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Letting go of Tina's neck, the porch swing lurches violently back into position, jettisoning her onto the deck with a thud.  She scrambles to her feet as quickly as she can, which isn't all that quick.

"You've lost a step," you say, steadying the swing.

"Come any closer and you'll lose more than that."

Tina backs against the gazebos' trellis railing.  Not a bad strategy.  It keeps you in front while limiting your attack angles and options.  It cuts off her retreat, of course, but she's smart enough to realize her chances of getaway aren't good.  Speed isn't exactly Tina's strong suit anymore.

"Don't forget what I did to Tabitha," she warns.

"Flabby Tabby?"   Tabitha is a strong girl...or at least she was...but she was far from fighting shape when Tina gave her the permanent scar on her shoulder.  "Is that supposed to impress me?"

"It should.  She kicked your ass."  Tina raises her fists.  "At least until I saved it."

Tina's facts aren't completely accurate, but there's no point in splitting hairs.  Right now, you're more interested in feeding Tina until she's breaking chairs.

You smile and feint a lunge.  Tina sticks out her arms, likely in an attempt to redirect your momentum over the railing.  Instead, you catch her right wrist with your right hand, something you wouldn't have been fast enough to do when she first arrived, and yank downward across her body.  Tina spins into the twist, hoping to catch you with a backhand blow, but before she gains momentum you thrust your left palm against the back of her elbow and drive her into the barricade.

"Ooof--" Tina loses both her tongue and her breath as she doubles over the banister.   The whole gazebo shakes but, miraculously, nothing breaks.  Except, perhaps, the blubbery brunette's will to fight.

"Had enough?"  You catch the waistband of Tina's sweats to keep the bawdy bowling ball from rolling over the rail.

She answers you by wiggling her way into a wedgie.  As you pull her purple panties from her pants, you can't resist a slap of her tush.  It's a loud one.  You expect her ass cheeks are just as rosy as the ones flapping on the other side of the fence.

"Let me go, dammit!"


Tina tumbles, ass over tea kettle.  She lands flat on her back in a bed of Baby's Breath, losing her own in the process.

You hurdle the lattice barricade, ready to attack, but it's unnecessary.  Tina rocks back and forth like a flipped turtle, gasping for breath.  Crouching beside the helpless butterball, you give her smock-covered belly a playful pat.  "Too bad this has gotten bigger than your mouth."

With that, you hoist Tina into a fireman's carry for the trip back to the compound.  You're not sure how much firemen get paid, but it isn't enough.  Nevertheless, you find the strength to lug your corpulent concubine through the metal door, down the corridor, and into a special room you've prepared for the occasion.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Since you're no match for me now," you say, flipping on the lights as Tina's eyes widen in terror.  "Let's see how you perform at a higher weight class."

AUTHOR'S NOTE: No choices this week, as I am heading out for the holidays, but THOTC will return soon with a "feeding frenzy" of activity :).



That next part is going to be HUGE. Pun very much intended.




Doh! Thanks for catching that. I've been so busy with the ONA, I have Shelby on the brain!