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Hello. I know many of our worlds are on fire right now and we all have our own ways of grieving, but I'm going to move ahead with the Double Stream Day for today and tomorrow as originally planned. (Frankly, I need the distraction.)

So if you also can't find a way to write and need a distraction from doomscrolling, come hang out. If you're switching to a story where your characters are overthrowing the government, come hang out. If you're switching to a cute romcom because you need an escape, come hang out.

DSD #1 on Monday, June 27th (today) at 7:00pm CDT.
DSD #2 on Tuesday, June 28th at 8:00am CDT.

(I was out of wine, so on Saturday morning I went to buy six bottles -- because we get 10% off all of them, if we buy six at a time -- and I'm now halfway through my fifth. So we'll see where I'm at this evening.)

Sending you all love.


Zara Hoffman

I missed Monday’s and I’ll be streaming on my own channel during today/Tuesday’s so I’ll watch replays!

Carmella Dillman

Chiming in late to this one, but yea, the US is in a sad way right now. I can't really articulate the level of ughh and blah I feel about politics, the environment, women's rights, etc. Instead, I too have enjoyed my fair share of wine.