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The faint sound of metal clanking echoes in the room as the bass heavy music fills the silence. Placing his bag down onto the floor, Aaron looks around the rather small gym with a hint of disappointment. Moving over to South Korea to earn extra credits for college wasn’t his first preference, but when every other alternative failed, he found himself booking a semester overseas and saying goodbye to his friends and family. Upon arrival, he soon realized that the closest and only gym near his apartment was a small local gym run by scrawny guys.

There’s barely anything here… thank god I’m only here for a semester” he mutters under his breath as he signs the membership form. Ji-Hoon, the manager smiles back at Aaron as he gestures him further into the gym. Glancing around, Aaron soon realizes that there is barely anyone at the gym except for a guy pumping weights half of what he normally benches at home.

Er… welcome to… my gym” Ji-Hoon grins with his broken English, somewhat proud of his limited equipment. Placing his water bottle onto the floor, Aaron gives a rather judgmental frown to the manager expressing his disappointment.

All you Koreans spending time on music and drama” Aaron snickers as he unpacks his bag to begin his routine. Sensing some hostility, the manager awkwardly chuckles and backs away leaving Aaron on the equipment.

With sweat running down his forehead after half an hour of lifting weights, Aaron leans down to take a sip of water but realizes that the bottle is empty. Within seconds, the manager dashes besides Aaron with an ice-cold energy drink in his hand. “Please drink… free” Ji-Hoon stutters as he hands Aaron the bottle.

Uh… thanks. At least Koreans are good with service” he mutters as he instantly downs the drink. With a smile, the manager returns to the reception desk as Aaron lies down to begin his second round of bench presses. Grabbing the bar, a cool tingle spreads throughout his body, but he ignores it, reasoning it to be from the ceiling fan. As his fingers wrap around the bar, they begin to pop and shrink, becoming slender with manicured nails extending out. Oblivious to the changes, Aaron raises the bar off the rack, making his arms tremble for a few seconds as his biceps quickly melt away leaving a pair of toned womanly arms. “Arghh… the fuck was that…” he grumbles to himself as his wrist quickly slims down. With a grunt, Aaron pushes the weights up as music continues to fill the humid room. “The hell… this feels lighter…” he says to himself, silently pleased with himself for lifting heavier weights with ease.

Alright… one… two… three… four…” Aaron pants as he begins to bench press. “Five… 육 [six]… seven…” he continues without realizing the slip of his tongue. With each thrust, his chest begins to ache and pulsate as his nipples start to chafe against his shirt. Too engaged in his routine, Aaron does not notice his hard puffy nipples starting to poke through his sweat soaked short as fat begins to accumulate in his chest. Panting for breath, Aaron’s nipples continue to push outwards into perky B-cups as he nears the end of his reps. “Fifteen… sixt--- mphhhhh” he grunts, feeling an immense weight on his chest as he lowers the bar. “What the fuck” he screams, watching his breasts swell out into soft F-cups, stretching his shirt to its limits as the bar presses against his sensitive nipples. Horrified, he rolls off the equipment, feeling his milky breasts jiggle with every moment and rub against his sweaty shirt.

Why do I have… tits? They’re so heavy…” Aaron stammers as he cups his round fleshy orbs in his small hands. “They’re so… nmphh… sensitive” he moans, pinching his nipples as he notices the changes to his hands and arms. “What happened?” he pants, as he stumbles forward from the weight on his chest and new center of balance. “Ahnnn… must be… the 마실 것 [drink]” Aaron moans, feeling an erection build from his sensitive tits as he tries to walk to the reception. Reaching halfway, his feet suddenly freeze and robotically moves to a vacant yoga mat to the right. “I can’t… control…” he squeals as his body plops onto the mat, making his breasts bounce upon impact making him more aroused.

H-help!” Aaron screams at the Korean man across the room, but the headphones muffle his pleads. Aaron’s body begins to do crunches against his will, heaving his heavy breasts upwards until they press against his knees. His stomach begins to gurgle with each rep as the fat in his body vaporize, leaving a toned flat belly with a cute belly button. Aaron’s waist quickly sucks in, giving him a tiny waist below his soft melons. At the final rep, his shoulders snap inwards, making him petite as his spine slowly shrinks and becomes curvier.

