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Alright…” Eric mutters to himself, patting the chalk off his sleeve as five small candles dances on the ground. Looking at an open tome, he glances between an ancient diagram on a wrinkled sheet and the rough pentagram on his basement floor. Satisfied with his work, he begins to chant, “surge, amator et interfector hominum” as the chalk lines start to glow blue. After a few minutes, a cold breeze fills the room, blowing the candles out as Eric looks down to see a busty woman lying in the middle of the pentagram.

Mhm… you summoned Lucia the high succubus, mortal?” she coos, seductively winking at Eric as she slowly stands up, revealing a pair of succubus wings. Stretching her limbs, she walks up to Eric and pushes her massive breasts on him as she fondles his growing boner. “How do you wanna be pleasured?” she whispers into his ear, nibbling at the lobes.

Erm… no. I want you to suck the lifeforce out of my neighbor instead” Eric stutters, awkwardly pushing the succubus away as she looks at him in confusion.

What? That’s not how it works…” the Lucia replies, trying to push Eric onto the floor, desperate for his male essence. Pinning him onto the floor, she leans closer for a kiss as the pentagram begins to glow blue again.

Fine… I’ll do it myself” Eric shouts, catching Lucia by surprise. “mea possessio in aeternum” he screams as Lucia looks at him in horror. A black mist begins to rise from her body as she struggles to break free from Eric’s spell. Screeching in agony, her body disappears as the dark cloud enters Eric’s body, making him sweat profusely.

Nughhh… yessss” Eric groans feeling a strange power surge in his body as he starts to become aroused. Feeling his face tingle, he touches his cheeks as his jaw suddenly clicks and softens while his cheekbone rises, making his face rounder. Trying to stay calm, his nose quickly shrinks into a cute button while his lips plump up into bee stung cock sleeves. “Oh wow…” he mutters, licking his lips and tasting his sweet saliva as his neck slims, making his voice rise into an alluring and mature tone, dripping with lust. “I sound just like her…” Eric giggles, as his eyes widen into a permanent foxy look while his irises turn amber and begin to glow. Scratching his head, his hair starts to flow down to his lower back, turning black with a hint of purple as he tucks his long hair behind his ear.

Feeling the spell move down his body, Eric squeals loudly as his shoulders snap inwards, making his frame smaller while his arms start to tingle. Looking down at his arms, he watches his biceps shrink while his hands start to contort, becoming small and dainty. “Mhm… yesss” Eric chuckles, flexing his slender fingers as his nails grow longer with gloss while memories of giving hand-jobs fills his head.

Blushing red with arousal, Eric’s chest begin to pulsate as his flesh quickly changes. “Mmphh… give me your tits…” he pants, pinching his nipples, feeling them harden between his fingers while his areolae doubles in size. Feeling incredibly hot, Eric begins to strip, feeling his overly sensitive nipples rub against his shirt as budding A-cups form. “Bigger…” he mutters, massaging his chest, feeling fat swell under his nipples as the push out into firm C-cups glistening with sweat. Groping his tits, he feels them vibrating as they balloon out into soft F–cups, making him stumble forward from the weight. “Oh… fuck… they’re so sensitive” he screams, feeling his fingers sink into his pillowy breasts as they jiggle with his movement. Standing up straight, Eric’s spine suddenly cracks, becoming curvier to push his enormous breasts further out and to create a new center of balance.

Before he can recover, Eric’s stomach suddenly flattens, revealing a toned belly with a thin layer of womanly fat while his waist painfully sucks in. Patting his stomach, he finds his core muscles incredibly strong for all the future thrusting and obscene positions he’ll find himself doing. Hearing a gurgle from his stomach, he notices a glowing pink crotch tattoo etch itself into his skin as he starts to feel increasingly hungry. Beginning to salivate into his deep cleavage, the image of a hearty lunch in his head soon becomes a mouthful of cum from the nearest man.

Gasping for breath, Eric’s hips suddenly audibly snaps out to child-bearing proportions and fill with additional fat, making him stagger in surprise. “Oh shiiiitttt… my asssss” he moans, feeling an immense pressure build up under his cheeks as his skin begins to stretch. Groping his ass, he feels the expanding flesh pry his fingers apart as his cheeks balloon out into a peach butt. Feeling incredibly horny, he watches his dick harden and dribble pre-cum down his trembling thighs. “Yess… keep going…” he groans, wiping the cum from his thighs as they start to widen with fat and muscle. Rubbing his soft inner-thighs together and squeezing his aching nipples instantly brings him to an orgasm as cum splatters all over the floor and his feet. “Oh… yes…” he mutters, feeling his feet shrink a few sizes, becoming feminine while the intoxicating smell of his cum wafts to his nose.

Too horny to care, Eric begins to rub his throbbing dick with his dainty hands, squeezing his shaft for more cum. A shiver runs down his body as his skin darkens and tans a little, becoming smooth and unblemished while light make-up covers his face. “Mhmmm… so good” he giggles, licking his cum coated fingers as his dick starts to shrink and invert into his body. Cupping his deflating balls, he pushes them into his crotch, feeling ovaries form and pump estrogen throughout his body. Eyes rolling back with ecstasy, Eric hears his dick slurp into his body as he begins to stroke a blossoming pair of wet pussy lips. With shallow breaths, he slips his fingers into his warm pussy, feeling his vaginal muscles instinctively grip them while his clitoris forms. “Fuuuck… I’m so… horny” Eric moans, sliding his fingers in and out of his pussy as juices start to roll down his thighs and coat his hand.

Barely managing to remember his original plan, Eric pulls his fingers out of his twitching pussy to concentrate. Digging into Lucia’s memories, Eric recalls a spell to teleport into his neighbor's room before muttering ancient words from his plump lips.

Blinking from the bright light, Eric finds himself standing in front of Nick, his neighbor with his hand wrapped around his dick. “The fuck… who are you?” Nick stutters, staring at Eric’s jiggling breasts and moist pussy as his cock becomes painfully erect.

Eric… but you can call me Lucia…” she giggles, leaning down to stroke Nick’s dick. Licking her lips, she straddles him on his bed, feeling his dick slide towards her tight pussy as she pulls in for a kiss. "I need you to fill me up" she coos, spreading her pussy lips apart and squeezing her tits together.

Eric?! Wha…” Nick splutters before Lucia wraps her tongue into his mouth and impales herself onto his cock. Grunting in surprise, Nick feels Lucia’s hips sway as her pussy hungrily kneads his dick for cum and her body expels pheromones into the room. Unable to keep it in, his cock finally gives in and spews hot cum deep into Lucia’s pussy as she giggles with satisfaction.

Shit… I don’t feel so good, mistress” Nick croaks, hearing his voice crack as his body begins to heat up. “Mistress?!... what’s happening…” he squeals, clutching his head as his bones crunch and tits form. Spasming in bed, he frantically tries to push his breasts and wide hips back in as his mind continues to fog. “Shit… I… I… need someone to fuck me right now” he coos, eyes rolling back as his memory and personality changes to match his new feminine form. Smiling to herself, Lucia looks down at the lesser-succubus on the bed fondling her tits and fingering her new pussy mindlessly.

Go feed yourself” Lucia orders, watching the succubus jerk her head up, smelling an adult male in the room next door. With a seductive wink, she licks her lips with her long tongue before entering the other room, eager to please her mistress.


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