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I DID IT, I DID IT, I DID IT. I finally typed "The End" on this fourth draft of Project ☠️☠️ and I am so! freaking! excited!

I'm holding off on the full celebration until the 31st, as I still need to prepare the WIP to give to my friend/CP, Jessica AKA Messica. This is absolutely the best draft of Project Death so far (in fact, the only one that's truly reached The End before) but I know there will still be a lot of work to do after Jessica's done reading it. 

So on our Patreon Double Stream Day livestreams (this Sunday at 2:30pm CST and Monday at 8:00am CST), I will be:

1) Rereading all of Project Death.
2) Create a list for Jessica on the feedback I'm looking for.
3) And making notes on what I know needs to change for the next draft (mostly additional worldbuilding and some ~legend creating~.)

And after our livestream on Monday, I am fully YEEEEETING Project Death over to Jessica and am not looking at it again for at least 2 months bahaha.

To celebrate, I'll be working on another puzzle and trying to get better at nail stamping. (My thumb is really the only one that turned out well in the picture below bahaha.)

But of course, I already have my next project picked out! I'll be working on a novel-length romance work! I want to do a whole "making of" for the first draft (especially since I actually outlined this project - who am I? - and think I can legitimately complete it by the 28th). I'll probably just end up posting that here so be on the lookout. 👀

I'm also debating the merits of making a "loose calendar" of projects for the year, especially since a big goal of mine was to have NaNoWriMo months be ~new projects~ (to see if I can recapture that NaNo magic)! Let me know if any of y'all plan out your full writing year in advance and any pros/cons you've experienced doing so!

In other fun news, that podcast project I talked about is almost ready to launch!! I've fully edited 2 episodes (not counting the 2 minute trailer), have interviewed 3 others (a Wattpad Star with an exclusive contract, a tradpub regency romance author in Australia, and a Top Faved Kindle Vella author), and am really excited to chat with even more people in the future, AHHHH!!! Everyone I've chatted with so far I've met through Patreon, Authortube, or Twitch and I'm just continually amazed by how incredible our community is!

I'll be sure to post here with more information before the podcast officially drops. :) 

Finally, here are some Guest Passes to MasterClass! They say that there are only three, and once they're gone, they're gone, but I think about nine of y'all managed to use the same link last time! So fingers crossed the same happens this time and I hope y'all enjoy!!

Kate 🦄


Temba Writes

Congratulations! So glad you were able to finish Project Death and looking forward to your "making of" romance project. Also excited for the podcast project.

Vicious scribbles

Congrats on finishing project death! I'm just about to start version 4 of my novel myself (still have to read through and write notes), but I'm excited to see your 'making of.' It'll be interesting to see your process. Also, I love podcasts and I'm sure yours will make its way into my 'to binge' listening list, lol.