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Where, oh where, has the spookiest month of the year gone??

I had a dream last night that, with the brief cold front blowing through San Antonio, we wouldn't get any trick-or-treaters tomorrow! ("Dream," but really that would be a nightmare.)

My brain likes to play tricks on me the closer we get to exciting things, and it's doing the same with NaNoWriMo. Big plans! Two projects! Vlogs! SOMETHING MUST GO WRONG.

So I'm here, typing this, trying to quiet that absurd little voice, and I would love your help.

1: Double Stream Days!

This month has been a bit chaotic for me, but we're going to squeeze them in at the very last moment! (Honestly, when I need them most.)

Our first will be TONIGHT/TODAY, Monday, at 5:00pm CDT. You can find the link for that here. (I'm also hoping to stream over on Twitch a bit earlier in the day, if you want/need even MORE sprints.)

Our second will be TOMORROW on ~Halloween~ at 8:30am CDT. You can find the link for that here. I am ready to get allllllllllllll spooky with our sprints and reminisce on some favorite Autumn/Halloween memories and recommendations. So prepare yourselves. 😈

And a quick note, these will be the LAST Double Stream Days with me in this timezone. We "fall back" this coming weekend, so I'll be switching over to CST for the next 6 months or so. Just FYI! :)

2: Be on the look out for some extra chatty, planning, publishing-related sessions as we near the end of the month and into December.

I have some vague plans to slow down on YouTube for the 1st quarter of 2024 as I focus on grabbing beta readers for several projects (A Closet Full of Cauldrons, Project Death, The Meridian Maps #1, Project Purple even maybe???) and producing some longer form, publishing experiments (like setting up a pen name!).

But I'd really like to bounce a couple of the crazier ideas around with y'all and would loooooove if you'd also like to share your ideas too. Maybe we can do some crowd sourcing all together? Anyways, just to keep in the back of your brain!

3: Let me know what ~supplies~ you'll be using this NaNoWriMo (or have recently used and loved for other projects).

On the Storytellers' Hearth Weekend Relay stream, I was ~influenced~ by Becca, Katie, Davaisha, and Jessica to buy several notebooks to try writing a first draft entirely by hand. (Hello December long-form experiment. 👀) 

And on our writing retreat, Katie Ann also convinced Becca to buy a whiteboard to write out her ideas and I'm thiiiiiiis close to doing the same. (In fact, I erased what was on my own whiteboard, just in case, but it's bolted into the wall and hard to move bahahah.)

I also keep getting these ads on Reddit and have NEVER heard of the company before. So if y'all have, let me know if they're any good and if I should try them out bahaha. (Apparently they're doing a free-for-a-year deal on NaNo's Offers page.)

Comments convinced me to try The Last Draft and I just got a copy in from the library, and then Shay convinced me to try Writing the Cozy Mystery so I'm just waiting for that to ship now. :)

Clearly I am in a "try all the new things!" mood bahaha.

Hope I'll see y'all at the sprints! If I don't get a chance to say it to you otherwise, I hope you have a marvelous Halloween.🎃👻 Until next time, happy writing! 



I'm hoping to do some writing alongside some NaNo streams, but I haven't even outlined my project. I'm hoping Janurwrimo happens again because that would be better time wise.

Maariyah S.

AHHHH KATE, I BLAME YOU FOR INFLUENCING ME TO DO NANO THIS YEAR!!!!! Joke aside, I was going to sit this one out, until I watched one of your preptober videos and got inspired. It'll be my first nanowrimo event in a long bit, but I was telling my husband that one of the things I've loved about the event, is the spirit of camaraderie that just overflows throughout the month. Since I've only had 2 and a bit weeks to prepare, I still want to do character sheets, timelines, and a littttttle bit of outlining, so I'm not staring at my screen in dread come Wednesday lololol. Hope to see you all for tomorrow's stream! We got this!!!