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One Piece Ep 246-248 Patreon-1

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Esteban Garcia maldonado

I’m sorry but I hated ussop even more with this like bro he knew yet he chose to leave his friends over the stupid shot that he knew that was fucking trash like bro wtf is wrong with him I’m sorry but I hated him even more


ho appena notato che mancano anche le reaction agli episodi di Enies Lobby. questo, insieme al fatto che non si possa avere una risposta da te, mi portano a disdire il rinnovo abbonamento purtroppo. proverò a vedere se su YouTube sono visibili per intero, altrimenti sarà comunque stato un bel viaggio fino a qui. in bocca al lupo!




Two in a row!


Franky may have a hard metal exterior(literally), but he has a very soft heart, and cannot resist a good heartfelt story


fun fact Tom is a long-horned cowfish fish-man


Thank you, Ruff for giving us something fun to end this ... year on. Happy New Year To Ruff and everyone!! 🎉


You've reached the point where the next cover story finished. This one shows you what happens to Gedatsu after he falls from Skypeia. There's also some appearances by other characters you'll recognize. https://imgur.com/a/TyzVZ


49:16 Ah yes, the amphibious Rabbit LOL. I get why you got confused, yokozuna was going "Ribbit". Still Funny though LOL.

Roy Meulblok

Don't say its a boring reaction, the feelings you get from watching this show is why we love your reactions. Also I once worked on a shipyard where we had this massive keel. It was a straight beam at that point so they had made a rig with metal bars and straps to put pressure on one side while on the other we used water and heat from a torch to bend it the old school way. Was really fun and impressive to see such a massive beam be bend like that. ALSO You missed Pandaman at 62:08 :P. ALSO ALSO I vaguely remember Tom not using the word "Resolutely" but instead said "With a don". Now I dunno which of the translations is the propper one, but I feel like "With a don" always had a better ring to it. If anyone could tell me that would be awesome.

Gus N

Franky's voice in the dub is really bad, in my opinion.

Gus N

The island of Water 7 is sinking slowly, just like Venice. The Aqua Laguna might not cause it to sink, but the water level and Aqua Laguna's severity increases over time since the island is sinking.


Oh boy Oda puts people in their feels. Tears will stream down your face when a certain song is played in a couple arcs.


I enjoy it. It's certainly different from the original Japanese but I still find that it works very well. Granted, I am a big fan of the dub too and I really like almost all of the voices.


Both translations are technically correct! In Japanese, the phrase is "Don to yare", which literally translates to "do it with a don". This refers to the Japanese sound effect "don", kinda like "bang" or "kapow" in Western comics, and Oda uses this a lot to accentuate big moments, like with Blackbeard's speech in Jaya or the "nothing happened" moment, so Tom is saying you should do things with the same kind of conviction. But since the official translations need to account for people with no knowledge of Japanese, they just translate it to "resolutely", since that kinda captures the original meaning. You've probably seen the "with a don" translation in fansubs, where they can keep the original phrase and just add a translator note to explain.

Gus N

"You guys know I don't cry" *cries* Hahahaha, fool! You're watching One Piece, this is just the beginning of the crying!


In the words of Matt Owens (head writer of the OP Live action), One Piece makes you do three things. Laugh, Cry, and say "Holy Shit" RuffSenpai, Sir... you've just scratched the surface.

Gus N

Franky's backstory starts 22 years ago, They completed the train 12 years ago, so it took the whole 10 years of probation to build it.


you can keep the guessing game if you just guess on the second transition by looking away or closing your eyes

Kay M

I definitely cried during that scene with Usopp when I first watched it this series has made me cry alot from the feels


Franky in english sounds like a frat boy tbh.


So you were there for the reverie fellow one piece fan!

F. Carasind

There are times when a reaction is even more powerful because the reactor doesn't say much or anything – so don't worry. If you are so invested in a moment it is a joy to watch, at least for me. So I loved your reaction here. One of my favorite all-time reactions is from a later scene in One Piece where the reactor simply forgot to talk because of the events shown but you could see all the feelings in her face. Her next words after much silence was a curse followed by an apology after realizing what she said... :)


the rabbit!

K Vid

I totally cried during the Usopp scene. It gets me every time.

Josh Lomax

Personally I think Frank's dub voice is way better than his Japanese voice.


Get some tissues, you'll need em. Water 7 is just the set up, Eines Lobby is where this all comes together. And as others have said, going silent isn't a bad thing when it's clear just how damn hard a scene is hitting you, the silence and your expression speak for themselves. Also, yeah, Oda does backstory like no other, and no matter what you expect, he will surprise you.

Morgan Hellström

If you cant handle the boat story now. You screwed later for real


i balled my eyes out, i got tears even tho ive seen this like 10 times now

Blue Pearl

I've heard from reliable sources that people who don't like One Piece have either not watched it yet or are secret members or ISIS.


If you love this arc this much, the Water 7 Saga may become one of your all time favourites! Enies Lobby is my favourite anime / manga arc ever for a reason - keep up the reactions brother 💪


ODA knows how to hit ya right in the feels


I think Franky's English dub is actually better than the Japanese because supposedly, Franky would be American if he were from a real world country, and the VA for Franky has a deep American surfer dude accent.


Did anyone else have buffering issues or is it just me? Still a great reaction Ruff!



Declan Gastineau

A bit late to the party, but feel like I gotta say you definitely said "Rabbit" because of the "Ribbit, Ribbit" subtitles haha


i like frankys dub voice actor