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Light snickering emanates from the back of the classroom as the teacher turns her back to the class to write her name on the white board. “Ms. Tanaka” she writes in bold red before turning back to face the class with a hint of annoyance. “As you are aware, I’m the substitute teacher for Mr. Smith who is currently sic---" she says, before a wolf whistle interrupts her. Eyes darting back and forth between the students, she tries to pinpoint the perpetrator but fails, making her even more frustrated. “Whoever did that, please stop” she orders with a slight Japanese accent, but her small frame betrays her, making her look like an annoyed child.

At first, the giggling and whispering stopped, but throughout the class, more eyes begin to drift towards her lower body and soft breasts pushing against her shirt. Near the end of class, students begin to audibly comment on her body every time she moved and lustfully stare at her while making sexual jokes among each other. Suddenly, the room fills with a loud wolf whistle once more, making Ms. Tanaka angrily spin around to face the class, completely fed up with their comments.

It was him!” Jake, the class clown shouts, pointing at you with a sly smile. Confused, you can only gasp in surprise as Ms. Tanaka stomps towards you with her hands on her hips, fuming with anger.

Wha… what… I didn’t do that” you splutter, completely embarrassed. Despite not being the one who whistled at her, you look back at her guiltily remembering all the times you silently ogled at her ass and tits during class and awkwardly making eye contact one time.

Eyes flaming with anger, she looks down at you as the lunch bell rings throughout the school. “Class dismissed. But you’re staying back” she shouts at the class without breaking eye contact with you. You hear other students whisper among themselves with both pity and jealousy as they exit the room leaving you and Ms. Tanaka alone.

Ma’am… I swear I didn----” you stutter but she glares at you, making you stop mid-sentence.

You kids don’t learn without real punishment” Ms. Tanaka mutters, pulling out a ruler from her bag. Strutting up to you with a ruler in her hand, she gives you a coy smile before winding up her arm with the ruler raised up high.

Wait… you can’t hit m----” you scream, but instantly silenced as the ruler hits you square in the jaw. You flinch from the impact but your whole body begins to tingle as if she hit every part of your skin. “Why the fuc---” you shout, getting up from the chair to face Ms. Tanaka.

Silence” she barks, causing your hands to fall to your side and you to instantly sit back onto the chair as your jaw locks preventing you from talking. “Where did you stare at the most?” she asks, fuming with anger.

Your soft tits” you uncontrollably blurt out, causing you to blush with embarrassment. “I… I mean… your massive breasts” you continue to mutter. “Why can’t I say something different…” you splutter in fear as she glares at you.

You can only say the truth” she replies, twirling the ruler in the air as it begins to glow blue. “Since you love staring at mine, you can have one yourself” she grins, prodding the ruler at your chest, making your body grow warm.

What do you mea—mphhhhh” you groan as your heart rate quickens and your chest begins to pulsate. You look down in surprise to see your shirt shifting as the muscles in your pecs disappear and are replaced with soft fatty tissue. You whimper as your nipples harden and push out against your shirt making a clear imprint for everyone to see. With each pulse, your nipples balloon out further as fat continues to build up under your skin and start stretching your shirt. “This is… impossible” you moan as your large soft orbs swell out into D-cups, popping off the top three buttons of your shirt, allowing your breasts space to breathe and show off your cleavage.

“What do you think of your tits?” Ms. Tanaka smirks, tapping your puffy nipples with her ruler.

They feel… amazing” you reply in a monotone as your lips disobey your frantic mind.  Your hands automatically move up and begin to grope and cup your soft breasts, causing you to moan from the foreign sensations. Your mind begins to fog as new memories fill your brain; male teachers and students ogling at your breasts during the day and you giving your boyfriend a tit-job at night. “These… aren’t… are my breasts” you moan, feeling the weight and softness of your milky tits in your hands as you begin to feel proud of your natural large breasts since college.

“Your figure doesn’t suit a cute teacher like yourself” Ms. Tanaka says, tapping your arms and legs with a smile.

Wait… I’m not a teac----” you scream frantically, but your mind continues to cloud over and your panic subsides. “Needs to suit a cute and sexy teacher like myself” you reply with a monotone as your body begins to tingle while the bones in your body start to adjust. Loud crunching and popping sounds fill the room as you slowly drop a head in height from your shrinking spine and legs. You look at your arms as they become shorter while your shoulder audibly crunch inwards making you petite like Ms. Tanaka. Memories of looking up at male teachers from your shortness slithers into your mind as you begin to feel comfortable with your new height.

Don’t you love going to the nail salons with me on the weekends?” Ms. Tanaka smiles as she strokes the ruler along your hands.

No… I’m a gu--- yes of course… I love going there with you” you giggle uncontrollably as your mind silently screams in horror. Looking past your breasts, you see your manicured nails growing longer, while your fingers begin to shrink and slim down. Gasping in surprise, you watch the changes move up your arm as soft womanly fat covers your wrist and biceps, leaving you weak and fragile. The same sensation emanates from your feet, so you kick your shoes off to see your feet shrinking to fit your new form as pedicured toes wiggle back at you. Looking at your hands, you shudder as memories of writing on whiteboards as a teacher and giving hand-jobs as a submissive girlfriend floods your mind.

