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Come on man… this sucks…” Greg groans, carelessly shifting the hot sand with his rake whilst jingling the contents of trash bag in his hand. Despite a hot day, the beach remains relatively quiet with only a few swimmers and sunbathers lying down revealing their tanned skin.

Hey, I promise joining this ‘beach clean-up’ organisation will keep your mind off Joyce” Kyle replies as he picks up an empty can half-buried under the sand and dumps it into his bag. A week ago, Greg realized that Joyce had been cheating on him, and had been in a sour and depressed mood since; as his best friend, Kyle hopes to keep Greg’s mind off the breakup.

I’m going to get a drink, I’ll be back” Greg shouts, as he turns around and waddles to a nearby store the two previously walked past. With a sigh, Kyle waves him goodbye and continues to pick up rubbish from the shoreline. After some time, Kyle finds himself at an isolated section of the beach with rubbish scattered everywhere. Determined to beat Greg with the trash he found, Kyle begins to pick up plastic. Reaching the shoreline, he leans over to grab a floating bottle when the water suddenly retreats around him.

What the fuck?” Kyle gasps, falling backwards in alarm. Peering into the abnormal section of the water, he watches it rise and slowly form a watery humanoid. Rubbing his eyes, the scene from Moana comes up in his mind as the figure glides towards him.

Dear mortal, I am Eirene. A thousand thanks for cleaning my shores” says a feminine voice filling Kyle’s ears.

Um… I’m just… doing my jo---” Kyle stammers, still in complete shock.

I hereby grant you one wish, mortal. Choose wisely, as I will unleash my wrath onto you if you pick something selfish” Eirene jumps in.

Confused, Kyle thinks for a while, desperate not to fail her test until an idea fills his head. “Uh… Eirene, I wish to be my friend’s dream girlfriend” Kyle shouts, heart pounding in fear.

Hmm… that’s new… you pass. Granted” Eirene smiles as a wave crash over Kyle, pushing him onto the ground. Gasping for air, Kyle spits sea water out and glances back at where Eirene was but is only greeted by calm waves. Licking his lips, he feels them plump up as the salty flavor triggers a new memory of a salty and sweet substance filling his mouth. As Kyle wipes the water from his face, he hears the bones in his face cracking and reshaping into a rounder and smaller frame with high cheekbones. Gasping in surprise, he feels his nose shrinking as his scalp starts to itch and his blond hair starts to cascade down to his lower back and turn jet black. Running to the waters, Kyle’s vision blurs as his eyes becomes slanted, taking a foxier oriental appearance and his irises darkens. Looking down at the water, he sees an Asian girl with a cute smile and seductive eyes stare back.

Holy shittttt… I didn’t know he’s into Asian chicks” Kyle squeals, hearing his voice crack and shift upwards into a more alluring feminine voice with a slight Asian accent. Feeling a wave wash past his feet, he feels them pop inwards as pedicured nails grow outwards. Wigging his dainty toes in the shifting sands, he feels the changes move upwards, as his calves shrinks and his shins crack and shorten, making him shorter than Greg. “Oooo… it tickles!” Kyle giggles with a high Asian accent, groping his thighs as they slowly expand outwards with fat. “Gawd. I’m so thick!” he squeals, feeling his thighs rub against each other as a thigh gap forms, squeezing his balls.

Kyle suddenly falls to the ground as his hips give way and loudly cracks outwards, stretching his pelvis to child-bearing proportions. Spitting out a mouthful of sand and sea water, Kyle notices his skin starting to pale, taking on an East Asian hue as his bodily hair washes off leaving smooth skin. Pushing himself back up, pressure starts to build in Kyle’s ass, causing him to moan and clutch them, feeling his soft skin stretch as fat starts to swell inside. “Mmmm bigger…” Kyle giggles, as the flesh pushes past his fingers forming a peach butt. A gurgling sound emanates from his stomach as his belly quickly flattens out and becomes toned as his waist sucks in. “I’m so fucking fit” Kyle smiles, tracing his waist and wide hips with his fingers, remembering the praises he received from others for keeping such a good form.

As foreign memories seep into his brain, Kyle’s dick becomes erect and starts to dribble his male essence and memories onto the sand. “Mhmmm yesss, but I’ve seen bigger…” Kyle unconsciously moans under his breath as his cock starts to shoot cum out. As he continues to rub his dick, he feels it slowly shrinking and retreating into his crotch until he can no longer hold onto it. With deep breaths, he digs his fingers into his widening pussy slit, feeling the walls of his moist vagina and his swollen clitoris. With a slurp, his balls slide past his pink lips and form ovaries, as Kyle continues to explore his new quivering pussy. “It’s so tight!” Kyle squeals as he spasms from his first female orgasm, pulling his hand out and seeing it coated with vaginal juice.

Before Kyle can catch his breath, his nipples start to tingle as they harden from the cool sea breeze and darken. “These puppies better be big…” Kyle coos, pinching his nipples and squirming from the new sensations. His chest starts to pulsate as fat builds behind his nipples and mammary glands form, slowly pushing his chest outwards. Screaming in ecstasy from his dripping pussy and swollen nipples, Kyle feels lurches forward from the growing orbs. Panting, he cups his breasts, feeling them balloon out to milky soft D-cups, spilling past his fingers. “Mhmmm perfect!” Kyle giggles, jumping up and down, feeling his tits and ass bounce and jiggle.

Looking up, he sees a figure approaching him from the distance. “Hmmm I better wash my hands” Kyle giggles, feeling a string of fluids stretch across his fingers. Dipping his hands in into the water, he watches them shrink, becoming small and feminine as his arms follow suit and shoulders snap inwards forming a smaller frame. Coughing from his sudden smaller lungs, Kyle sees Greg run up to him and his pussy immediately becomes wet in anticipation.

Hey Greg… It’s Kyle, but call me… Kaiya” Kaiya giggles as more memories fills her mind after seeing Greg up close.

Kyle? No way… This better not be a sick prank after what I’ve been through” Greg shouts, but his boner starts to build under his shorts after seeing his dream girlfriend.

Doesn’t matter. We have this beach all for ourselves…” Kaiya laughs, giving Greg a peck on his cheek and a stroke along his throbbing dick.


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