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So another year in the books.
This time around? For the holidays? Travel has become such a chore that honestly, it’s not really much of a reasonable option.

Not that Amanda truly minds.

After all, she’s put in the effort the last handful of years. And while she’ll miss seeing the smiling, happy faces of the extended family she’s grown to love & can no longer believe she was once so nervous to first meet, each year had still somehow gotten just a wee bit tougher for her. Especially last year, after they got guilted into that embarrassingly disastrous New Years Party. But the less about that the better. Nah, only good vibes right now. The best vibes! And holiday cheer.

As far as she sees it, she’s earned this right to just have a nice, cozy, quiet little holiday at home, dammit! Just her & her partner, snuggling up in their pj’s, waking up, getting nicely baked without having to be sly & keep it on the down-low, or the stress of having to pretend they’re fine when they’ve maybe gotten just a little too faded.

Now they can just sit back & watch cheesy holiday romcoms together, mercilessly making fun of them without having to pull any of their punches around cousin Tammy, who as wonderfully kind as she is, somehow actually enjoys this schlock, unironically.

And honestly? It’s almost the best of both worlds. When the munchies hit, & oh boy, will they ever, they can do it all while still snacking on the oh-so delicious giant care package of the world’s best homemade snickerdoodles her in-laws were so very generous to ship to them after they politely declined this year. Not to mention the brownies from Aunt Tilly. All of the homemade peppermint bark from Step-Aunt Staci. And the red velvet cupcakes from Peter.

This was truly holiday heaven.

And still, it was only going to get better in just two days. That’s when her one big Christmas gift (aside from all the delivery gift cards, sweets, & weed she got as stocking stuffers) was finally getting delivered. A brand new, wider, sturdier custom built chaise lounge all for her! No more tight arms at either side, cinching in & pinching at her hips! No more needing to reinforce it with old, thick ass reference books underneath to help distribute the load. All new, high quality construction, top of the very line, with a soft, extra cushy lining. Oh god that sample felt so amazing. Almost like herself, but wrapped in a velvety suede.

Of course, she wasn’t looking all too forward to eventually having to make the actual switch, physically. She tried not to think about how she was eventually going to probably have to try & actually like… stand up. Ech. At this point? Can you imagine?

No! She promised she wasn’t going to keep worrying about that! Not now! It was fine. Things were going to be fine. And she could deal with this old one they had modified on the fly, pressing her cheeks together for another day or two, no problem. Like it hugged her, only adding to the coziness. Just no sudden moves, lest it began creaking again & suddenly she found herself spilling over onto the floor. Or even worse, through it.

With a slight, wobbly shiver, she went back to focusing on the snickerdoodle between her plump fingers.

“No!” she thought to herself, taking another greedy bite. “Good vibes only. It’s only going to be immaculate Holiday Vibes, from here on out!”


Merry Xmas!

Sorry that I pulled the 'placeholder' business again but I really wanted to do this as a Christmas post but inevitably had to:

a) Contend with working around holiday gatherings

b) Deal with a tablet that's touch functioning has gotten really finicky, slowing my normal snails pace down further

c) Get it in my stupid head that I ought to make it as 'modular' as possible when already working at the largest size, leading to a lot of extra problem solving at times & condensing layers in the least destructive way I could.

Anyway because of that last one, there's hopefully one that makes you the happiest in there. Not like the furniture blocking her? There's ones without the table or the lamp & only the chaise lounge her large rear end is squeezed into.  Not a fan of glasses? Well first, for shame, secondly there's a version for you. Don't 'partake,' bro? Hey that's fine it gives me a headache too, there's bongless versions. Hate to read? Good news, you don't have to. Not a fan of orange? I got transparent backgrounds. And most permutations in between. So pick & choose your favorite!

Thanks for your continued support & I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season. With Christmas out of the way, I still have some free time to keep at it, so be on the look out for some more things very soon, such as the winner of the recent fan art poll, as well as another fan art poll at the start of the new year.




I love this little series! Hope we see her again next year!


So cute.