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Hey guys! I hope everyone is well!
Just here to bring some news:

Development Update:
I'm 66% done with all the text for Eden Crest. 20 bots were already written in these last few weeks.
Each girl will have plenty to talk about and their scenes were finished as well.
Here is a list (I don't remember if I listed or not yet).
Each girl will have:
-Base interaction;
-Comment on every city (there are 4 cities);
-Gift 1 (short story);
-Gift 2 (short story);
-Maintenance Event (Where you touch her to keep her at her best, improving their stats). Example below;
-Hentai Scene 1 (As her Master, loving and caring)
-Hentai Scene 2 (Wild bot that will suck you dry if you lose)

Maintenance Example (you can touch her booty too~):

Since V is still recovering, I'm using the money to start a new, small project. The first Succubus Covenant: Chronicles.
This first chronicles will be about a warlock "raising" and studying a succubus.
She'll have three levels:
-Level 1: Young Looking (6'0 or180cm tall)
-Level 2: Big Sis (195cm or 6'4 feet tall)
-Level 3: Big Mommy (210cm or 6.8 tall)

She'll grow, becoming much taller, developing her body, getting longer hair, bigger chest and booty, etc.
It's a small little project that I'm really excited to bring it to you guys.

The name will probably be "Studying Temptation". I'm nicknaming Project ST for now.

As soon as I have some art, I'll post some teaser here for you guys to see what I have in mind for this small project.

As always, I'm really glad that you guys are still supporting us even after so many problems we have in these last few months.

I'm always investing in art to bring it to you guys a lot of content.

Warlock Saga is still in development as well, as we reached the end of the third chapter, art-wise. We are about to start chapter 4.

I'm having a blast working in Eden Crest with everything ready. All the art done.

I know what I have to do and I know what I have, and I'm just developing it.

Hopefully, by the time I finish EC, V will already have  recovered and I'll have all the art to finish the first SC game. It's time. I want to move on to the second game.

I might adopt this strategy of releasing only full games, with smaller ones, like the Chronicles, in between major releases, but we shall see.
I think I'm working much faster as it is now.

Thank you everyone! I'll keep you guys updated, as always!



It's cool that you find a way to keep working on h games without burning yourself out in one project. Probably the different themes and "problems" on every project really give nice distraction. Hope to see your finished works soon. Take care.


My body is ready ;)


Friendly reminder to sleep drink and eat enough! Dont burn yourself out, would be a shame to lose more good devs

Karasu Tsuki

For Warlock Saga, was there ever another Demo to play apart from the first one? Sounds like I missed a bunch


No. We never released anything but chapter 1. But the art is being developed and I will work with it once I have everything in hands.

Nice Guy Drew

Is SC: Chapter 5 being put on hold until Eden Crest is fully dropped?


Yep! This will give time for the artist to fully recover.

Nice Guy Drew

Nice. We all have high hopes for Eden Crest, can't wait to see how the gameplay is.