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Hellooooooo everyone! Hope January has started off strong for you. I pulled my neck last week and have basically been living on my bed or on the couch, which while not great for my actual word count, has been wonderful for brainstorming! So I'm finding the positives where I can and hopefully will be fully recovered in a few days. :)

But first! Some housekeeping. Today is the last day for me to share 3 guest passes for MasterClass! (Once they're gone, they're gone, but I should have more in the coming days, so I think I'll just start adding them to the bottom of my Patreon posts!) Here's a link for now! They're 14-day guest passes and I really loved  Neil Gaiman's class, especially for short story writing, and Jessie Krebs' Wilderness Survival class (for help with fantasy projects!). So keep your eyes peeled for more in the future, in case these 3 are gone by the time you see this.

Also this month's Double Stream Day will take place on the 30th & 31st of the month! We'll do a bunch of sprinting and also chat about how our January goals went and what I thought of my ~YouTube hiatus~.

Double Stream Day #1 on Sunday, January 30th at 2:30pm CST: https://youtu.be/5QPfUfXYUmA
Double Stream Day #2 on Monday, January 31st at 8:00am CST: https://youtu.be/JW_ddooA24Q

I'll be sure to make another post (with more MasterClass passes! bahaha) a few days before the Double Stream Day. :) 

In writing news, I have just two more weeks to complete Project Death ☠️☠️! Then it will be free from my clutches and read by someone other than me! I'm both very nervous and very excited (nervcited!) for my friend to give me feedback, but I know it's necessary for Project Death to grow and evolve and become better!

I've also been tinkering around with this romance novel idea and think I'm going to dedicate all of February to completing the first draft of the project. I cannot wait! My fingers are itching to start already.

But that's it for now! This list the longest I've remained upright and typing since I pulled my neck trying to play with Vin 🐈‍⬛, which is both the most pathetic and funniest way to injure myself that I can imagine. Vin was unimpressed.

I'll be back next week with another update and a sneak peek of the podcast interviews I've been working on! Happy Monday and happy writing! 💜🦄


Juniper Woodbury

I also have 3 MasterClass guest passes if Kate's are all gone! Anyone can feel free to use 'em: https://www.masterclass.com/s/4a0cb27d P.S. Feel better, Kate!!

Joanna Farr

Thanks so much for the guest pass. I’ve been really intrigued by a lot of the classes but hesitant to pay for such a long subscription before trying it so this is perfect 🥰