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After a vacation, COVID, and a lingering migraine, I finally feel like I'm back! My soul left my body for a bit but it has, thankfully, returned bahaha.

Here's a video detailing some of my big goals, not just for June, but also leading up to my birthday (aaaayyyy), and for all of my ~30th year~. The main one, of course, is that I'm returning to Project Death fully this month! And I am so ecstatic. I'm at the point that it feels like all the various pieces, over all the other drafts, are finally starting to form together.

ALSO! Because I missed last month's Double Stream Day, here's what our hangouts will look like in June:

We'll have our May/make-up Double Stream Day on the 5th and 6th (times TBA soon), and June's Double Stream Day will be at the end of the month on the 27th and 28th.

Also! The next round of the World Wide Writeathon is happening this month on the 18th and 19th. So if you've been wanting to find some more channels, more live write-ins, or just want to set a big, hairy, audacious goal -- that might be the perfect time! :)

(According to my current calendar, as I mention in the goals video, I'll be starting Project Death's Act I revision during the writeathon!)

I do also have a couple writing experiments (that y'all voted on!) to finish filming and editing and those should go up this month as well. :)

But I think that's it for my updates! Please do let me know what y'all are working on in June! And as I mention in the video, if you bullet journal or habit track....how? Bahaha. What set-up do you use and how long did it take you to get to that set-up or find what worked for you? I'd love to hear about it!!

(ACK! Quick edit I forgot to ask about. What world-building or timeline software do y'all use?? I'm thinking of testing out some new ones, almost as an experiment, and would love to know what you all like. I have a list of about 3 or 4 I've heard of repeatedly.)


JUNE GOALS | patreon | Project Death, 30 for 30, and chill recovery updates

Let me know what your goals are for June! And if you use bullet journals or habit trackers, do you have any advice? What did you try that DIDN'T work for you and how did you pivot to find the method that did?


Eliza J Lagonia

I set 2 goals we for May because of a mini housing crisis, and even mini housing crisis's mind mushing stressful things. It's getting better. I sat down on Tuesday with my year long goals and picked some to list tasks for so I know what I have to do and then set some goals for June. I set some easy goals but I'm okay with that. I also have the goal of buying a house, so it's not all easy. For writing, I want to finish rewrite my Erotica and maybe start looking for an editor for my short story collection, but the collection might have to take a back seat because you can't make big buys when you're trying to buy a house. I'm not sure if I'll do Camp in July, I would like to continue book 2 in the soap series which was my plan Nano and Camps this year, but we'll see

Eliza J Lagonia

I try habit tracking but most of the time I don't fill them out every day. I wish I was better at it and I try with my water and my blood sugar, but I don't always fill in. Water is harder to track because my sons like to drink my water so I have to estimate how much I'm actually drinking. They have their own water bottles and I give them glasses of water when they ask but they want mommy's. I've found tracking water and meds in my planner on the daily pages helps me better than tracking other places, but I'm starting a daily step tracker in my chores list book, but it's early days.