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It is a tiring day for Ben and Kevin, two best friends who are out on a double date with their girlfriends, spending almost the entire day on the move as they explored every floor of the new mall that had opened recently, offering the very best in terms of food and entertainment. The two are college kids still in their early twenties. Ben is the older of the pair, sporting an average build and height with a mess of black hair while Kevin is his opposite, younger but spindly and tall with a mop of blonde atop his head.

Exhausted, Ben and Kevin had agreed to reserve seats at a special bar in the basement that had relatively little traffic than the restaurants and fast-food places on the upper floors, letting their girlfriends wander a bit more as they cleared out the top floor.

Entering, the two men whistle as they take in the sights of the quaint little bar. Taking a seat by the counter, the two men are greeted by a burly bartender with a face shrouded by a thick beard and bushy brow. Besides him, there wasn’t anyone else to be seen in the bar. “Welcome Gentlemen! what would you have on this lovely evening?” the bartender asks, breaking the silence.

Uh…yeah, sure I guess, I'll have that special cocktail mix!” “Same here Barkeep!” The two friends snickers as they nod in agreement. While the two boys are chatting, the bartender slides two pink cocktails between them and leaves them to their own conversations.

Lifting the glass to his lips, Kevin raises an eyebrow noticing the odd color choice, but decides to take a sip. “Woah… This tastes...special…” Kevin says, as he swirls the liquid in his mouth and enjoys the after-taste. Curious, Ben takes a sip and is just as amazed as he tries to pinpoint the ingredients inside. “Shit… my stomach feels funny. I’ll be back” Kevin groans, clutching his stomach as he hobbles to the bathroom.

No problem. I won’t be going anywhere.” Ben chuckles, as he thinks nothing of the drink but blames Kevin’s bad stomach on the suspicious burrito he had for lunch. He leans back in his chair, as he swirls the drink in the glass, watching the bathroom door close behind Kevin.

~~ --- Ben's story --- ~~

Ah, don’t worry sir, he’ll be back soon enough. Must’ve drunk the whole glass for it to hit so soon” the bartender laughs. “… and you should be feeling it soon too” he continues with a hint of depravity.

I’m a heavy drinker. I can take it al--- ackkkk” Ben chokes as he realizes that he is unable to move his body. “W-what’s happening?” he shouts while the bartender just smiles and stirs his drink in silence.

I wasn’t referring to alcohol. But let’s make you into something more… appetizing” the bartender chuckles as he takes out an empty glass and multiple bottles of spirits from the shelf behind him. Grabbing a bottle of rum, he fills a quarter of the cup with it as a mischievous grin spread across his face. As the rum fills the cup, Ben’s lower body begin to tingle, causing him to panic even more.

Carefully placing the rum back onto the table, the bartender starts to swirl the rum with the cup. “What are you doi--- shiiittt” Ben cries out as his legs crack and shrink, dropping his height. He gasps in surprise as he watches his feet contract and his shoes slowly reform into black heels, pinching his now feminine feet. “H-how are you doing this?” he stammers, noticing his pants slowly vaporize, revealing his hairy and toned legs to the cold breeze. This is short lived, as leggings roll up his legs, squeezing his calves into a more appropriate form and stopping at the middle of his thigh. “The fuck?” Ben mummers, suddenly feeling a pulsating sensation in his thighs; with each swirl of the cup, Ben’s thighs grow thicker with fat until they start to stretch his leggings to its limits.

No… please…” Ben groans, as the bar tender scoops up a spoonful of ice. Pouring the ice into the cup with a loud splash, Ben’s hips painfully widen in response, expanding to child-bearing proportions. Ben fearfully watches the bartender pick up a spoon and start to stir the ice in the rum, feeling an immense pressure in his ass. With each stir, Ben’s ass balloons out with fat and muscle until the sides of his bubble butt hang off the seat. Smiling, the bartender starts to squeeze lemon juice into the cup, causing Ben to gasp in surprise as his dick suddenly shoot upwards. “Why are you doing thi---arghhh” Ben shudders as cum starts to spurt out of his cock onto the floor. Panting, he feels his dick quickly wither and invert into his crotch as his skin parts open to reveal a widening wet pink slit. “Oh my god… I’m a chick?!” Ben shouts, feeling his organs rearrange, as his balls slurp through his slit to form ovaries while a tight functional vagina appears. Heart racing, he feels fluids seep out of his trembling pussy onto his chair and forming black skirt.

