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Are you serious?” Jay grumbles as he rolls his eyes and gives Sam another look of annoyance. For the fourth consecutive time in the week, Sam has been insisting to have meals at American fast-food chains in Tokyo despite their limited time overseas. Eager to experience the Japanese culture and cuisine, Jay has been looking forward to bowls of ramen and aimlessly walking down bustling streets; but instead found himself eating burgers and visiting clothing brands widely available back at home.

Yeah… Asian food just tastes weird…” Sam replies nonchalantly, making Jay clench his fist in frustration, beginning to regret bringing his friend along to the trip. Slightly envious of the third friend now probably enjoying time alone exploring Tokyo, Jay is forced to accompany Sam for meals. Becoming slightly impatient, Jay scrolls through his messages reading all the responses from local Japanese girls he met online for a more ‘intimate’ Japanese experience in the evening.  Absentmindedly digging through his pockets, Jay finds a small packet of powder he planned on using that night, but a better idea form in his head.

Alright… burgers it is… again…” Jay says with a slight smirk, trying to fake his disappointment as Sam eagerly opens the door and rushes inside. Despite ordering the same meal he had a few weeks ago back in America, the efficiency and service provided by the Tokyo restaurant always impresses him. Walking their trays of food to their seats, Sam quickly excuses himself to the bathroom after placing them onto the table. Given the opportunity, Jay quickly tears open the bag of powder and sprinkle it all over Sam’s food and drink before hastily shoving the empty packet back into his pocket with a straight face.

Wiping his wet hands onto his jeans, Sam takes a seat opposite Jay and immediately begins scoffing down the burgers and chips, savoring the oily taste and meatiness. After a few bites, Sam begins to cough and clutch his throat as a piece of his burger becomes lodged midway, unaware of Jay smirking at his now smooth and slender neck. “Fuck… I almost died” Sam jokes as he clears his throat and hears his voice crack slightly. Returning back to his half-eaten burger, Sam pauses in bewilderment as he notices his now small and feminine hands struggling to properly grasp it while long glossy nails effortlessly dig into the soft bun. “What the…” he gasps in confusion as he looks past his shifting hands to see his wrists and biceps already thin and dainty with little muscle. “W-what’s happening to me?!” Sam splutters loudly, making a few other distant customers turn to the sound.

I’m sick of your attitude… so shut up!” Jay hisses under his breath, forcing Sam’s jaw to tense shut as his eyes widen in panic. Ignoring Sam’s strained mumbles and groans, Jay calmy sits back and watches Sam’s body spasm uncontrollably as his spine pops, becoming shorter and curvier with a more pronounced chest. Whimpering softly, Sam flinches as his broad shoulders crunch inwards into a rounder and smaller physique to better suit his fragile arms. “I was planning on using the powder tonight… but I’ll have just as much fun with you now” Jay chuckles menacingly.

W-what do you mea--- owww… aahnnnnn” Sam grunts through his gritted teeth, hearing his hips crack and dislocate before surging outwards into child-bearing proportions. The stiches in his jeans start to snap as fat immediately begin to push his hips further apart, making him moan from a developing wedgie. “Help me!” Sam cries, running his hands along his handlebar hips and feeling his ass tingling with activity. Letting out a strained yelp, his underwear slips between his swelling ass cheeks as his flesh continues to stretch into an obvious peach ass threating to burst through his jeans. Fueled by his wide hips and jiggling ass, Sam’s thighs begin to pulsate as the muscles soften into fat before doubling in size into a pair of pillowy thighs. Looking under the table, Sam’s jaw drops as he notices his thick and sensitive thighs rubbing against each other before feeling his calves contort and shrink. A few cracks and pops in his feet quickly dropped them few sizes smaller with dainty and pedicured toes as Sam writhes uncomfortably on the chair.

You’ll be my date for this afternoon, Suzu” Jay whispers into Sam’s ear, sending a wave of goosebumps throughout his body. Noticing the changes slowing down on Sam’s body, Jay grabs a few chicken nuggets and shove them into Sam’s mouth, making him gag in surprise. “Eat up, bitch” Jay snickers seeing Sam involuntarily chewing on the food before swallowing a mouthful; to Sam’s horror he begins to salivate from the flavor and instinctively shove a few more pieces into his mouth.

Unable to resist the intense hunger, Sam quickly finishes all the nuggets before wiping the crumbs off his lips with his arm, not noticing them plumping up into cocksleeves with pink lipstick. “Make… it… stop…” Sam mutters between breaths, hearing his jaw reform and his cheekbones shift higher to create a more androgynous appearance. Unable to attract the attention of other diners, Sam’s nose shrinks while his face rounds and shrinks with a layer of make-up covering his pristine facial skin. “I… not date… I… fuck toy…” Sam blurts out, covering his mouth in horror as he hears his voice rising to a more seductive and feminine tone with a strong Japanese accent. “I… not mean that…” he splutters, clutching his head in hopes of retaining his diminishing English vocabulary as his hair cascades down to his lower back, turning jet black and tying itself into a silky-smooth ponytail with cute bangs. Blinking his eyes in disbelief, they slowly widen and become slanted with long eyelashes while his irises darken into a typical muddy brown Asian complexion.

