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She's a trooper, folks.

I was looking at that old pumpkin spice image & I think the MVP there is the redhead. I really liked the way she that turned out in that, as far as size & shape. While this isn't necessarily a continuation of her or anything, I was exploring messing with that general silhouette & expanding on it a little. And while she's mostly quite round, I was trying to shoot for somewhere between inflation & weight gain in terms of the end result (I tried throwing in a little extra bit of butt). I also experimented with a few new coloring techniques here as well. 

I also have a bit of a messy blueberry "reskin" of her in the works as well (with different dialogue), which might be up shortly, If you're more into that sort of thing.

If you haven't voted on names for the roommate characters yet, the polls will be closing soon, so get on that. I'm surprised as some of the ones I expected would've been dark horses are pulling ahead. 

Also, a small commemoration (I didn't really acknowledge it at 50 like I probably should have, & maybe 60's more up our alley?) upon hitting 69 Patrons, I would like to say: "Nice." (And more importantly, thank you!)




looking good. nice to see some waddly blimps abound. makes me wonder how girls of this size would cope in day to day life o3o


Your shapes and speech bubbles are pretty wild my friend.


This is wonderful and a blueberry version sounds great


Hoping it's a good wild. If not, don't be afraid to hit me up with any critique. You're always killing it with your stuff.


Thanks! And yeah, that one's just a little bit... messier. That juice gets everywhere, you know.


That groin's looking pretty good, honestly


I was worried about the underlighting/highlights down there, but thought it helped sell the idea of low clearance a bit. I don't know. Thanks LoL