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I thought I'd have this done as a Valentine's day joke, but (shrugs), I just don't want to draw right now. All my WIPs look ugly, so I just kinda hit a wall and stopped. I'm not even sure if this is worth finishing, considering it'll be a few days late, and I've got other stuff I need to finish, and I'm not even sure if the the joke is good. The joke is "Let your boyfriend do something special this Valentine's Day . . . Let him watch." That's kinda meh. It's hot to me, but I don't know if anyone will care. 


Master Dragon

Look mark even what you call ugly Still looks good. If I could draw like that I'd be psyched cuz It looks good and cool.


If it’s hot to you, then do it anyway. Perfect is the enemy of good.

Gur40goku GST

Done is better then perfect


Also if it’s hot to you then there’s a good chance it’ll be hot to others as well. Not always, but if we’re talking about the people who have signed up to your patreon there’s a good chance that percentage is pretty high.


Our perverted minds will enjoy anything you think is hot, plus cuck queen Elsa is a nice template