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One of our staff members, ACW, was hacked. He clicked a fake link on the Genshin Impact community for a nitro (I believe).

I'm just here to remind you that DO NOT, under any circumstances, accept any random links out of nowhere, even from our own community.

Even if my own account send you a link, consider it hacked. I'll disable that account and create a new one, rejoining discord soon after.

Our team DOES NOT send ANY links through discord. Neither gifts nor news.

Please, be careful with what you click. 


July -

Thanks for the advise, its highly appreciated! Hope that ACW is doing okay and that the hackers didnt gain access to private data or finances


Apparently it was just discord. It started spamming fake links with viruses. But he's alright now, thank you for your concerning! :)

July -

Im glad to hear that :3


How am I supposed to resist clicking a link for chapter 4 when it comes from the master himself? ;__;


Unbelievable 🤦🏻‍♂️