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Hunter x Hunter ep 47-50 patreon

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Jabin (Aelic)

yesss!! your hunter x hunter reactions always make my day just a bit better man. I'm excited to watch them.

Gus N

The power increase by "condition and condition" part of Nen makes a lot of sense seeing a lot of the powers that we've seen so far. * Basho - has to write a Haiku about what will happen before it can happen, the better the Haiku the stronger the effect, but if he didn't do this, he would've had much weaker effects. * Baise - whoever she kisses becomes her slave for 180 minutes, but this requires her to kiss her target, which is a big disadvantage, but it's also part of the reason why it's strong enough to overwhelm most anyone. * Kurapika - His Chain Jail move can only be used against the Phantom Troupe, if he uses it on anyone else he will die on the spot, it's probably the worst consequence you can set but it gives him enough power to restrain even a master Enhancer, and the (physically) strongest Phantom Troupe member. Other powers like Hisoka's Bungee Gum and Texture Surprise don't seem to have much of any rule that we've seen, and they aren't super powerful, but Hisoka uses a lot of mind games and sneakyness so it doesn't matter to him much.


So basically, Kurapika is definitely strong on his own, but the only reason he's able to take on the phantom troupe is because the condition that he set makes his Nen way stronger whenever he's fighting them, specifically. So he's not really the most powerful character we've seen, he's just the most powerful against the Phantom Troupe.


Your reaction to Kurapika vs Uvogin was so fun to watch. Reliving the awe a lot of us went through in that fight. This is where Hunter x Hunter begins to shine brighter than the rest.


Also, all of the phantom troupe members have Nen. In that scene where you got confused, the guy was saying that the Ten Dons (mafia leaders) were worried that the Phantom Troupe might have a member with a Nen ability that allows them to extract information without even having to torture someone. They were concerned about that because the Phantom Troupe kidnapped the Owl (the guy who hid the auction items for the mafia) and the Ten Dons don't want the Phantom Troupe to find out where the items were hidden.

Gus N

It's not that everyone sees Gon as evil, it's just that he has a ton of potential, if he chooses the wrong path, it would be disastrous. Unlike Wing, Zepile is saying that he "can't be appraised" so he's dangerous. He's just saying that Gon is so open minded that he's almost unreadable, an unknown, and an unknown *could* be dangerous.


The funny thing is they have TWO members who could have extracted the information without torture (Shalnark and Pakunoda) and they let Feitan torture him anyway.


The reason he was worried about Gon being dangerous is that Gon is very simple. He is curious and kind but has no real code of right or wrong. He watches Killua kill without concern and has no moral compass. He is not good or bad and has very simple thoughts.


True but he also has no moral compass. He watches Killua kill and thinks its normal. He is a 12 year old boy with a straightforward way of thinking who can't differentiate right or wrong/good or evil.


Love Nobunaga's arm wrestling scene. Phantom Troupe best characters.


Yes, it is true Kurapika has become very strong, but remember the strength and nen is conditioned. Basically, he only has that level of power because he is fighting the Troupe. His chains and universal mastery abilities won't work on any other targets. So yes, he can beat Uvogin, but possibly not Gon or Killua.


Kurapika is only so strong as he has a condition on his power that if he uses it on anybody other than the phantom troupe he dies, this makes his nen stronger. Its never explained but you notice how kurapika has a chain for each finger, i think he has one ability per finger.


People love Leorio, but he’s often known as the “forgotten protagonist”. He does have more moments but he’s treated much more like a side character from here on out and doesn’t have a time to shine unlike Kurapika in this arc and of course our 2 stars.


yeah but all of them are pretty powerful


To be clear the only chain that has the restriction on the Phantom Troupe alone is Chain Jail, his other chains can be used when he wants


I feel when people are calling Gon dangerous, I don’t necessarily think that they believe he’s evil or something. I think that they see he’s got the potential to do something great but is young and really hasn’t set out on his own path yet, wether it’s good or bad.


