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About my part:

I'm finishing my part of Warlock Saga today. Right now I'm just adding some interaction between your leaf succubus and you, your leaf succubus and your Imp, and the three of you together around the world.
Having you three talking about your perspectives of the world is interesting to develop them as characters and to develop the lore and story as well.

About the art:

I'm waiting for 2 more arts to include and finish the first chapter. While they are not essential they are important for the game as a whole and it would be incredible to have them already included in this first chapter with their proper art.
Good thing is: Squartteloki is working like a mad man to bring all sprites to life already in the first release, this will also bring you guys a taste of what is to come with all unique sprites he did for the main series when chapter 3 is released! Since all of them are now customized to properly and faithfully reflect the characters in game.

PS: IF (big 'if' here) we need to delay the release of warlock saga first chapter it will be for a few days only, to finish the art (both drawing and sprites). At this point is out of my hands since I cannot pressure the artists to go faster, else we risk reducing the quality of the art. As soon as I have the art I'll submit to play testing and release it to you guys!
I can't wait to see what you guys will think of WS first chapter!



Hell yeah!


So just to check are we expecting WS by next weekend and chapter 3 is coming out by end of April? :D


I know you will! I was just confirming the dates I had In my head for it. Can't wait for them!