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Further wanted to explore the always fun idea of punk & harder edged girls with attitude softening over time, just like I did in an earlier piece this past autumn. And this time, done more in w00t’s before & after format, since w00t essentially cracked the code on the best way to display these sorts of things.

A lot of times, even a bit with that last one, there’s like this vague, but somewhat coercive vibe at play. Either through someone or society causing the shift in a mellower personality in the girl.  Conveniently in that last one, she ended up enjoying overindulgence a bit after her partner’s implied hinting, but still. I kind of wanted to come up with some kind of scenario that maybe wasn’t entirely intentional, but stemming more from the woman just growing as a person (in more ways than one, har har), if that makes sense? 

Here, she spent all that time reading theory (& perhaps conquested a little too much bread), but she’s bolstering, not abandoning her ideals. Just leaving behind the more performative, aesthetic aspects, & finding happiness as a result. I’m probably overthinking this, by a lot, but I’m happier with the overall vibe here.

I got a little too hung up the details though & it took a little longer than it should’ve & then ultimately something still ended up getting a little bumped somehow. But a fullres is included for those interested.

Oh, & please! Preemptively! I’m not at all interested in further ideological discussion. Especially if you’re looking to argue & can’t produce a deed to your factory first. And whatever you do, don’t make me tap the sign (which is really just a taped up print out of that one Matt Bors cartoon. You know the one). 



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