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Happy Holidays!

Here is the public version of this year’s (surprise) holiday post that I was trying to have up for Christmas but botched & only finished just earlier today. While there’s a short vignette & accompanying dialogue in the full piece, I thought I’d include a fun little progression chart to update the previous one. 

In case you’re only just joining us, this is an impromptu follow up to a sequence from last year. So you’re able to see Amanda’s last few holiday seasons to compare & contrast. 


And real quickly since I’ve got you, as a quick piece of bookkeeping, & it might be worth a quick moment of your time to read, especially if you're someone that joins & leaves frequently.

I just want to let everyone know, as I mentioned earlier in the month, moving forward as of January 1st, 2024 I will be moving to the newer, pay-as-you-join subscription method that Patreon utilizes these days.

Again, this shouldn't mean anything for long term patrons who intend to stay subscribed for a bit. But:
a) I constantly get a notification on the backend badgering me into moving to this method.

b) I keep noticing a lot of people subscribing & unsubscribing every month. And while I try not to treat my work too preciously, when I started noticing patterns, I would block after the third time someone joined & left without paying. I didn't think it was very fair to long term patrons, so I had an unspoken policy of blocking after the third time I noticed it happen with someone. But now I've gotten a three or four people asking why they were blocked, who all apologetically thought they were getting charged upon joining anyhow, not realizing I had mine set to the older method. So if they're of the mind they're getting an upfront charge anyhow...?

So hopefully making this adjustment will make things more streamlined for folks, & worth noting if you're one of the folks that comes & goes. I'm not entirely certain but I think it still offers the most bang for your buck the earlier you join in a certain month. So that also may be worth bearing in mind as well. Like I said, I really just appreciate the support if folks are able to offer it!



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