CEO, “I’ll be back!” she smiles, before dashing to the lift and leaving George speechless at his desk.

Good afternoon, sir” Serena giggles as she opens the large oak doors to the CEO’s office, seeing him standing by the window. Carefully closing the door and locking it, Serena walks up to him with her wide hips swaying and her tits bouncing with each step. “The usual?” she asks, biting her lower lip as she watches him unbuckle his pants to reveal a raging hard boner. Serena lets out a girly yelp as the CEO grabs her shoulders and pushes her against his mahogany desk.

Slow dow--- oohhhhh… mmmphhh” Serena moans as she feels his hands groping her tits before tearing her sweater off to reveal a pair of DD-cup tits straining against a bra. With a pop, her bra falls loose and her tits sag a little like tear drops into the cold desk as she spreads her legs apart on the edge of the desk. Unzipping her skirt, Serena instantly feels the CEO’s cock pressed against her soft ass cheeks as he steps closer towards her with his hands running along her wide hips.

Be gentle… I have another meeting so--- ahhhnnnnn… oohhh… mmmmmhhh” Serena pants as her tight pussy lips spread open from the CEO’s girthy cock. Bracing against the table, she feels the table shake as he begins to pound her pussy vigorously, sliding his cock in and out of her dripping wet pussy. With her breasts pressed against the table, Serena clenches her vaginal muscles against the CEO’s cock, massaging it for her prize. Moments later, a torrent of hot cum shoots into her pussy, filling it to the brim as she struggles for breath after multiple orgasms.

S-sir, you have three upcoming… meetings” Serena gasps as her knees quiver from all the pleasure and the excess cum dripping down her thighs.


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