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Fuck…” Stan groggily mutters to himself as he tilts his head up towards the dim light above him. Grunting, he tries to stand up only to find himself tied to a metal chair as snickering echoes around him. Peering into the darkness, Stan tries to stay calm, reminding himself of all the past troubles he has been through as the prefecture's best private investigator.

So… that’s all you got on us eh?” a voice booms from the shadows as Stan’s intricately filed notes flops onto the ground in front of him. Clicking his tongue, Stan curses himself for being so careless on his way to the police precinct with all his crucial notes and evidence. Laughter begins to erupt in the room as the yakuza boss Stan spent months tailing dramatically steps into the light with a smug. “Bit pathetic don’t you think? For a big shot like you…” the boss chuckles, leaning closer towards Stan.

I have evidence… of your kidnappings… and underground brothel” Stan stutters, slightly confused at the man’s apparent confidence. Looking behind the boss, Stan notices a small cart being pushed towards him with surgical instruments littered on top. “Y-you can’t escape from my concrete evidence” Stan splutters, watching the boss pick up a syringe with a toothy grin.

Concrete? Half your notes are wrong” the boss laughs, tearing Stan’s pristine white shirt off as he angles the needle along his arm. “You’ll experience our true operations” he snickers, jamming the syringe deep into Stan’s arm as he shrieks in pain, watching the contents seep into his bloodstream. “Familiarize yourself with my men… Yui been begging me to fuck her since this morning…” the boss chuckles, unbinding Stan’s restraints before casually leaving the room as Stan writhers on the floor.

Fuccck… call the ambulance” Stan screams at the crowd forming around him as his body begins to burn up like a fever. Starting to sweat, Stan desperately rips his clothing off to cool down as his body starts to uncontrollably spasm. Gasping in surprise, Stan’s back suddenly arches with loud cracks as his spine becomes curvier and smaller, making him shorter with a more pronounced ass. “Shit… what was that…” he mutters, noticing all his public hair vaporize, leaving smooth creamy skin with an Asian tint in its place. Feeling his sensitive skin turn numb, he looks down to see tattoos matching the gang members form around his body while an explicit crotch tattoo etches itself above his flaccid dick.

Oh god… I’m not a membeeeerrrr” Stan groans, feeling his chest tingle and heat up. Confused, he yelps in surprise as he pinches his increasingly sensitive nipples, feeling them harden between his fingertips as his areolae darkens and double in size. Stan notices his nipples perk up from a cold draft as fat begins to accumulate underneath, pushing them out into A-cups. “Tits?!” Stan gasps in horror as he grasps his budding breasts, feeling the flesh swell out under his hands as they expand into sensitive C-cups begging to be squeezed. Groping his soft tits, he tries to push it back in, only to moan in pleasure as his breasts balloon out into firm D-cups rising and falling to his breathing. “N-no… Impossible…” he groans, suppressing his urge to fondle his heavy swaying tits as memories of girthy cocks sandwiched in his cleavage and sweaty palms pinching his puffy nipples seep into his mind.

I… I’m not your clan’s slut…” Stan screams as his back arches, pushing his chest further out as his stomach begins to growl. Looking past his fleshy orbs, Stan sees his stomach vibrating as fat disappears, leaving a flat feminine core with a cute belly button in its place. Gasping for breath, his diaphragm and waist quickly sucks in, giving him an hour-glass figure as his shoulders audibly crunches inwards. “Fuccckk” Stan squeals in pain from his smaller frame as the changes begin to flow down his arms.  Feeling his biceps cramping, Stan notices his arms becoming thinner and toned as memories of exercising with the boys before finding an empty room to get frisky solidifies in his mind. Watching his hands contort, Stan notices his fingers thinning with long polished nails while his hands becomes feminine and soft with the muscle memory of giving hundreds of hand-jobs.