Gon is just a 12 year old boy thrown into a world that’s probly more dangerous and fickle than our own. There are kids in bad areas of the world who’ve done worse things than gon. He’s not evil or bad, he’s only a child whose innocense can take him through different paths out of pure curiosity.


wow thank you for all this content delivered so fast. you are a hunter x hunter watching machine ^^ I guess me to since I already binge watch all your hunterxhunter reaction, and so many others. still it is easier since I am not making any video about it. keep up the good work.


About Kurapika emperor time, at this point of the story it may feel like it is to powerful and that it is going beyond the preestablish law of the nen system. but don't worry to much about it just keep in mind, that if you go in manga territory you will eventually get a more in depth explanation of how it is working. I wont tell you more because I don't want to go into spoiler territory to keep your level of enjoyment intact. just trying to tease you into reading the manga when you will be finished with the anime. because so much happen "beyond" the anime.

Roy Meulblok

I already loved Kurapika early on together with Killua, but ep 47 put Kurapika above Killua.


Until Chimera Ants puts Killua back firmly above Kurapika


without going into to much detail I feel that the next arc in the manga will put him in the front row ^^ if it ever happen... I am still waiting for a new chapter.


I don't know about the hat being a one piece reference. could pretty much be tough because at some point Togashi did a chapter were he hide in it numerous object related to other shonen jump manga. this could be something similar in anime form.

Nate D.

Kurapika is the smartest most confidant badass is anime, only one I’ve ever seen Bring a shovel to bury the other dude, lmao


The pacing is great until it takes them five episodes to run up a staircase.

Gabriel Ribeiro

It was very possibly a one piece reference! Few people notice this but there is a reference to the autor himself in this scene. That little dog with glasses that comes inside of the toy, is actually the symbol which Togashii presents himself when talking in the magazine. Also there is Yu yu hakushou miniatures in Millukis collection, and the dog appear in other scenes.


Only Chain Jail is PT exclusive. He can and does use ET and other chains against people.

Cody Wild

Don’t forget about Neons phone. More YuYu Hakisho references


kurapika god mods

Devron Love

So a lot of people wonder how Kurapika is so strong at this point and the answer is he really isn't. I mean he is insanely strong only against the Phantom Troupe members. He crafted his Nen with the sole intent to take them down. A lot of his abilities he cant even use unless he's using them against a member of the Troupe. If he used them otherwise he would die. That's the condition he placed on his Nen to be able to achieve such strength. So if he were to fight an opponent that was of the Troupe members level that wasnt a member he would. he would be in big trouble.


Great reaction! I would highly recommend watching the Kurapika vs. Uvogin fight from the 1999 series. While I am really enjoying the new series, I personally prefer this fight in the 1999 adaptation. The animation is less flashy, but it has this bleak mood to it and the animators and voice actors did an incredible job with the emotions. The tone and colour palettes really gave this whole arc a darker tone IMO. Again, not to take away from the new scene at all, but I really recommend giving the 1999 version a shot. Also, at this point I consider every straw hat everywhere a reference to One Piece :P


Well said, I only just reached this video today and while listening to Ruff speculate I was trying to decide if it was worth pinging him in Discord to explain so I'm glad someone already has and closer to when the info was relevant. HxH power system is incredible, but can also be incredibly complex depending on who the nen user is, their affinity and any conditions they may have placed on themselves. I felt like understanding that Kurapika is using an incredibly strict/risky condition was important to grasping a key concept of nen and I'm happy to see it didn't go unexplained.


Last thing on the Gon stuff here but actually read what he says before again. He explains everything u need to know. Gon doesn’t care about right or wrong, but what interests him. He bases his morality around what benefits him and his friends even if the other person is deplorable. Let’s put it this way if Hitler came along and gave his friends a ride to train Gon would judge him as good. A man selfishly motivated above all else is very dangerous even more so when he believes his option is the only one that matters.

Master Oogway

Kurapika is strong because he is specialist, emperor time is amazing, while the fortune teller girl specialist but never praticed nen and fighting wise, she is just a normal girl. Plus don't forget they spent less time practing nen because of gon breaking his arm(2 months break+1month on whale island)