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Eden Crest is a game where you will be able to explore a new world (Eden One) inhabited by Bots!

These Bots are part of society and are used by humans to fulfill many activists, such as: manual labor, protection, friendship and of course... pleasure!

There are many types of bots out there! The ones you can meet on Eden One are divided into the Water, Fire, Electric and Plant elements!

But there are also the Legendary Bots out there! Keep an eye out for them!

You can freely build your party up to 4 bots to battle and protect yourself from virus-infected bots!

You can interact with them! Developing an intimate relationship with them!

This includes: Maintenance, Giving them gifts, listen to their comments on the world and of course, intimate moments!

A maintenance example below:

But be careful! Outside of cities, the bots have been affected by a virus!

These bots will suck anyone dry just like a succubus does!

Here are some examples for maps used for the cities, I'm drawing them myself!

The main points of Eden Crest are:

-Be careful with infected bots outside the city! They will drain you like a succubus if you lose!

-Enjoy a nice selection of 4 element types for the bots: Fire, Water, Electric and Plant!

-Enjoy young looking bots and MILF mama bots as well! They are divided into 50/50!

-Collect bots and become intimate with them! Give them gifts, do a maintenance by touching them and increasing their stats and above all, unlock their hentai scene!

-Explore the world of Eden One in search of the Eden Crest and the legendary Bots!

-Become the ultimate Bot Owner by exploring an original world and collecting all Bots you can find while developing a bond with them!

I'm super excited to show you guys more in the weeks and months to come!

Thank you for your support!



Nice :D this sounds great im sure this will be a big hit


Is this another new game like SC and Warlock Saga? Are you sure you aren't spreading yourself too thin?


Looks great


Better focus one or max 2 game


OMG THIS IS ABSOLUTLY EPIC! U can do something similar with an incubus collecting new succubus in his harem that would be gooooood


Warlock Saga is on hold for now. Only the art is being made for it. By the time I release this game, I'll have enough art to make a whole new chapter for WS. This game is also simpler when compared to SC. :)


Warlock Saga is on hold for now. Only the art is being made for it. By the time I release this game, I'll have enough art to make a whole new chapter for WS. This game is also simpler when compared to SC. :)


so kain will work on eden crest than SC?


Where link?

Doctor Viper

Why does it kind of lookslike a pokemon game of SC ?


looks nice, i'm hyped ! ^-^


You forgot to add the download link.~


Goddamn! Those girls look nice!


Where to get it?


This looks great, I'm sure it will be really successful. But, why is Kain able to work on this game but not Succubus Covenant? Is this one less taxing for him?


This looks really cool. But i have to ask cause i'm slightly concerned. Not to be a downer but it's looking like you guys have alot on your plate with 3 games, /Succubus covenant/warlocksaga/eden crest. I dont want you guys getting overwhelmed:(


Will Eden Crest be a gacha style game or and RPG like SC


so is this part of the Succubus timeline?


It's like Pokémon but with hot thicc waifus, noice, eager to see more