Without responding, the bartender starts to pour coke into the cup until it is three quarters full and starts to stir the contents once again. “No… noooo…” Ben whimpers, feeling his stomach flatten and waist suck in while he continues to shudder from his sensitive pussy. A burning sensation explodes from his chest as he watches his nipples perk up and darken while his areole double in size. Gasping for air, Ben feels fat seep behind his nipples and start to push them outwards into the cold air. Cupping his developing tits, he feels them beginning to push against his hands as they swell out into firm D cups, stretching his coat without a bra. “Oh fucccck… these are so heavy” Ben mumbles, groping the soft flesh and twitching from the new sensations. As he continues to feel his new tits, his hands suddenly shrink becoming feminine while his nails grow longer with pink polish. Panicking, he watches the changes move up his arm as his biceps deflate, leaving weak womanly arms and his shoulders constrict, creating a smaller frame.

Nearly there, hot cakes” the bartender grins, as he starts to fill the rest of the cup with bailey cream. Panting from the building horniness, a tingling sensation fills Ben’s body; gasping in surprise, he watches his skin turn creamy white and smooth with no blemishes at all.

Oh fuccck… change me backkk” Ben cries, hearing his voice crack upwards becoming feminine and seductive with an exotic accent. As is speaking, his lips plump out into bee-stung cock-sleeves and reddens from the lipstick. “Plwelsss… halllp…” Ben mumbles through his lips, as his nose shrinks and his jaw softens leaving a feminine structure. His scalp starts to itch as his hair flows down to his jiggling breasts, turning auburn in color and becoming silky smooth. Lastly his vision blurs as his eyes widen and gain a constant foxy seductive appearance while his irises turn piercing blue and eyebrows thins. “Aww… shit” Ben stutters, seeing a sexy woman staring back as he looks at his reflection from a bottle.

“And lastly… the garnish” the bartender chuckles as he drops lemon zest onto the surface of the cup. Ben’s eyes roll to the back of his head the moment the zest splashes into the cup as his memories and personality reconfigures. Memories of dating Sherry and spending time with family disappear from his mind as new memories of spending time with her friends and kissing her boyfriend fills Ben’s mind. Her? Of course, who else would it be if it’s not Brooke? As more memories flood Ben’s head, slowly pushing out his life and replacing it with Brooke, a tear flows down his cheek completing the transformation.

Blinking her blue eyes, Brook looks around and sees the bartender staring at her with arousal. “Mmmm big guy, got a drink for me?” she coos as she sits onto the bench and grabs the drink the bartender just made. Taking a quick sip, she raises her eyebrow and mummers, “tastes… quite special…”, just as the bathroom door bursts open.

~~ --- Kevin's story --- ~~
It had been a tiring day for Ben and Kevin, two best friends who were out on a double date with their girlfriends, spending almost the entire day on the move as they explored every floor of the new mall that had opened recently, offering the very best in terms of food and entertainment. The two were college kids still in their early twenties. Ben was the older of the pair, sporting an average build and height with a mess of black hair while Kevin was his opposite, younger but spindly and tall with a mop of blonde atop his head.

Exhausted, Ben and Kevin had agreed to reserve seats at a special bar in the basement that had relatively little traffic than the restaurants and fast-food places on the upper floors, letting their girlfriends wander a bit more as they cleared out the top floor.

Entering, the two men whistle as they take in the sights of the quaint little bar. Taking a seat by the counter, the two men are greeted by a burly bartender with a face shrouded by a thick beard and bushy brow. Besides him, there wasn’t anyone else to be seen in the bar. “Welcome Gentlemen! what would you have on this lovely evening?” the bartender asked, breaking the silence.

“Uh…yeah, sure i guess, I'll have that special cocktail mix!” “Same here Barkeep!” The two friends snickered as they nodded in agreement. While the two boys were chatting, the bartender slid two pink cocktails between them and left them to their own conversations.

Lifting the glass to his lips, Kevin raised an eyebrow noticing the odd color choice, but decided to take a sip. “Woah… This tastes...special…” Kevin said, as he swirled the liquid in his mouth and enjoyed the after-taste. Curious, Ben took a sip and was just as amazed as he tried to pinpoint the ingredients inside. “Shit… my stomach feels funny. I’ll be back” Kevin groaned, clutching his stomach as he hobbled to the bathroom.

“No problem. I won’t be going anywhere.” Ben chuckled, as he thought nothing of the drink but blamed Kevin’s bad stomach on the suspicious burrito he had for lunch. He leaned back in his chair, as he swirled the drink in the glass, watching the bathroom door close behind Kevin.


