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Hey guys! Just here to bring you a new teaser and update!


Everything is progressing just fine and I believe that I'll finish chapter 4 this month!

I might take a few more days next month to develop the tribe. 

I'll see if I can push forward to develop it and finish it until day 15 next month. If, by 15, I notice that I'll not be able to fully include everything I want it, I'll submit to play test for the team so I can bring to you guy the next chapter with a incomplete tribe yet.

I might have gone too ambitious with it. Another mistake that I did that I'll rectify in future games. If I add something like a base in the next games, it will be developed as you progress with the story, not as something apart from it.




Ooh boiii


Uhm, wasn't there a "lesson learned" thingy with incomplete chapters? Be reasonable and don't release stuff that isn't finished, please.^^'


The chapter will be complete. The tribe is another story. Completely independent.


... So we're fighting a magical girl? Is that what the silhouette means? Sailor Succubus has descended?


How many chapters will it approximatly take to end Act 1 - bronze age?


Wow, can't wait to see her, her silhouette looks amazing


What about a Mac Version of ch. 3. I mean we Mac users are waiting for months and nothing is coming from this direction