Without warning, Aaron involuntarily stands up with his legs apart as his body slowly lowers itself into a squat. “Someone… hel--- arghhhh” he screams as his hips loudly crack outwards into child-bearing proportions at the lowest point in the squat. Tearing up from the pain, Aaron hesitantly feels his wide hips with his feminine hands as his body stands back up. “No… no… 그만 [stop]” he whimpers as he begins to lower himself down for another squat. His body begins to sweat profusely as he becomes hornier from his stiff cock rubbing against his shorts and sweat running down his cleavage. With each squat, he feels is ass ripple as fat begins to build up under his skin and push his ass out. “Fuuuckk” Aaron moans as his ass balloons out into a round bubble butt, stretching his shorts until an imprint of his throbbing cock can clearly be seen from the front.

To his horror, Aaron continues to squat, feeling the added weight in his lower body jiggle with his movement. His thighs begin to burn as additional muscle and fat stretch out his skin as they start to grow wider and juicier. Groping his thighs, he feels the toned flesh bounce back as his feet begin to tingle. Looking down in fear, he watches his feet shrink down a few sizes as pink runners materialize around his pedicured feet.

Shivering with arousal, Aaron sees a wet patch on his shorts, and quickly realize that pre-cum has been dribbling out since the start of his squats. Aaron’s mind begins to melt as his body rocks with ecstasy, “I… I’m so hornyyyyy… I’m… about to… cum” he pants, eyes rolling back. Knees buckling, he falls to the ground convulsing as his dick unloads round after round into his shorts until cum begins to overflow and drip down his thighs. “Fucccckk--- ahnnn… help” Aaron moans, both horny and embarrassed at the mess he made on the floor. Desperate to free his pulsating dick, he tears his cum soaked shorts off revealing his round ass and shrinking dick. “I don’t wanna be a chick” he cries, grabbing his tiny cock before watching it shrink into a twitching nub on his crotch. A pink slit slowly opens around the nub as vaginal juices drip out in anticipation. Aaron gasps in surprise as his dick and balls slurp past his sensitive folds to form a fully functional vagina. “Impossible” he pants, spreading his legs apart as he pushes his fingers deep into his pussy and shudders from the foreign sensations. “Ooohh god… it’s 너무 민감한 [so sensitive]” he moans, as he continues to explore his new hole, oblivious to the manager walking towards him with a smile.

I told you not to strip… in front of others, Ae-Cha” the manager sighs, handing Aaron a pair of grey tights.

Ae-Cha? 분명히 나는 ​​미국인이다 [Clearly I’m American] Aaron spits back without realizing that he spoke perfect Korean as his mind continues to fog. “저는 소녀가 아니에요 [I’m not a girl]” Aaron screams as his English vocabulary rapidly diminishes and new memories seep into his brain.

당신은 지난 5년 동안 여기에 왔습니다 [You’ve been coming here for the past 5 years]” the manager replies with a smirk as Aaron recoils from a torrent of new memories entering his head. Being raised in Seoul by native Korean parents and studying at local schools explodes in Aaron’s mind as he struggles to cling onto his past life. “당신은 우리 체육관의 유일한 여자입니다 [You’re the only girl in our gym]” the manager continues, as Aaron shudders with reality.

I… I’m Ae-Cha” Aaron stutters in broken English as his past life disappears in oblivion. “I… I get changed now” Ae-Cha smiles sheepishly as she takes the grey tights and walk into the women’s bathroom. Humming along to the music she new recognizes; she pulls the tights over her thick thighs and twitching pussy.

상쾌해지는 시간 [Time to freshen up]” she giggles, splashing cold water over her face. Feeling the cool water and sweat drip down her body, her skin begins to tingle as it lightens into a creamy white oriental hue buzzing with sensitivity. Blowing herself a kiss in the mirror, she watches her lips plump up and widen with red lipstick into a permanent smile. “Mhmm… yes” she grins, hearing her voice rise into a cute seductive tone with a strong Korean accent as her neck slims down. Looking at herself in the mirror, she watches her nose shrink as her jaw rounds, giving her a younger appearance. Her eyes begin to twitch as they widen into almonds while her irises turn dark brown, like a typical Korean girl. Blinking a few times, she watches her hair start to flow down to her lower back, turning jet black and silky smooth as a cute fringe appears on her forehead. With a wink, she ties her hair back to reveal her new eyebrows and perfect face with a little make-up.

Walking back into the room, Ae-Cha sees a bag on the floor next to a puddle of fluids. “이것은 누구의 가방입니까? [Whose bag is this?]” she asks the manager, slightly confused at all the foreign items inside.

“미국인이 이것을 남겼습니다 [An American left this]” the manager replies with a sigh as he carefully gathers the items and place it into the lost-and-found corner.

American?” Ae-Cha stutters as she tries to correctly pronounce the word. “미국인 남자친구가 있어도 상관없어 [I don’t mind having an American boyfriend]she giggles as she readjusts her bra and moves towards the treadmills.


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