On the other side of the doors, Kevin steps foot into the pristine toilet, admiring the polished sheen of the tiled floor and marble walls. The sight was almost enough to make him forget he had a raging storm brewing in his bowels, entering the nearest stall unaware of the internal changes occurring within him as the special chemicals in the drink Kevin had imbibed earlier takes effect

Kevin gets right to unbuckling his jeans as he plops down on the smooth toilet bowl, not noticing how soft his rear had become as an extra cushion of fat begins to fill in, squishing against the rim of the toilet seat. Kevin's previously pale skin begins to liven, a soft yellow spreading over as the now hairless skin gives off a youthful sheen in the dim lighting. Grunting as another kick doubles him over, Kevin’s legs fidget uncomfortably, plumping up and smoothing out in shape as they become dainty and slim. At this point, Kevin looked like an abstract painting gone wrong; his still skinny torso contrasted against the plump, curvaceous contours of his legs making him look like an amalgamation between man and woman.

“Ugh, what the hell is this? I’m feelin' it but nothings coming!” As Kevin groans in effort to pass out the non-existent waste, the pain growing in his belly distracts him from the pulsating flesh across his abdomen and belly, flesh softening and redistributing themselves to other parts of his body like the forearms and weirdly, his chest, soon bubbling with a sizeable mass as they sag his now loose fitting shirt, catching Kevin’s attention. “W-w-what the fuck?! A-are these?”

Unable to ignore the obvious growths now protruding from his once manly chest, Kevin runs a shivering hand over the rest of his body, feeling how soft and frail he had become through the very loose clothes he now wore. Momentarily free from the pain in his belly, His eyes drift over his hips, slowly but surely growing wider as the pulsing flesh along his waist pinches in with each second. His panic reaches a peak however, as he begins to realize what was happening to him as he lays eyes on his exposed feminine legs. If the slowly inflating masses of flesh on his chest wasn’t evident enough; a pair of legs he only ever saw in gravure magazines and pornography enforced the fact that he was slowly but surely, becoming a woman.

“S-shit, I really am turning into a chick!” Distracted from the thoughts, Kevin struggles to get back up on his feet as the realization that the bartender had probably slipped something into his drink registers in his head. “Ah crap! Ben’s still out there!” I-i’ve gotta wa-” Concern for his friend cut short as another burst of pain, this time centered on his groin, forces him onto his knees in the middle of his haste to put on his pants. Unlike the slow ache and dull throbbing from before, the pain was intense this time, an unrelenting white hot wave leaving Kevin paralyzed as all he can do is groan and choke as he feels his member jump to full attention, the pain beginning to feel like a vortex as his testicles begin to deflate and pull back into a freshly formed slit opening beneath his manhood. The leftover flesh forming into a nice pair of plump, hairless lips as the former testicles retreat deep into the warmth of his body, settling into place alongside the womb that had formed earlier. No longer able to keep up the fight, Kevin’s manhood gives off a last hurrah, a spurt of clear fluids splattering across the floor instead of the thick cream he’d expected. Grunting in pained effort, Kevin reaches a trembling hand out towards his receding member, only managing to stroke a finger across the tiny thing before it settles snugly above the new gaping slit between his plump, quivering thighs. Forcing a yelp of surprise out of him at the sudden jolt of stimulation as a small trickle of transparent fluid begins to drip from the fresh slit in between Kevin’s legs, a clear sign that she could no longer call herself a man.

As the pain begins to subside, Kevin groans as she steadies herself on all fours, sweat soaked clothes clinging to her now fully grown female form as her breaths come in quick and ragged, a feminine tone to them as her Adam's Apple recedes into her lithe neckline. “F-f-fuck, when i get outta here i’m gonna like, give that hunk a thing or two, poisoning our drinks like that!” Ignoring the very mature and sexy voice leaving her mouth, Kevin struggles to her feet in her oversized clothes, kicking off her jeans leaving her in just a loose white shirt that only served to expose her further as the fabric clung to her curves in places while hanging limp in others, emphasizing her curves and teasing the soft flesh beneath with each movement. Kevin had trouble even getting off the ground considering how long and shapely her legs were, the feeling of her sensitive thighs brushing together sent shivers up her shapely, curved back as her dainty hands rub against her massive knockers, not realising they had grown to massive E’s that swayed and jiggled with her every move.

