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Thank You

In 1996, I wrote "The Lesson" in response to the mediocre and limited gainer fiction available at the time. Over twenty-five years later, not much has changed. There's more to choose from, sure, but that just means more crap to sift through.

Our mission remains to provide quality gainer tales that probe the perverted preferences we prefer. Thank you, fellow perv, for supporting our efforts and for standing with us. You're going to love it here!


* * *

Thanks for believing in me and in Maverick.
Thanks for sharing not merely a kind word but even kinder currency. 
Thanks for being so damn kinky.
Thanks for having the uncommon courage to embrace your preferences.
Thanks for helping to make the world just a little bit kinkier for everyone. 
Thanks for putting your money where her mouth is. 
You make this worthwhile. 

Let's have some fun and ruin some waistlines. 

See you inside, Patron!


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Added: 2023-05