I don’t wanna be a chick” Stan stammers, feeling his breasts jiggle to his movement as his dainty hands flail around. Hearing wolf-whistles and laughter around him, Stan looks around to see hungry eyes staring at his blossoming body before noticing a familiar bruised and gagged man tied up in the corner of the room. “Ben?! Is that youuu---” Stan gasps, hearing his voice crack and rise to a seductive and feminine tone with a strong Japanese accent. “My… voice…” Stan squeals getting turned on by his own alluring voice as his throat becomes slender and Adam’s apple vaporize. The beaten man in the shadows can only shake his head with pity as Stan’s lips plump out with lipstick and sweet saliva, becoming kissable and irresistible to anyone nearby. Feeling his face tremble, Stan clutches his face, only to feel bone and muscle reshape under his hand as his jaw softens and cheekbone rise. “Fuuuckk… Don’t change me into a Japanese chick” he pleads as his nose shrinks and eyebrows thin while a thin layer of make-up covers his face. Finding his vision blurry, Stan blinks a few times as his eyes widen with an alluring foxy slant and his irises turn hazel into a typical Japanese complexion. “No… no…” Stan mummers as his eyes drift to the men’s bulging pants and his mouth begins to subconsciously salivate. Scratching his scalp, bright orange, and black silky hair cascades to his dainty shoulders as he seductively tucks loose stands behind his ear.

私を元に戻す {change me back}…” Stan whimpers as his mind fogs, jamming Japanese vocabulary into his brain while his English slowly fades into his second language. “I… no slut” Stan pants as his hip suddenly audibly pop outwards to child-bearing proportions. Gasping for breath, Stan strokes his fattening hip, feeling his ass tremble in anticipation of the future changes. ‘Ahnnn… fuuuckkk” Stan moans, thrusting his ass into the air as fat begins to flood under his cheeks, pushing them out. Feeling a slap across his soft bubble butt, Stan squeals in surprise as his look of embarrassment quickly shifts to pleasure after feeling his sensitive skin ripple from the impact. “Mhmm… あなたの番を待つ {Wait your turn}” Stan blurts, spreading his round ass apart for everyone to see without hesitation.

Fuuuckk… I’m a… private inves--- inv…” Stan grunts, trying to recall his name and job as his mind continues to become hazy with memories of serving the yakuza boss and his clan as their translator during the day and slut at night. “I… I’m… 今夜のあなたのおもちゃ {your toy for tonight}” Stan giggles as his past memories fade into oblivion while Akari, the clan’s favorite whore takes over.

Feeling her thighs pulsate, Akari gropes them as they quickly expand with fat and muscle, stretching out her tattoo. Purring to herself, she massages her thighs, feeling the flesh shift under her small hands as they expand into a pair of thick juicy thighs, capable of crushing a man’s head. “Mhmmm… yes…” she coos, sliding her hands down her legs as her calves and feet start to spasm, becoming smaller and feminine to match her figure.

With a smirk, Akari eyes her dick between her two soft thighs before groping her tits passionately and seeing it become erect instantly. “ついにやった {Finally…}” Akari murmurs, stroking her throbbing cock with experienced hands as she quickly orgasms onto her palm, covering it with warm cum. Beginning to hyperventilate, Akari starts to squeeze her shrinking cock into her crotch, feeling her organs rearrange to cater for the deepening vaginal wall. Eyes rolling back, she feels her crotch split open to form a pair of tight pussy lips shimmering with juices as her balls slurp into her body, becoming ovaries. With a satisfied smile, she plunges her fingers past her folds and deep into her pussy, feeling her newly formed vaginal muscles clench and coat them with juices while her aching clitoris develops.  Moaning in ecstasy, she continues to explore her pussy as her body shivers with pleasure and squirt juices onto the floor in front of everyone.

I… I need something bigger in me” Akari pants, eyeing the closest man and dragging him into an empty room. Hungrily tearing his clothes off, she throws him onto the floor as she becomes increasingly horny. “Skip the foreplay… fill me up” she giggles, guiding the man’s cock into her pussy before feeling him thrust it deep into her. With shallow breaths, she wiggles her wide hips and thick ass, feeling the man’s dick grind on every corner of her pussy before squeezing hard on his cock for his sweet nectar. Hearing him grunt and blow his load into her, she gives him a cute wink before hopping away with his cum dripping down her thighs. “また来週 {I’ll see you next week}” Akari grins, giving the man a kiss before opening the door.

Who’s next? I have… other holes to try out” Akari smiles, pouting her lips as other clan members step closer with lust in their eyes.


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