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Hey guys! I hope you are all well!

This will be a big update, so I hope you are all prepared lol

Let's start with the serious topic:

Kain is no longer working on SC:

Due to some health and schedule reasons, Kain was almost being forced to leave our projects entirely.

Now, we had a project in mind for some time, a lot more focused on the girls, that would provide you all with many new waifus, scenes and an original world. 

So after some talk, we decided that it would be for the best if we could work on something that is not as time demanding for him and which both me and Kain are able to work on.

So I'll continue to work with Kain, just on a different project.

Having a project like this just for fun and not connected with SC is awesome to avoid burn out from a series.

Every company has a second project that they work to avoid focusing on the same thing for a long time and eventually getting tired of it.

I'll reveal this project day 30 this month. It's shaping up nicely~

Who's in charge of SC now?:

I closed a deal with the extremely talented artist Devil-V. He is already finishing the art for chapter 4 and will soon begin the art for chapter 5.

Here is an example of his art already for the game that you guys can expect for chapter 4. The first Shadow Knife Succubus:

If you want to see more of his art, please, follow this link to his DeviantArt page:


What about Warlock Saga?:

Warlock Saga has a new artist too! I closed a deal with the also extremely talented artist StormFeder! You can see an image of the first Insect Clan Succubus that you will be able to summon in Warlock Saga next update! Meet Thysania! (MOTH PUSSY!!!)

Ara ara~

You can see more of his art on his DeviantArt page:


What about the original Warlock Saga artist?:

I asked Zafiry for support on the entire series as a whole. He'll be making characters, monsters, items and scenes that I need for both Warlock Saga and the Main Series.

You guys already saw his art on Warlock Saga and many new characters in the main series:

If you wish to see more of his art, please follow him here on his DeviantArt page:


Last but not least:

I started a comic series based on the world of SC! It will be hand drawn for the best and max number of details!

The series will be focused on Klemes and Ajax before the events of SC main series!

You guys will be able to follow their journey as well!

I plan to release 10 pages every 2 months for you guys for this new and original story!

I asked the artist to provide me with the examples for the pages so I could show you guys:

The delicious parasite:

An Astéri soldier going inside an abandoned mine that is said to be the lair of a succubus! What will happen to him a wonder?:

As you can see, all of them are extremely talented artists that will be working extensively to bring you the best art possible and expand the world of SC!

Having to keep many artists like this is VERY expensive, and they are all working on their limit, with multiple images being delivered per month, to bring you all the best game possible as soon as we can.

I ask you all for your continued support more than ever as things will be a bit tighter from now on! But it's for the betterment of the series, so be it!

The more you guys support us, the more we can bring to you guys! I'm always looking for ways to improve and add to what we already have!

Thank you for all your support! I sincerely wouldn't be able to do all this if it was not your massive support guys!

Please, continue to support us so we can bring more and better content for you all!



I love the new artists work, they are very talented and their work looks very well put together. Sending love to kain regarding his health and I wish all of you the best 💗💗💗


Thanks! Will do! Hopefully you guys can enjoy our new work as well!


Then kain's draw change to devil's drawing? Or using both artist's draw? I'm sry, my english translate is bad


Don't worry! Kain is working with me on another project. We will announce it on day 30 this month. Devil-V is the new artist for the main series.


When do you release the 10 first page of the comics?

Jonathan English

I may not know who this artist is but that is beyond good, I wish your development team well.


As soon as they are ready. I started the project this month, so I hope I can start releasing it next month as well :)


For the 3 general succubus scene in the future, will kain draw the scenes or will devil-v replace kains spot?


All scenes will be done by V now. Kain is no longer working on SC. there might be an exception if I ask him, but for now is V and Safiry for the main series, and StormFeder and Safiry for Warlock Saga.


No offense to these artists but I don't think anyone could really replace Kain 😕 I hope everything's okay and you can get back on your feet soon. I'll be looking forward to the new project with high hopes 😊


Good luck to Kain, and damn, you’ve got a really good taste in artists.


I hope script writers remain the same... Because I came for art, but stayed for story.


I understand. It was hard for me to continue SC without him too... T_T


Hi, Zion it was cool if they released a visual novel with animated scenes, and not just a comic. My little opinion, in this big universe;)


I'll try to expand, yes. As the support grows, I'll hire writers and artists dedicated to a visual novel under my supervision. The first step of a secondary and parallel series is the comic story. Then I'll try to expand with a visual novel. And a horror game (like Succubus Prison) and so on. The more you guys support, the more I'll invest on this series!


Damn! I hope he feels better.


Knife shadow succubus, eh? This could be trouble


Don’t they work alongside Calena?

Nice Guy Drew

Will this new art-style affect the animations used in the game? Also are you going to bring Drita back at some point with Argeia I'm guessing? Please do, hope to see maybe her body changed in development since the break from the last fight with her.

Nice Guy Drew

Hope for the best for Kain too, he's got big shoes that need filling.


i need chinese ,plz!