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I'm still drawing some random stuff just to motivate myself, and get it out of my head. I've been working on commissions, but my confidence wavered, and I'd rather not put that energy into a commission, it's better to work it out with my own stuff. I think this one came out kinda cute. I'm thinking about using "Wood-Splitter" the Orc again, but not as frequently as Mara. 




Damn, that Orc actually split that log with his just his cock.


That elf knows what’s up

That black guy

Would be fun to see what he's been up to for time to time and how far you can stretch their hol- the joke

Wild Bill

My headcanon is that like 90% of elf males are traps with pretty, girly faces, and 90% of elf females have similar figures with A-cup tits and narrow hips. There are a few study elf men and curvy elf women, but the vast majority you can't tell what they are unless they get their kit off.