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*EDIT 12/20/2022: 

I fixed the anatomy on the piece with Miho inspecting Shay's teeth. I had revisited the piece to paint over the bobbies for a SFW version and fixed it. If you saved that picture, please save the new one and delete the old one, can't believe how bobble-headed Shay looked 😭😭

Whewww sorry this batch took me longer to put out, but as you can see... I could only keep one of these a doodle LOL I was trying to do nsfw b&w sketches, but I couldn't help myself... playing with lighting is so much fun.. plus I just love coloring nsfw pieces in general 😭😭

But yeah!! More of this au.. with more spice. πŸ”₯πŸ‘€ I hope you guys like these!!! Thank you for your patience and support πŸ₯ΊπŸ™β€β€β€ I'm planning on opening the request box again when I wake up tomorrow, to draw some stuff you guys wanna see... but the catch is... it must be related to this au, while it lasts :,) Because.... I'm not sure how long I'll keep it going, though... I don't have an official "expiration date" to it yet. πŸ€” It depends on a few things, but yeah! for now.. it's still going πŸ₯° 

Do let me know what you guys think on it, though! I'm really curious on if I should continue it or not πŸ₯Ί I do plan on bringing it back every fall-winter(?) though hehe.. as a treat. 




Keep it going please! This AU is just beyond fabulous


omg I LOVE would you ever do a zine for the au???