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-What is my goal this year, now that V is recovering?

To finish and release a full game, Eden Crest.

-What is Eden Crest:

A game where you can capture Bots, train them, interact with them and have sex once you two become intimate

-Will there be energy drain in it?

Yes. Wild bots will attack you and suck you dry like a succubus if you lose to them. They can use sperm to energize themselves and recharge their batteries.

-Can I give them gifts?

Yep! This will increase your relationship and will unlock a small story with them.

-Will I fight beside them?

No. It's like Pokémon. You will use them in battle.

-Will they have evolutions?

We thought about it but ultimately decided to not include it since you could just capture them anyway and many people would prefer to kept them "young", for those who don't like MILFs.

Not to mention that we would have to remove their evolved drain scene if that was the case, to make them unique.

-How can I capture them?

You can buy the model itself in a shop and by defeating some bots, they can drop their Drive Protocol. Once wiped from the virus, you can activate your bot.

The rarer and stronger the bot, the harder it will be to get her DP.

So bots such as the Epic Models, will only be available trough quest.

-Is Eden Crest story focused?

No. Differently than SC, EC main focus is only on the girls themselves. Capture them, interacting with them, etc.

There will be no great story surrounding EC like SC has.

-If there is no great story, what is the main objective?

To defeat a powerful bot, known as one of the Goddesses of Eden. She infecting bots with her virus and forcing them to turn on humans.

Too access the area, however, you will need the Eden Crest. It was divided into 4 pieces and given to a worthy woman leader of a city.

You must challenge them to receive an Eden Crest piece.

-What about the world? Is it linear like SC?

No. You can go anywhere from the beginning. But be careful, as some bots are way stronger. Learn where the weaker ones are.

For more info, please refer to my post here:


I'll probably finish the text this month, hopefully. Then I'll start development of the game itself, like scenes, interactions, etc. Adding everything I wrote to Eden Crest.




i dont know if its okay do ask questions but will eden crest have a enciclopedia with their height and weight and maybe a bit of backstory like in succubus covenant? Thanks for the answer if you answer it


Just Imagine a pvp version of that :O


Question! How will encounters work? As in, do you walk around aimlessly and all of a sudden battle start or do you see the bot on the field and either avoid or actively engage them? Another question: Will you encounter other guys who have a party of these bots and whence defeated does the one who landed the final blow suck the opponent dry? Also, suggestion: Call them suck-you-bots. A silly sounding name I know, but it came to me just now and you could call the catalogue for them a suck-you-dex. Which also sounds silly, but you can steal both ideas and I won't even be mad.


Like in SC, but they will be moving around the map. It's a mob. A group of bots will attack you.


Interesting. Hope you like the idea to call them suck-you-bots.


She looks very cute


Loving the concept of this game and i'm more excited to play it than SC(i'm Kain fan) do you intend this to be a single game or do you plan to make a sequel for it if there is a good reception, as a side project in the future?


I don't know yet. With this Kain is leaving hentai/porn for good. I'd have to find another artist for a sequel.


Dear author,I have passed the underground grove. but how to enter infested woodland?

Servo Kamen

Looks like fun!