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Feel free to read this character brief before picking the name you like the best. Voting ends at midnight Next Friday:


It would be one thing if she was just coming to the big city from the country. But from a commune? Where she was born, raised, & homeschooled? Mousy, fairly demure, & rarely cynical, she at first almost seems alien to her urbanite roommates, who hear the word "commune" & immediately suspect "cult." But where she came from grew to be a little too boring & sheltered. Now, her calm, often go-with-the-flow attitude has certainly helped as she tries to adapt to her new life in the hustle & bustle. She's using this as an excuse to experience all the things she's only read & heard about, & broaden her horizons.

Money isn't important to her, so she doesn't have much more than she really needs. What she gets comes from working the counter at a new age bookshop/health food store. She spends time also volunteering occasionally at a nonprofit. The combination of the two keep her out & about fairly often, leaving her belongings free to sometimes be rifled through. With a a few of the um... reality bending practices she learned back at home, she often is blessed with decent luck, finding the occasional twenty dollar bill on the ground, or getting two of something she bought once. This, in a way, also helps supplement her income.

While her two roommates seem to hate one another with a passion, she seems to get along with each of them pretty okay, & tries to remain neutral, brokering peace when she can. She often comes home, having found that either one or both of her roommates have gone through her stuff in order to find some spell or curse or means of fucking with the other somehow. What upsets her the most is not the intrusion, but how little they know about the powerful forces they're messing with, & she often worries about the repercussions, or one day not being able to set things back to normal.

She is openminded to a fault, often naive. And very conscientious. A lot of the clothes she owns were handmade & often in earth tones. They often flow & billow off her fairly frail frame. While she might be a bit awkward & out of practice socially, she isn't out of touch when it comes to most media, as she had fairly decent internet back home "in the woods." She also may or may not be some kind of prophecized chosen one who fled her commune to get out of an arranged marriage to an elder god from another dimension. But they were not a cult!


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