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Episode 1064-1066 is uploading now btw. I recorded this after the episodes but since it was longer this uploaded quicker. It will be up tonight though!


It's over


Ben Asay

Sweet I got some good reactions to watch after work have a good night dude


It's OK ruff I totally understand and support your choice, I was the same and now I simply enjoy the series and the reactors I like but I avoid comment sections and no longer browse twitter or reddit because the community has just become too toxic for me. I'm just grateful that it has not stopped your love of one piece because it almost made me lose my love of one piece and yeah once you catch up you notice how crazy toxic a lot of people are especially in certain one piece channels so props to those youtubers who are still going strong. I'll still be here to support since you are one of my fave one piece reactors! Stay strong! 💪❤️

Kristian Butler

Been watching since water 7/yorknew city arcs you do what’s best!

Monkey D. Moritz

I totally get that you don’t enjoy the twitter/YouTube one piece community anymore. But imo your patreon community hasn’t changed at all. Would it not be possible to just ignore the overall community and focus more on the patreon community? I’d love more one piece content for example reactions to other one piece content creators videos. (Mugiwara no goofy, tekking, bda law, ohara, Syv) just to name a few good ones


It's OK ruff I totally understand and support your choice, I'm just grateful the toxicity of the anime community has not stopped your love of one piece. Been here since your episode 4 reaction of onepiece love your content and all the other channels you guys have, I'll still be here to support since you are one of my fav one piece reactors!

Death Knight

I totally support your decision but i just wanna say this, I have been here since.. well on YouTube side since episode one on patroon side i think since a month or so after you made it? And to be honest rewatching THE ENTIRE One Piece series alongside with you has been an unbelievably fun experience from the end of my senior year to now ive been engulfed in seeing you reach the peak moments and the harshest sad moments I honestly don't think I could have ever gotten this engaged with any other reactor that exists out there and its not me trying to stan for you its more the fact of out of all that ive seen you had a certain pull to you that no one else had and I'm at a point now where even if its 2-3 years away there is no way in hell I'm not gonna stick around and follow you along to the very end of one piece. I completely understand your reasoning for the youtube and twitter side and honestly I agree the community has just.. taken such a shift in recent time that its honestly pretty crazy. Even if its only on patreon side im sticking till the end no less and thats not to say i dont enjoy your other reactions like fairly tail, demon slayer, black clover (especially that one) and double especially ranking of kings and re:zero they were all just as good of an experience and like fairly tail even made me enjoy some arcs that i previously wasn't to fond of or especially didn't remember to fondly it was kind of grounding and more laid back of an experience for me to hear someone call the issues with it instead of playing it off and hype manning the show and i think thats one of the massive things i liked about you as a reactor even if it was a series spilling hype and trending or a series deemed as a masterpiece you never had any issues calling out the glaring issues but doing it in a way where it almost made you laugh cause it almost seemed stupid when you said it out loud that they left stuff like that in moreso than harsh or slamming criticism. but overall man I genuinely wish you, your family, and everyone on sorta stupid as you continue to grow nothing but the best and no matter what you move on to im sticking around because i genuinely dont think theres another reactor out there right now that i get as much enjoyment out of as you or that i spend so much time watching. And you brought a lot of joy to someone who was just starting to work on himself after a life of shit. Thanks man


I think, having been a weekly reader of one piece for around 15 years now. What I see regarding negativity and all around dickishness online is related to week to week. Honestly, some of the worst times to be a one piece fan were during dressrosa and punk hazard wano and current are up there but nowhere near as toxic. I am glad that you are addressing this. And I hope you get a chance to read your patron comment section because the community YOU have formed is a good one. It seems like a supportive group and honestly, screw the dickheads that want to ruin my favorite piece of media for me or you or anyone else. You are my favorite reactor, I have no qualms with saying that whatever you do in the future I'm here for it, one piece above all else (just because it's my favorite) but whatever you do, I'm here for it. Because you just make my day a little better with your content man. Be blessed ruff.


You got this dude, it's never too late to work on yourself. Stay strong brother. 💪

The Battle Frontier - Pokemon Podcast

I totally get you, just do what you want and love and fuck everything and everybody else. I've been a patreon for the past couple of years and loved every bit of your reactions even though I caught up on the anime and manga for more than a decade it's still fun to see other people discover this amazing gem of an anime and whatever you choose to do next I'm with you all the way!


I honestly haven't seen almost any toxcity in the patreon comments or really with OP in my experiences and what dose this mean for Fairytale?

Jordan Rudnick

your best content is definitely the content you enjoy


It's not primarily patreon. But without YT patreon does not grow in any way. As for Fairy Tail I am overwhelmed and do not have the time. I'll get to it whenever I have more free time. Unfortunetly multiple channels, running a company and having a 6month old, I don't even have time to breath myself


tbh I just subbed back because I was wondering what u were doing, the reason I stopped my sub was because I was slowly seeing the community going away the one where everyone joined the streams and we watched anime all together or the op reactions. I noticed when u started manga reaction it became another community and I didn't really feel comfortable in it. Just my honest thoughts. Edit: also wtf this vid makes me almost cry, can't really explain :/ and I just wanned to say I appreciate you alot. Maybe you don't notice it but you've helped me alot. I do wish that the old community can be formed again.


if you want my opinion read his comment cause i agree with him


id wait if you wanted to wait for your friends i understand the whole enjoying it with your friends and i LOVE watching SORTA STUPID videos