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Hey everyone! Thank you all so much for your suggestions for themed snacks and ways to celebrate milestones! I appreciate it. :)

In combination with a couple suggestions, I thought I would have a "Brought To You By..." thing every hour during the write-a-thon. It would probably just be a pop-up on screen (rather than a verbal shout-out mid video), but I thought it would be fun to pull 12 patrons at random and shout-out their art instagram, authortube channel, important organization close to their heart, or inspirational quote they really love!

If you're interested in potentially being one of the random ones selected, please fill out this form! :) I'll put the numbers in a generator during the editing of the 24-hour writeathon vlog and pop them up on screen during the hour changes. :)

I'm saying 12 now, I might do 18 or even 24! Or potentially combining this with small authortuber shout-outs. I haven't decided yet, but just FYI! Could be more than 12.

I set up our Patreon-only streams during the writeathon and will get those links up as we get closer. (Just a few days out now, eek!)

Thank you all so much and happy writing!!!


24-hour writeathon "brought to you by..."

Let me know what name you'd like me to use and what you want to be shouted out. (Can be your art instagram, your authortube channel, an organization close to your heart, etc.!)



I wasn't sure what to put for my shoutout because I never update my Instagram , so I put a query critique give away offer. Hope that's okay.


Thanks Kate - such a fun idea! Can’t wait to join in this weekend ☺️


Why are your idiotic ideas so enticing? But you got this idiot doing it as well, so we can be in pain together.


Wish I still had an active website or art account to shout out now! Good luck for the writeathon

Brekke El

This is such a fun idea Kate!


"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War Good luck tomorrow. At least you've done this before. I've decided to join you despite the fact that I've never done anything close to this before.