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We just completely lost power. Now idea what happened; looks like our whole neighborhood is dealing with it. :( Sorry for the abrupt end to the December 1st stream!! Hopefully everything will be back in time for Twitch this afternoon.

And we’ll definitely still have our Double Stream Days this month.

Look out for an exclusive vlog coming to y’all soon!

Hey y'all, hey! 

We're finally in the back third of November! ("Finally," though it feels like it has breeeeezed by. 💨)

For a lot of us, we're now rubbing up against holidays, finals, and general fatigue. It is a PUSH to make it through the last part of this month and achieve our writing goals, whether you're participating in NaNoWriMo or not.

Personally, I can already tell I'll be writing, writing, writing until the very last moment to "win" for this month.

But what makes that push easier?? WRITING TOGETHER! So I wanted to share our ~patreon stream schedule~ ASAP:

Palindrome Stream!:

All sprints are palindromes, prepare yourselves. In fact, the stream starts tomorrow, November 22nd, at 01:10 pm CST (according to Streamyard and Streamyard alone bahaha). Join me here! 

Banish the Monday Blues Together:

On Monday, November 27th at 6:00pm, we'll be sprinting again! This will be the first day "back" to writing for a lot of our American friends and I wanted to make sure we crushed it together. For my Twitch people, I'll be streaming a little earlier in the afternoon that day so I can finish off with y'all. :)

The Last Day of NaNo OMG:

For the final day of the month, I'll be coming at you early, at 7:30am CST. In part because I have a hunch I'll need to start as soon as I wake up and write basically alllllll day. No telling how long the stream will actually be, but we will be doing All The Sprints.

December & 2024 planning, NaNo post mortem, & fun chit chat with sprints!

Umm hi, we're done with the insanity now? (Or, probably in my case, we're done with the CRUNCH TIME but not actually done with our stories bahaha.) So let's do a little November wrap-up discussion while we start planning our December and 2024 goals! Join me at 9:15am CST on December 1st. We'll definitely still have sprints, but they'll be a little more relaxed than the rest on this schedule lol.

As ever, I'm starting my "resolutions" in December, so that I can really test them out pre-New Years to see how I can make them more realistic bahaha. So this will be a wonderful kick-off for me to get to spend it with y'all. I also want to pick your brains about my upcoming YouTube and publishing plans.

Now finally, I want to give the BIGGEST CONGRATULATIONS to our friends who have already won NaNoWriMo! Y'all CRUSHED IT and it's been so inspiriting to get to be with y'all as you crossed the finish line!

(And if you haven't already, I'd love to know what your 50,000th word is! Feel free to use either the official 50,000th word as you crossed the line for NaNo or the 50,000th word in your manuscript if you've been revising or editing. I'll ask this question again once the month is done, for us who are taking our time bahaha.)

Thanks y'all, hope to see you soon, and happy writing!! 


Joanna Ortiz

I'll be using tomorrow's stream for cooking sprints!!


Omggggg very excited to hear all about what you're cooking up. AND CONGRATS AGAIN ON YOUR WIN!!!! 🏆


Hope your power comes back up soon! I don't know if y'all are on the part of the Texas grid that fails this time of year .x. but a backup generator may come in handy! We're thinking of getting one just in case over here.


It came back shockingly quick! Only an hour down. (Usually we get a call, the system says it'll be two hours and then it's five.) A back-up generator is DEFINITELY on our To Get list. We have several friends who have hopped on board too. Let me know if/when you do!! Fingers crossed for all of us this winter bahaha.