Why do you support me? (Patreon)
I'm just curious, but what originally encouraged you to sub to my Patreon? And more importantly, what motivates you to stay subbed?
Update: So I've gone through and read all the comments up to this point (and I'll keep reading new ones as they roll in). I really wish I would've disabled e-mail notifications before going to bed cuz my inbox now has over a hundred emails 🤣
Anyways, the most frequent reasons you guys gave for supporting me include:
-Affordability of tiers
-Zootopia content, although this could be comics in general since I've really only ever done one non-Zoot comic so far anyways
-Consistency/frequency of posts
-Communicating with patrons (like right now)
-Cheating, or stories in general
-General art style, although I'm surprised this was mentioned far less than the content of my comics was. Just goes to show it's not so much the art itself but how you use it that really counts.
So with that said, I'll be keeping this all in mind as we move forward. I would like to get to a point where I can upload more comic pages a month than the current once-a-week schedule. Not quite 2 pages per week, but at least one extra page a month, and possibly from a separate comic or series. I'm moving to a new place next week which should be much more conducive to a healthy and productive art life, so I'm confident it's within the realm of possibility.
Thank you all so much for the feedback, and know that your support is the only reason I'm able to do this at all and I could not be more grateful.