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Ask away! :D



How do you com up with your stories?


What is something you want be asked but no one ever does?


Not a question but please thank your parents for giving us you. You are a wonderful man who is sexy ,confident and caring. You take such good care of us all and I couldn’t think of a better man to treat us all so well and with so much love and welcome. Thank you Jim and thank you Jim’s parents.


Thank you for introducing me to a whole new world of kinky entertainment! LOVE LOVE. Have you ever had great ideas for scenes that you really want to do, but just wouldn't work well for audio only content? If so, what are they?


Why u so cute ?


FMK; Cleopatra, Boudica, Jane Austen, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Florence Nightingale, Marilyn Monroe 🤪 you can only choose three for this game. Or break my heart beyond repair


Would you ever do a gay version of your twilight or even a couple cuckold


I’d be so down to be the cucked wife watching a lovely scene between my husby & Jimbo🤩🤩🤩what an idea


What were your favorite cartoons growing up?


Just read you play/played trombone which is hilarious to me since when I starting playing it was before I had hit puberty so I was 4’nothing and had to use my foot to hit “C” and kick it back in time. I made solos at Jazz Band so obviously I had it down to a science 🤣 My question this month is what should I look for in a high yield savings account(s)


Do you read for fun? If you do what's your favorite series/types of stories?


Hi there! What are 3 of your favorite songs to sing at karaoke? Thank you!


Hiyooo!! (I'm not too sure if you've answered this before - sorry if you have) What are your personal favourite kinks/sexual fantasies?


Can you do a scar positivity/acceptance vid? Another vampire vid would be great


Hiii, alright straight up Nicholas Cage good or bad or meh? Personally he’s crazy enough to be acceptable in my eyes? just sometimes he has me like “who even is this man?” “This man is everything to me” so like I said I’m in between of bad and good xD Weird question but a question is a question :3


If money was no object, what would you choose to do with your time and what would your day to day look like? What are some larger tasks/trips/goals you'd put next on your plate in this same scenario? 🥰 I always enjoy hearing responses to this question.


What's your favourite thing about making erotic audio for all us horny fans? :P


I'm thinking of moving to LA soon, and wanted to know if you had any advice/tips on what I should do leading up to that? (Financial tips, things to keep in mind, etc.) Thanks!


Oh, and another one just because I'm curious, haha- what is the youngest age you would feel comfortable being in a relationship with? Feel free to skip this one if you don't want to answer!


What's your all time favorite/comfort movie? I'm talking like the movie that you can always re-watch, at any place, at any time, and always enjoy despite knowing most or all of the lines and obviously the entire plot. And an add on to that, what movie has your favorite vibe/cinematography/score/mood it evokes? (Like right now for instance mine would be call me by your name just because it transports you there while you watch)


What fashion trend within the past couple years or current do you think is absolutely silly and will be one of the past trends laughed about in a decade?


What's the most important lesson you've been taught or have learned on your own when it comes to keeping it together when you don't feel you have much of a support system? Like, how to keep a positive outlook for the future when your insides feel pretty grim, or even when really upsetting things seem to keep occurring. Not a fun question but I feel like you might have some insight.


What do you miss about IL, and what do you really love about CA?


Do you like bubble tea? If so what's your favorite kind? owo Matcha and strawberry are both of my favs 😋


Weird question I guess….would it freak you out if you were into a girl and she’d never been with someone. Background - I’m 32, it just feels weird now. And it’s not that I never had opportunities. Just had a lot to work through.


Just orienting my Libran ways here…NONE OF THIS SILLINESS EFFECTS THE TIME-SPACE CONTINUUM ~ it’s just a fun game for a fun, sexy history buff❤️‍🔥luv u, big man


Are there any kinks or fetishes that are off-limits for commissions?


Did your cat make his way home?


Do you have any tips for going on road trips alone? Also what do you listen to on long drives?