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It's (a)live!

That's right: this evening, Maverick's new text-based weight gain adventure game officially entered the "beta testing" phase. 

If you are one of the nine folks who volunteered to be a beta tester via commenting on the April 18, 2022 State of the Patreon post, be sure to check your email/Patreon messages. You'll find waiting for you a MAVRIP message with instructions.   

The plan is for about two weeks of beta testing (ending June 6, roughly). Depending on the feedback we get, we might keep it going longer. 

After literally years in development, this feels like a big milestone, not only for Maverick but for me too--and maybe for the whole MAVRIP crew. I doubt either Maverick or I would be able to muster the tenacity to keep plugging away on big projects beyond our comfort zone without the enthusiasm and encouragement you all provide. 

Thanks again.





Oh bother. I missed out.


Well, with the good work those folks have been putting in on the beta testing so far, I think you won't be missing out for *long*. And the payoff will be the better for it. ; ) -Riptoryx


FYI to anybody not involved in the beta test but still curious about its progress, here's a brief update. Over the past week, diligent testers identified a decent pile of coding bugs, typos, and other problems. So far, I think we've fixed almost all of those issues, and have plans to fix the few that aren't already sorted. Earlier today I circulated to the testers a beta version 1.1, incorporating all revisions made to date, for further evaluation. -Riptoryx