You love keeping fit” Ms. Tanaka snickers, tapping your belly with her ruler. “You can keep your mind for this change” she continues, giving you a wink.

Ma’am please… stop” you plead but your stomach begins to grumble. Feeling extremely nauseous you hunch over, feeling your heavy breasts hang down as you vomit all over the floor. Clutching your stomach and groaning, you feel your abdomen suck in, becoming flat while your waist quickly pulls in. “I don’t wanna be a girl” you whimper as your hips loudly cracks outwards, perfect for childbearing. From your large bust and wide hips, combined with your thin waist, a mouth-watering hourglass figure forms much to your horror.

I saw you staring at my ass too” Ms. Tanaka grins, spanking you with her ruler, causing you to yelp in surprise.

No I didn--- of course I did… since we have matching booties” you blurt out as your head continues to throb. An immense pressure begins to build in your ass as your skin starts to stretch from the increasing fat. Groping your ass with your small hands, you feel the flesh spill past your fingers as it continues to swell outwards and stretch your pants to its limits. A loud ripping sound echoes in the room as your pants finally give way and split down the middle, allowing your ass to explode out into a juicy bubble butt. “Mhmmm finally” you coo, squeezing your round ass as your pants restitch itself into a black skirt. Giving yourself a playful spank, memories of catching boys staring at your jiggling ass and getting ploughed in the ass by your boyfriend makes you smile.

Let’s make you a real woman” Ms. Tanaka grins, noticing the fear in your eyes. “Don’t worry… you’ll love it” she laughs as she playfully pokes your rising dick with her ruler.

Fuck… no… I… I’m so hornnnyyy” you moan as your dick begins to dribble pre-cum all over your skirt. Your mind begins to melt with lust as your hands frantically pulls your skirt off to reveal a throbbing cock and pulsating thighs. Panting for breath, your feminine hands automatically move to your cock and begin to give yourself an experienced hand-job, causing your eyes to roll back with pleasure. Beginning to spasm, you notice your thighs growing wider and thicker as fat and muscle continues to flow in and squeeze your overworked balls. With a loud grunt, you finally blow your load all over your body and floor as your now thick jiggly thighs shake from your recent orgasm. Your crotch begins to burn hot as your dick starts to pump out a transparent fluid down your thighs. Moaning in pure ecstasy, you feel your flesh split open as a pair of pink wet pussy lips appear around the base of your shrinking cock. Unable to control your hands, you feel them cup your balls and push them deep into your folds as they rearrange into fertile ovaries pumping estrogen throughout your body. Wheezing for breath, you feel your dick slurp into your pussy as it inverts to become the walls of your tight vagina and twitching clitoris. “Mhmmm I’m so wet right now” you scream as your plunge your fingers deep into your pussy to feel your muscles squeeze and coat your fingers with juices as it hungry searches for male essence. Your head flicks back as memories of getting fucked by your boyfriend and fingering your sensitive pussy fills your mind.

We need some diversity at school” Ms. Tanaka smiles, tapping your body with her ruler as it now glows orange.

D-diversity?” you moan, still reeling from the multiple orgasms your body endured. Your skin begins to tingle as your bodily hair evaporates while your skin lightens into a creamy white oriental hue, buzzing with sensitivity. Your head aches once more as memories of doing skin routines every night to have such pristine skin invades your mind.

Welcome to high school, Ms. Cha” Ms. Tanaka giggles as she places a lanyard around your neck. “You’ll be teaching Korean and science” she grins, watching your eyes roll back from the new memories flooding your mind.

I’m not a teac--- Thank you! I’m so excited to fill in for Mr. Palmer” you giggle, sending your past consciousness deep into the shadows of your mind. “학생들이 착하기를 바랍니다 [I hope the students are nice]” you say, hearing your voice crack up sounding feminine and alluring with a Korean accent. You cover your lips in surprise, feeling it plump up under your hand, becoming fuller as it curls into a constant cute pout. “Sorry, my Korean slipped out” you smile, feeling your neck slim down as your Adam’s apple dissolve away while your jaw rounds giving you a cute round head. You sneeze as your nose bridge rises while your cheekbone pop upwards. Your eyes begin to water as your eyes widen into almonds looking innocent while your irises darken into a typical Korean complexion. “How do I look?” you whisper as your eyebrows thin and your hair begins to cascade down to your round breasts, turning light brown and silky smooth. You feel your hair tie up behind you, revealing your elegant smooth neck as you look at yourself in a reflection. Your daze ends as your slip your panties back on, feeling the fabric dig deep into your pussy lips, soaking it wet while you cover it up with your black skirt.

Class begins soon! Remember to stay professional” Ms. Tanaka chuckles as she hands you your textbooks.

Of course! 학생들은 나를 사랑한다 [the students love me]” you reply with a wink. Walking out of the room with swaying hips and bouncing tits, you see heads swivel towards you with lust so you smile back at them. Other Korean girls call you a slut but they’re wrong; a sexy body gets you a job with surprisingly attentive students and steamy hot sex in the evening.


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