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Man, I'm really lucky to have you guys, because I feel like my output was kinda mediocre this month. Thanks, everyone! 




Marky; you are awesome...I've always loved your work enough to criticism it when truly needed, that said I've yet seen anything this year or last that I can say you've 'phoned in'. Yes it might be that sometimes you look at it and go 'fuck...couldda done better here' but that is natural, you seem to be a perfectionist always wanting to give us only your best and man...gotta say that alone is worthy of our praise, because it shows like your thanks up there that you appreciate us. You are honest with us as well, not treating us as mere 'pay piggies' which is a BLOODY awesome plus...and honestly your kinda funny so its always great to see your humor shines through. Be you man and know we support you.


Hey man could I commission you I love your work

Columba of Tiberius

Good golly miss molly! This is fantastic! I love seeing girls and femboys turned into pretzels by chads.

Wild Bill

She's really sexy, love that chocolate skin tone.