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“What’s your problem?”

“Nothing. It was a delightful evening.”

Chad Sampson’s retort dripped with more sarcasm than the pulled-pork sandwiches at Rick’s did BBQ sauce. Not that he knew what they tasted like. His girlfriend was on a diet so all he could do was ogle the orders of others.

The air around the couple was chilly despite the August heat, and had only gotten chillier upon returning to the cool comfort of their downtown penthouse. Chad made himself a nightcap and collapsed on the sofa, while Savanah eyed him evilly from the kitchen.

“Look, I’m sorry I was short with you.”

“You were short with everyone. I was the only one dumb enough to stay within firing range.”

“I said I was sorry. You know the pressure I’m under right now.”

“You said the same thing six-months ago.”

She’d actually been saying it for years. The constant pressure had turned the once-shy singer into a diamond-selling recording star. Unfortunately for Chad, he was still getting the coal shoulder.

“Now it’s even worse,” Savanah said, sitting beside her beau. “The tour starts next month, the movie begins shooting as soon as it ends, and sometime between now and then I need to drop a few pounds.”

Chad’s eyes drifted to Savanah’s stomach, which continued to concave despite her seated position. “Why, on Earth, do you need to drop a few pounds?”

“I’ll be damned if I’m going to be upstaged by some fifty-something has-been.”

“Angelina Jolie?”


The yet-to-be-titled comedy was set to star the underweight Hollywood heavyweight as Savanah’s mother and was hoped to be a vehicle for her return to cinematic stardom just as it was expected to be Savanah’s ticket there. Having her sign to the project was thought to be a coup; however, Savanah’s desire to match the figure of her sinewy co-star seemed like a recipe for dysmorphia.

Chad slumped in his seat and took a swig of his drink. “So much for slowing down.”

Savanah’s face softened, providing a glimpse of the girl Chad fell in love with. “I said that didn’t I?”

Chad nodded.

“And I meant it. I still do.” Savanah scooched closer to her boyfriend and placed a hand on his knee. “But I have to tour for the new album. I’m under contract. Then the movie came along. How could I say no to that?”

Chad said nothing. He didn’t want her to say no. He just wanted her. At least the ‘her’ he had fallen for before she was led astray by pop and circumstance.

“I turn thirty in a few months,” Savanah continued. “These opportunities are bound to start drying up. Then, I’ll slow down. But for now, I can’t afford to.”

“What if you could?”

“What do you mean?”

“What if you could go on tour, film your movie, record your music, and still have plenty of time for us?”

“Are you planning to have me cloned?”

“Even better.” Chad dug in his pocket and produced a business card which he handed to Savanah.

Savanah squinted since she’d already removed her contacts for the night--Concurrent Technologies. Solving tomorrow’s problems today.

“They do AI,” Chad continued. “State-of-the-art stuff. Not the janky shit you find online. They were featured on 60 Minutes a few months back. Forrest Sawyer didn’t even realize he was interviewing an android! Anyway, their headquarters is right here in Atlanta.”

“So, you want to make me a robot?”

“Not a robot. That’s too hokey and antiquated for what they do. They create ‘Custom Humanoids.’”

Savanah rephrased her query with equal skepticism.  “So, you want to make me a ‘Custom Humanoid’?” 

“I already did.” Chad leaned over and kissed Savanah’s blank face. “Happy Birthday!”

NOTA BENE: Sorry, no Magmaman visuals for this chapter.  There was nothing that quite fit and I didn't want to force it.  Several will accompany the next part, however!


Matt L.

I didn't expect the science fiction element, very original. On top of that, nice work on the dialogue, realistic and sets the tone.


Thanks, Matt. A bit of an exposition scene, but a necessary one.


OK, that robot stuff was a total surprise. Not sure quite what I think of this twist LOL.


It's a bit of a departure for me, for sure, but I think you'll dig where I go with it.