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After several hours, Officer Morgan pockets her binoculars and heads back down the hill towards the dip in the fenceline that allowed her easier access to your property.  "Easier" still wasn't easy.  At its lowest point, the fence measures ten-feet tall.  Either she had some help or was tops in her class at the police academy's wall climb.  Either was possible. Since your cameras only cover the interior of your property you have no way of knowing what's happening on the other side; but even without assistance, Morgan, whose work ethic and fit-as-a-fiddle-figure sharply contrast most of the cops in the sleepy town who consider the duty easy mode, seems capable of bounding barriers like the girls on that Ninja Warrior show you occasionally flip past on TV.

If she intrudes again you may have to rectify that.

Morgan does, indeed, intrude again.  At the same time the following night, Morgan enters from the same location.  You don't hide from her this time.  Rather than being conspicuous in your absence, you brew some tea, grab a book from your library, and plop down on the living room sofa.  Two hours later, Morgan and her binoculars remain as steadfast as ever; however, you're getting antsy.  The tea is long gone and your legs are asleep under the weight of the boring book in your lap.  The leather-bound tome, authored by a Russian philosopher you've never heard of, looks impressive on your shelf but is too heavy, literally and figuratively, for casual consumption.

You rise, stretch, grab the empty cup from the table, and head to the kitchen to brew-up another pot and another plan.  This is getting serious.  Not only is Morgan's stubborn presence impeding your harem's progress and your enjoyment of it, but Anastasia still hasn't returned from her plunge into Tina's past and Morgan's surveillance inhibits your ability to look into it.  Of course, the fact that Officer Morgan reappeared just as Anastasia disappeared hasn't escaped you.

Regardless, Morgan's presence presents problems unlikely to go away on their own.  The good news is your patience established some predictable patterns that could be exploitable.  It also gave you an extra day to smooth things over with Tina, whose help could be invaluable in safely getting the drop on Officer Morgan.  Of course, plotting a diversion or ambush will take time.  You could lose your window of opportunity.

And then there's the whole question of whether or not you trust Tina.

What's your strategy?


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