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Hey guys! I hope you are all well! Just here to give you all a quick update!

We had a few small setbacks with warlock saga and I also decided to add a few more things art-wise that I considered important. Like I wrote in my previous post, I want to release a full chapter without keep coming back to add something later on, so you guys can experience the chapter like it should be.

This however will delay warlock saga a few days. God willing, I'll release this month, don't worry.

For example, I decided to add art to a few important NPCs and add your first concubine in the first chapter already (My previous plan was to add 1 concubine for chapter 2 and forward, but I changed my mind and I want one for every chapter, including the first).

This won't affect the main series in any way, since I only develop warlock saga during the weekends and my part is pretty much done, I'm just waiting for the new art to finish the first chapter this weekend or the next, then release for you guys after a some play testing.

As always, thank for the immense support! I can wait to share warlock saga and the full chap 3 with you guys in the following weeks!



Thank you for the update


sounds awesome! Keep up the good work!


Take your time, we’re not gonna rush you if you need more time