How do girls even like, move with these tits?!” Kevin’s mind, although intact, hadn’t been spared by the drug. It’s effects leaving her with a valley girl accent while her words came out twisted, warping her true intentions but leaving her clueless at the same time.

Steadying herself against a basin, Kevin looks up and catches sight of her own reflection in the mirror, staring in awe at the buxom babe clad in nothing but a wet shirt and oversized boxers staring back at her. If not for the fact that the woman in the mirror was her own reflection, Kevin would’ve ranked her in her top ten list of girls besides her girlfriend; crimson red eyes with a beautiful sheen, a mesmerizing shade of auburn colored hair that fell down her shapely body, wide hips and curves in all the right places, a pair of plump yet perky melons that drew stares and best of all, a mature face with cold, sleek eyes. “I-is that like, actually me? I’m so fuckin hawt! B-but what about Ben! A-a-and Anise...shit! I-I need to get out of here…” Staggering to her full height, Kevin glared at her reflection with mixed feelings. On one hand, unrestrained arousal was telling her to get on her knees and worship the woman looking back at her with those same sharp eyes that got her new lower bits tingling, but more urgent matters on her mind reminded her that Kevin was a skinny twenty-something year old man, not the sex goddess that had taken his place. Turning on her heels and almost falling over as her breasts surge forward, Kevin clumsily makes her way to the toilet door, putting on her brave face unaware of the bright red blush across her cheeks that undermined her efforts...


Like, Where the fuck is that bartender?” Kevin shouts, her wide hips and massive bosom bouncing with each step. Looking at the counter, he sees a buxom babe sitting where Ben had been seated as she casually swirls her drink in her small hand, giving the bartender a show as she subtly plays with her exposed cleavage. Looking past the rather horny looking girl, Kevin angrily stares at the bartender and yells out in anger, “What did you, like, do to her?! Change us back, or I’ll bea-“.

Kevin’s angry yells are cut short as the door jingles open, eyes widening in happiness as she catches sight of her girlfriend; Anise walking in alongside the former Ben’s girlfriend, Sherry. Piping up with a question after an awkward silence, “Um… sorry to interrupt… whatever’s happening… but have you seen our boyfriends Kevin and Ben? One’s sort of tall and blonde while the other’s a jock?” Anise asks, awkwardly glancing between Kevin’s massive tits and the very obvious puddle forming as droplets drip down from the chair between Brooke’s legs, as a stifled moan leaks from her plump lips, getting off at the stares of disgust from the newcomers.

Before Kevin could speak up however, the bartender splashes her over the face with a drink, surprising her as he cuts her off. “I’m very sorry ladies but I'm afraid-” Not letting him take over though, Kevin interjects, even as she feels a heavy haze begin to settle over her mind as the drug goes into overdrive once more, beginning to alter her mind with no bad tummy to save her this time.

Like...Hi...I’m Ke---Kayla…no… I need you two to like...help me… fuck the bartender!” Kevin stutters as his mind starts to fog. “That’s like, Ben…over there, her juicy cunt is so, like, worth it...arrrghhh noooo....” Kevin shouts, holding her head in her hands as her thoughts begin to warp and distort with fresh memories of screwing around with the bartender in bed replacing those of being together with Anise and loving every moment of it.

“What the fuck, control yourself you damn slut...” Sherry mutters, completely creeped out by the scantily dressed girl raving about sexual activities with her vulgar vocabulary. Clapping his hands to divert their attention away from the trembling woman, the bartender lets out an exaggerated sigh as he prepares fresh drinks.

“Apologies for that, please have a drink on the house while we deal with our drunk patron. I was in the middle of handling her when you two showed up...” the bartender says, handing the two girls a sparkling cocktail and giving Brooke a wink. The girls take up his offer and sip their drinks, as their eyes glaze over while their memories are rewritten, Kevin still trying to fight off the changes as all she can do is watch helplessly as her girlfriend loses herself right in front of her eyes.

Blinking a few times as the two snap out of the drug induced haze, the girls look up at Brooke and smile. “There you are! We’ve been looking for you girl! The stores are about to close!” Anise giggles, completely forgetting about boyfriend and wiping Brooke’s fluid-stained skirt with a napkin while Sherry walks them out of the bar.


