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I'm taking all the measures and using all the means to get him back (alerts and apps, groups and flyers, live trap + dirty undies, etc), and really appreciate all your kindness and support at this time.  Its been really, really, heartbreaking losing my best friend, and as a little bit of grief kinda creeps in, its been very hard to be sexually creative 😞

One thing that brings me a little comfort is that he escaped into the lush green area he stared at for hours and hours a day.  He really wanted to get back there and have an adventure, and in a way, I'm happy I could bring him out here to ca(t)lifornia and get him in his best shape (w/ the $3000 procedure I just had done) for one maybe last hurrah out in the jungle.  

If he doesn't come back, he went out doing exactly what he wanted to do, and we can all have a big smile at that <3


P.S. Really exciting things are happening with the new website and can't wait to share them with you soon!  Working on that has been a welcome distraction, ngl 😅 

P.P.S. The MOST thanks go to the understanding of my long-waiting/suffering August commission holders.


lee lee

Take all the time you need! I’m so sorry about Admiral. 💙


Hope your boi comes back from his adventure safe and sound ✨💕


My sister's cat was found alive 70 days after a house fire. Cats are ridiculously resilient and I really hope Admiral comes home safely soon. Maybe he's out meeting the ladies? Sending good thoughts your way, sir. 😘


I’m so sorry about the boi 💜🥺 I hope he come back soon!! No need to rush 💜💜💜 take it easy if you need to 💜


Oh my goodness gracious not the baby boooy 🥺💕 That is more than understandable you take your time.


All of the loves. ❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍


Please mind yourself Jim he needs to show his ass and apologise for making dad worry


Just a suggestion, have you tried putting his litter box outside so he can smell his way home? I heard that works wonders.


Take care of you! You're important. We are here when you're ready to create again!


Awe, Totally understand and I pray he comes back soon 💙 💙


All the love to you💗🙏


I did that for a few days and I ended up attracting a possum into my live trap.. that was an adventure :S


I've been there Jim. Male cats like to roam. Sometimes they come back and sometimes they don't. It is always hard on us cat parents when they go away, and it seems like nothing can fill the void left by their absence. Every little noise had me running to check if my cat had returned, and the disappointment was crushing - But it gets easier over time.


Glad you are taking some time. I know the last week has been rough. For what it's worth, I'm proud of you and happy to wait.


I’m so sorry, Jim. I know the pain of a missing furbaby. I lost my beloved Kami when she got out in a thunderstorm. Two years ago my senior rescue kitty Trudi was spooked out the door and we couldn’t catch her. Its incredibly painful but both times I had dreams shortly after where they signified to me they were at peace. What’s meant to be will be and Admiral will find you again one way or another, in this life or the next. Hang in there. Lots of love to you ❤️


I hope he comes home so soon!! Take care of yourself, we love you🤩💛


Sending hugs (or whatever your preferred comfort).


I'm so sorry about your dear cat. I hope he finds his way home again soon.


So sorry you have to go through this. As a pet mama this is my worst nightmare and my heart hurts for you. Love and light for you and the boi 💜


Sending support and well wishes your way! Please take care of you! 💕


Oh no—silly little man! He must’ve forgotten how much fun adventures are with Dad and wandered out alone! Hopefully he’s just out enjoying a romp in the jungle before making his way back to his home base! Sending many comforting warm fuzzies to you and some guiding warm fuzzies to Admiral so he can make his way home soon! 🧡🧡🧡


Nature Boi 2: Electric Boogaloo *now with less vomit* Also Meatball’s spirit requires that you still put out a second breakfast for his subby Bro! &gt;;3


Oh Jim! 🥺 As a cat parent, I absolutely understand. And as a former Californian, I also feel the fear knowing your boy is out in the wild. Wildlife in Cali is no joke for a feline. I will light a candle and say a little prayer to Bast that your boy may find his way back home. And I am sure I speak for everyone (and also as an audio performer myself) that it is more than understood if your content creation lags a bit. I have been struggling with the same problem (for different reasons) and I can tell you I don’t plan on going anywhere. Take your time, take care of yourself. Affectionately,


I'm so sorry!! I recently lost my dog, so I can relate very heavily to that. It's takes a long time to get over it. A lot of strength, love and hugs!


Oh no, I am so sorry to hear this!! Please take as long as you need. I can only imagine how much I'd be struggling if my Lewis was missing. Your mental health and Admiral's wellbeing take 100% priority. I'll definitely be thinking of you both! &lt;3


Hope the boi comes back 🥺 sending lots of love to you, jim


I wish I could come assist with the search 😔 Sending all the positive vibes.


I’m so sorry, Jim! I know how hard it is to lose a pet, even temporarily. My cat came back to us nearly a year after going missing. Cats are incredibly intelligent and have great survival instincts. All we can do is hope! Sending positive vibes and love ❤️


I’m so sorry to hear that he has not come back. Take your time!! Your well-being is more important. Sending as much love as possible 💜💜💜


Your outlook on the current situation with the boi is so wonderful! We’re all here for you no matter what the outcome may be ❤️ take as much time as you need, focus on your happiness and health, and keep on staying so positive! It’ll continue to take you far 💕


I’ve heard if you put the cat box outside they’ll come to the smell since they’ll recognize it, don’t know if you’ve tried it or not forgive me. Best wishes for you and Admiral.