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I've been kinda nervous about reopening for commissions because I feel like my work has been mediocre lately. $100 is a lot of money for anything, especially dirty cartoons, but that's the catch. I need money to make rent and my food-budget, so I gotta just dive back in and scrape up some more funds, even if I'm nervous about it. 

I feel pretty open to any idea right now, parodies or original content, but please understand that I'm an introvert who gets fatigued by interactions.  I'm really not the best person for a 'parasocial' relationship, or whatever.

Thanks! You're helping me live my best life as a stay-at-home cartoonist! I hope I'll get to keep doing this for as long as possible. 




Hey this is awesome and i don't wanna bother but i still have a comission that i haven't recieved it was dr doom and vader nothing sexual


Sorry about that. I can catch up if I missed something. I remember us talking about Dr. Doom as Darth Vader and maybe the Human Torch also as a jedi, but I don't remember finalizing with you. Can you tell me what you paypal name was? I can finish this in the next 2-3 days to catch up.


It's @christianD929 and my e-mail is cdiazfranceschini@gmail.com (just incase) and thanks for responding so fast, i have a few friends that are also artists so i really don't wanna be a burden and mess with your flow


Yeah man no worries, and darth vader doom, it's badass