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Here is the list of stories that Maverick and I think are best fit for narration treatment at this time.

Your task: select your preferred choice for narration using the accompanying poll.

Then what? Maverick I will set about getting narration lined up for the story with the most votes. In the unlikely event of a tie, we’ll resolve it by “dealer’s choice.” Maverick and I actually have our own wish lists for this kinda stuff, too, ya know!

What about all our other stories? For this short list we tried to focus on “classic” stories of middling length that we think will be most feasible to get narrated with a high quality in a timely manner.

Some stories, such as “The Wicked Stepfather: Revisited” or “The Slowest Champion: Revisited,” likely will be more challenging to get narrated—due to their length and especially, uh…”risqué” content. My experience lining up commissioned narration services for “You’re Going to Get Fat” taught me a few lessons in how tricky it can be to wrangle a satisfactory balance of talent, budget, availability, and amenability. But that’s not to say we aren’t interested in trying to land narration for stories like those! Rather, we just think a longer runway will yield better results for such stories, whereas getting a good result for the stories in this list should be a bit easier to manage in short(er) order.

Got any special concerns? Voice ‘em in the comments.  If you have a strong preference or some particular ideas you’d like to share, please let us know via comments on this post. Maverick and I will read them all and take them into consideration.




Haha. Not exactly the most “secret” thing I’ve ever seen, but: noted. Based on the poll results so far, your preferred “Jean Therapy” option seems to have a commanding lead. -Riptoryx