You look cute as fuck” Jay grins sadistically as Sam’s belly begins to growl loudly. Feeling extremely self-conscious of his shifting body, Sam clutches it to feel his guts and fat moving around before flattening into a toned stomach connected to his fatty and wide hips. Gasping loudly, he feels his waist shrink as the jeans suddenly tightens and creates an hourglass figure from his smaller diaphragm. Struggling for breath from his head throbbing with conflicting memories, Sam doesn’t notice a straw nearing his permanently pouting lips until ice cold soda fills his mouth, making him choke.

N-no… it… とてもおいしい {tastes so good}” Sam moans softly as his lips instinctively wrap around the straw and begin slurping loudly for its contents. As the drink flows down his throat, he shivers and blushes bright red before grabbing his groin in pain; clearly visible under his jeans, Sam’s cock throbs constantly within its tight confinement. Feeling the pressure building in his dick, he frantically tries to make himself climax like a bitch in heat, but his cock remains painfully stiff and dry. “Me… so hornyyyy… me… need to cum” Sam pants with tears in his eyes, but Jay shakes his head in denial, watching the Japanese girl with a dick squirm in her seat.

Not until I say so, slut” Jay smiles, seeing Sam’s eyes roll back in ecstasy as drool drips out of his agape mouth. Unable to release the burning arousal, Sam winces as he pinches his nipples, feeling them harden under his fingers as they darken with widening areolas. With his chest pulsating with activity and additional fat, Sam cups his developing breasts as memories of living in Japan his entire life overwrites his American childhood. “Moan like a bitch… I know you love it” Jay sneers, hearing Sam instinctively moan seductively with his tongue out as more memories of dropping out of Japanese high school and making money at bathhouses since then.

Unable to keep his mind from shattering under the memories of fucking countless businessmen and hot dates, Sam’s soul slips into oblivion and bliss while Suzu blinks the tears out of her eyes. “大きくする {Make them bigger!}” Suzu smiles alluringly at Jay, feeling the fat accumulating under her nipples and pushing them out against her shirt as they swell into C-cup tits. Spreading her fingers over her growing breasts, memories of giving tit-jobs resurfaces in her mind as they sink into her soft and sensitive flesh. Biting her lower lip, Suzu feels her puffy nipples chafe against her shirt as they finally expand into round D-cup tits threatening to burst through the thin material. “Me… cum now… please…” Suzu pants, hunching over to control her rock-hard dick as her mind nears its breaking point. Uncontrollably drooling onto her tear-drop tits and watching her saliva slip into her deep cleavage, Suzu’s body tingles as her skin quickly smoothens and becomes hairless with a creamy oriental tone.

Only if you’ll be mine this afternoon” Jay replies, seeing Suzu’s eyes light up with happiness and relief as her body shivers with pleasure. With a grin, Jay leaves Suzu at the table before entering the empty bathroom across the restaurant, noticing her eyes flicker with new memories.

Blushing red with arousal, Suzu struggles to hide her smile as her jeans slowly dampen from the pre-cum seeping out of her dick. Standing up and taking the last few sips from her drink and mouthfuls of her burger, Suzu savours the unique taste in comparison of the mundane Japanese meals in her life. Thankful for meeting Jay online a few days ago as a date, Suzu’s heart flutters in anticipation of other American cuisine he’ll introduce to her after a small snack in the bathroom with him.

Feeling her thick thighs rubbing against her swollen balls and stuff dick, Suzu finally orgasms after the third step towards the bathroom door. “Aahnnn… とても気持ちいい {Feels so good}…” Suzu moans under her breath as her jeans fill with hot cum spilling from her shrinking dick. Awkwardly hurrying towards the bathroom, Suzu’s knees almost buckle with pleasure as her empty balls quickly slurps into her crotch and reform into fertile ovaries. Grabbing the doorhandle to brace herself, Suzu lets out a seductive whimper as her dick inverts into her body to form a deep and moist vagina. Gasping for breath, she runs her hands along her flat crotch, feeling her tight and pink pussy lips through the wet jeans as she relishes at the thought of fucking her date meters from innocent families enjoying their meals.

I… want you in me…” Suzu whispers with a pout as she looks down to see Jay with his dick already swinging free. Giving in to her primal urges, she tears off her jeans to see dollops of cum running down her smooth legs before jumping into Jay’s arms. “Be gentle wit--- ahhnnnnn… mmphhhhh” Suzu moans loudly as Jay grabs her wide waist and slides his dick into her dripping wet pussy until the tip of his cock rams against her womb. Struggling to stay quiet, Suzu leans forward for a kiss as Jay continues to thrust his dick in and out of her pussy, stretching her tight lips to their fullest and constantly stimulating her clitoris. Feeling Jay’s hands creep under her shirt, Suzu gives him a seductive wink as he begins to grope her milky tits and pinch her sensitive nipples, making her vaginal muscles clench harder around his dick.

Shiiiit… I’m about to cum” Jay grunts before filling Suzu’s pussy with his hot essence and sliding his dick out of her cleanly shaven pussy. Catching her breath, Suzu leans against the sink, seeing her massive breasts heaving with each breath as cum trickles out of her trembling vagina. “Clean yourself up… we have a date to finish this afternoon” Jay grins as he buckles his pants back on, seeing Suzu’s exhausted eyes sparkle once more with excitement.


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