No, come back…you have to fuck me!” Kevin moans, losing the will to fight back as she watches the girls ignore her and walk out the door, the last vestiges of Kevin washed over with her new identity as Kayla. Kneeling over as pleasure overtakes fear, fingers diving deep into her dripping snatch as she shamelessly masturbates in front of the instigator of all their troubles. But in Kayla’s eyes, that furry bartender had always been her loving sugar daddy. Showering her with plenty of ‘love’ when she wasn’t out earning her keep as a prostitute. Smiling at a job well done, he walks over to the door, hanging up the sign that signalled closure.

Walking back over to the mewling woman tossing and turning in a pool of her own juices, the bartender tosses over a set of skimpy underwear and a fur coat before turning around and heading to the staircase leading to the storage room. Giggling, Kayla tears off her oversized clothes as she slides on the revealing set of sleepwear without question, loving how tight the straps were as they dug into her soft, tender flesh and sensitive breasts. “I'll see you upstairs, deary, don’t keep me waiting now.” Smiling, Kayla puffs out her chest as she displays her assets with the fur coat dangling over her arms, putting on a show for her man as he stops halfway up the stairs, unable to take his eyes off of her sweat slick skin and curvaceous form. “You’re like, so mean daddy! Can’t we just like, fuck over the counter? Store’s closed~” Sighing, the man reverses as he unbuckles his pants, Kayla’s seductive features twisting into an eager smile as she catches sight of the massive member flopping out of the open zipper as he approaches her, licking her plump lips in anticipation.

Thanks for the meal~

~~ --- Ben and Kevin (CONCLUSION)--- ~~

Like, Where the fuck is that bartender?” Kevin shouts, her wide hips and massive bosom bouncing with each step. Looking at the counter, she sees a buxom babe sitting where Ben had been seated as she casually swirls her drink in her small hand, giving the bartender a show as she subtly plays with her exposed cleavage. Looking past the rather horny looking girl, Kevin angrily stares at the bartender and yells out in anger, “What did you, like, do to her?! Change us back, or I’ll bea---“.

Before Kevin could speak up however, the bartender splashes her over the face with a drink, surprising her as he cuts her off. “I’m very sorry ladies but I'm afraid-” Not letting him take over though, Kevin interjects, even as she feels a heavy haze begin to settle over her mind as the drug goes into overdrive once more, beginning to alter her mind with no bad stomach to save her this time.

Kevin’s angry yells are cut short as the door jingles open, eyes widening in happiness as she catches sight of her girlfriend; Anise walking in alongside the former Ben’s girlfriend, Sherry. Piping up with a question after an awkward silence, “Um… sorry to interrupt… whatever’s happening… but have you seen our boyfriends Kevin and Ben? One’s sort of tall and blonde while the other’s a jock?” Anise asks, awkwardly glancing between Kevin’s massive tits and the very obvious puddle forming as droplets drip down from the chair between Brooke’s legs, as a stifled moan leaks from her plump lips, getting off at the stares of disgust from the newcomers.

Like...Hi...I’m Ke---Kayla…no… I need you two to like...help me… fuck the bartender!” Kevin stutters as hher mind starts to fog. “That’s like, Ben…over there, her juicy cunt is so, like, worth it...arrrghhh noooo....” Kevin shouts, grasping her head and pointing at Brook as her thoughts jumble around.

What the fuck…control yourself you damn slut...” Sherry mutters, completely creeped out by the scantily dressed girl raving about sexual activities with her vulgar vocabulary.

Apologies for that, please have a drink on the house while we deal with our drunk patron. I was in the middle of handling her when you two showed up...” the bartender says, handing the two girls a sparkling cocktail and giving Brooke a wink. The girls take up on his offer and sip their drinks, as their eyes glaze over while their memories are rewritten.

Blinking a few times as the two snap out of the drug induced haze, the girls look up at Brook and smile. “There you are! We’ve been looking for you girl! The stores are about to close!” Anise giggles, wiping Brooke’s fluid-stained skirt with a napkin while Sherry walks them out of the bar.

No, come back… you have to… believe me… and fuck me” Kevin moans, unable to control his words as he watches the girls ignore him and walk away.

~~ Epilogue (Ben) ~~

"What a fucking weirdo" Brook giggles as she walks besides Sherry and Anise, winking at boys staring at her. "That bar has fantastic drinks! We should invite our boyfriends over to let them try one day..." she grins as her pussy starts to drip in anticipation. 

Her attention shifts to a man in his late twenties smiling at her, "hey cutie, free tonight for some drinks?" he says, as he walks up to the group of girls. 

"Mhmm... sure thing big guy, I know just the place" Brook grins, taking his hand and pushes it into her cleavage as she leads the man back towards the bar.


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