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In the past, I've mused about my reluctance to collaborate and how it's been a struggle to overcome. I still don't know what to attribute it to—growing up an only child?  One too many failed group projects in school?  General selfishness?  Who knows?  All I know is that before Riptoryx solicited my assistance in editing his masterpiece, The Slowest Champion--Revisited (circa 2016), I was a one-man, weight-gain-fiction-writing band.

Actually, that's not true.  Before I met Riptoryx, I was basically a RETIRED one-man, weight-gain-fiction-writing band.  Working with Riptoryx renewed my enthusiasm for the genre.  I appreciated both his talent and his story's tone.  It was like something I would have written--only better!  Most importantly, I felt I had found a kindred spirit whose feelings about weight-gain fiction mirrored my own.

Thus, a few years later, Mavrip was born.  It never would have happened without our collaboration and I've tried to embrace that collaborative spirit ever since.  It hasn't always been easy.  It's been easy with Riptoryx--we share a mutual respect and vision--but involving other artisans in our endeavors has, on occasion, been a humbling and frustrating experience.  Don't believe me?  You try convincing a respected voice actor to narrate your smutty weight-gain fiction ;).  Even requesting collaborations/commissions within our insular weight-gain world can be a challenge.  Let's face it; our brand of fiction isn't the touchy-feely, mutually consensual, everyone-ends-up-fat-and-happy brand most folks prefer.  We've been told "no" on numerous occasions and it stings.

Of course, the real worry begins once they say "yes."   That's when the difficult logistics of coordinating such endeavors kick in, and you just have to hope your collaborator's vision and sense of urgency match yours.  Fortunately, the majority of our Patreon partnerings have proven overwhelmingly positive.  Not only have collaborations with voice actors like Kim Reiko, models like GoodGirlGrow, and illustrators like MonoManiacprovided unique content for the page, but our back-and-forth dealings with such imaginative and enthusiastic talent have kept our own creative fires stoked.

And the more we've done it, the easier it's become.  After four years, we’ve cultivated a collective of collaborators with whom we work well, and we've developed a reputation as people who produce good work and are easy to work with.  Nowadays, more and more potential collaborators are reaching out to us.  Not only is this flattering, it eliminates the need to explain who we are and what we do or apologize for its subversive nature.  People who reach out to us are doing so because of it, not in spite of it.

Just last month, I was approached by edgy weight-gain illustrator, TheLustLord, to add some darkish dialogue for a weight-gain sequence he'd composed for his Patreon.  After seeing the sequence (and having already taken a similar tail-wag-the-dog writing approach with Magmaman's work), I agreed...as long as he allowed me to share the end result with you fine folks!

Rather than jumping to the exciting conclusion, however, I want to give you a glimpse behind the scenes into the creative and collaborative process.  Below is my back-and-forth correspondence with TheLustLord, my "script" for the series, as well as the illustrated sequence both before and after my literary assistance.  For the most part, it speaks for itself; however, I have added a few 'Editor's Notes' for clarification when necessary.



FROM TheLustLord
TO Maverickthewriter

Hey, love your stories, especially The Wicked Stepfather.
I wanted to ask you to add text dialogues to my already finished weight gain sequence. In exchange, I could make you a commission or something.
What do you think?


FROM Maverickthewriter
TO TheLustLord

Hey LustLord:

Thanks! The feeling is mutual! I definitely dig your weight-gain illustrations, too.

That sounds like fun, actually. I've done some of that with Magmaman's illustrations (as I'm sure you saw on my page) and it seems to work pretty well. It's a bit "tail-wag-the-dog," but I find it an interesting challenge.

My email is fictionwriter702@gmail.com if you'd like to send the images. I'd love to see what you've come up with!




Editor’s Note: After a bit more back-and-forth, TheLustLord sent me his ten-part illustration sequence via e-mail:

FROM Maverickthewriter
TO TheLustLord

Hey LL:

I received the 10 images you sent. Nice work! Is that the full series or just a sample?

I should be able to come up with something to tie them together. Since there are no other visible characters, I figure a combination of internal thought-bubbles and whispered commentary from unseen members of the gym might work best. How does that sound? Any other angles you were hoping for?




FROM TheLustLord
TO Maverickthewriter

It's a short sequence, so that's all there is.
Sounds great! Text thought bubbles and comments from other gym goers should work well.


Editor’s Note: At this point, I got busy composing a script for LL's illustrations.  (See attached Word document).  After I finished, I reached out to Riptoryx for his input:


FROM Maverickthewriter
TO riptoryx

Hey Rip:

Just thought I'd run this by you before I sent it to TheLustLord.  It's a "script" for the 10 illustrations he sent me.  As we discussed, there wasn't much opportunity to create a story, per se, but I tried to come up with dialogue that fit the visuals at least.  Let me know what you think.  Anything you'd change/add?



PS: I switched the sequence of the visuals a bit to better fit the narrative.


FROM riptoryx
TO Maverickthewriter

Those are good! It seems like you went with a similar conceit to what I would have--i.e., some "off-screen" narrative monologuing to establish context mixed with limited bits of related dialogue.

One comment/idea: The premise of someone who owns a whole gym business bailing to become a lifeguard strikes me as odd and kind of implausible without some clear justification. What if the "gym owner" narrator was just a gym employee rather than the owner? Seems like that could work with relatively few modifications and might make the job transition less jarring.



Editor's Note: Although I agreed with Riptoryx's critique, it took a couple of days for Riptoryx to respond and I wanted to get my script off to TheLustLord before a planned family vacation so I didn't make the suggested change.  Fortunately, Riptoryx didn't take it personally ;).    

FROM Maverickthewriter
TO TheLustLord

Hey LL:

Attached is a "script" for your 10 illustrations.  Hopefully, you feel my dialogue/commentary enhances your visuals.  I'll leave the formatting to you, but the attached Word document makes everything pretty clear.

Let me know what you think!



PS: I switched the sequence of a couple of visuals (from front to rear and vice versa) to better fit the narrative.


FROM TheLustLord
TO Maverickthewriter

Text is just great!

Here's what i got


FROM Maverickthewriter
TO TheLustLord

Those look great!  Let me know if you'd like to collaborate again at some point.




FROM TheLustLord
TO Maverickthewriter

I'd be glad to work with you again!

Maybe you'd like me to illustrate one of your stories or something?


FROM Maverickthewriter
TO TheLustLord

Very kind of you!  I may take you up on that!  I don't have anything in mind right now, but I have some projects in their infancy that would benefit from visual accouterments.  I will keep you posted!

Thanks again!


FROM TheLustLord
TO Maverickthewriter

Write to me anytime!



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