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These are some doodles I did throughout the month! There will probably be more soon, but these are what I've managed to draw recently~


1- It was Shay's bday recently ;__; <3 <3 <3 I actually only had the chance to doodle something for her the day after.... I feel so bad.... but this month, I've been all over the place and not resting super well 😭😭😭 I'll do better next year!!!!(I hope....)

2- Shay hair notes... and her typical outfits. I drew this as more of a reference sheet for myself to draw her hair and outfits/style consistently... also I'm redoing her tattoos for the 39384394th time.... yes... i know.. I'm indecisive ok... 😔

3- Elliot doodle I drew for my friend who lobs him.. LOL

4- Jin doodle I drew for another one of my friends who lobs HIM HAHA




i’ll love to see shay with tattoos!! i imagine them being super pretty !!


i love jin's design so much omg also happy belated to shay!