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Hi friends! Last we chatted (before my power went out on stream, lol), I had BIG PLANS for December.

Well. Turns out December had very different plans for me!

After visiting my friend a few hours away, I returned home and promptly came down with a bout of sinusitis that just would NOT go away. But as you can watch in my "december." vlog, I still managed plenty of crocheting, handwriting of a first draft, mulling over publishing plans, and a whole lot of additional pondering.

Part of that pondering leads me into a fun new thing I'd like to implement here on Patreon for 2024! And that is a "writing craft book club"! I'll let y'all vote for some months, others I'll choose (like January's pick!), and we'll tack on a little chatty discussion bit to our end-of-month writing streams.

Our first pick comes from a Twitch recommendation!:

THE LAST DRAFT by Sandra Scofield!

I checked this out a while ago, read through it a bit, but want to return and focus on the exercises!!

My hope for our little club is to alternate between exercise- or prompt-heavy craft books alongside the classics, like ON WRITING by Stephen King or Elizabeth Gilbert's BIG MAGIC.

Stay tuned for more info on when that final stream of January will be when we'll write and then chat about the book! I'll post our stream schedule on the 8th, after I return from Japan (!!!!), including some extra bonus streams since I wasn't able to host any after the 1st of December. :(

But speaking of streams -- I do want to remind y'all about the JANUWRIMO event happening soon! It's my favorite writing event of the year, hosted by the incredible Katie Ann Writes, and she once again has a whole lot planned. So if you're looking for more people to hang out with and write alongside, I can't recommend her channel and the event enough!

Before I go, I want to chat briefly about my YouTube video plans for Q1. As mentioned in the December vlog and my 2024 goals video, I'm planning to drop down to 2 or 3 videos, max, for these first couple months (maybe even the whole year???). Fewer random vlogs, more experiments, YES.

So for my trip, I'm leaving my computer behind! But I'll have several trusty notebooks with me, and I'm excited to see how far I'm able to get in completing my handwritten draft. 👀

I'll probably have that video posted up in February, so look out for the "One Fictional Writer to Rule Them All" and "Comparing Plotting Softwares" videos to finally come out in January lolol.

Also now that my voice is back (mostly, lol), hopefully it is here to stay and I'll be back at it on Twitch when I return from Japan, too! :)

I am very ready for this year to be my "slow and steady" as I finish the "race" on several books. :)

Let me know how December treated you, if you did anything fun for the holidays, how you celebrated, and if you've had fun testing out any of your goals or planning for 2024!!! 

And happy writing, friends!



It wasn't quite the month I'd imagined, but there was still plenty of writing, holiday cheer, & crochet lol.


Zara Hoffman

Sorry to hear you were sick for so long. I had been wondering about your general absence online. I had surgery on Dec 15 to remove my stage 4 endometriosis and have been super tired all month (but especially since the surgery). I'm hoping to get more energy starting tomorrow—Day 1 of 2024!

Zara Hoffman

Project Purple: Ko-fi lets you sell digital items with a "pay what you want" - I recommend this! Don't post on Wattpad if you're worried about the self-publishing thing because trad pub will see it as the same thing (even though you probably wouldn't be paid for your story on Wattpad).